Thursday, 4 February 2010


Should high schools allow students to study only the courses they want to study?


  1. very good blog, congratulations
    regard from Reus Catalonia
    thank you

  2. I don't really know what to think about it : if we could choose few sbjects we'd like to study, some people wouldn't have more than 2 different courses and so a (big) part of the poplation would probably be stupid and empty
    But I'd really like that, if we had more subjects to learn it would be so interesting !

  3. I think it a waste of time to study the unnecessary subjects, they should only study their majors in their career areas.

  4. To satisfy everyone , perhaps we would settle some base subjects like : French , maths , english , history and for the others subjects as physical , economy , biology , students would have the choice . Because , i think that there are some subjects which are necessary to everyone .

  5. "if we could choose some subjects..."
    "...... and so most of the population..."

    "perhaps we should settle on some main subjects like...English..." such as
    "Physics & not physical".... "students would have a choice...
    "which are important to all"
