Thursday 16 January 2014

What sacrifices would you be ready to make in order to become successful?


  1. "First of all, It's important to say that sucess has several meanings.
    Each person can have his own opinion about what is really to be successful because every person has his own goals and wants to succeed in different areas. But what about me? What do I think it means to "be successful"? And what sacrifices would I be ready to do to succeed ?

    To begin with, I'm young so I have my whole life to get to my goals that I had fixed, or even just not to make big mistakes.. To my mind, beeing successful means a life where everything would be good, especially in work but also in family, in friendship..
    However, sacrifice is not an appropriate word in my case because if I really want to succeed, even if I have some problems, I won't have to make reals sacrifices.
    Beeing successful would be something that I want and not something I've been forced to achieve. So there would be no reason to talk about sacrifices. Indeed, I will have to make efforts and work hard if I want to be successful.

    However, I must look ahead in the future and see that sometimes, things can happen that we can't predict.. We can't know in advance what will happen in our lives. Therefore, even if today I think that I won't make any sacrifices, I would probably face sacrifices. I would probably, at a moment of my life, don't have choice.

    For example, if I want to study in the area of languages and that I must pass an important exam in English and that I need to practice. Then, I would have to leave France, my family and my friends, to live maybe in the United States during a certain period. I would be ready to make this sacrifice, because this would be for my future and for my studies.
    I'll give another exemple. Imagine I have a very good job and I want to start a family. Would I be ready to leave my job to take care of my children? That's a very good question. I would probably be ready to leave my job because the family is the most important thing in life.

    To conclude, I think I would not have to make sacrifices to succeed in my life but we can't know the future. So I'll just say that I would be ready to do a few sacrifices if it doesn't affect things or people I care about.

  2. Some sacrifices I would make in order to become successful are I would give up that extra hour of TV and it that extra hour of sleep to study. Also i would go home earlier to get my homework done.

  3. Success is something really unpredictable. A lot depends upon your studies, your ambitions and your personality.
    So, what sacrifices am I willing to make to be successful ?

    According to me, to have a successful career in this man's world, I would be willing to sacrifice my life as a mother. To be truly successful, you have to be focused on your career.
    As a matter of fact, having children burdens your everyday life with trivial problems like doing the shopping, the cooking, the cleaning and most of all: children's education.
    As far as I am concerned, you can work and have a home life with a husband and children.
    However, if you want a really successful career, especially if it concerns traveling and so on, you have to make a choice.

    At this point in my life, I don't think I will be strong enough to make the two work: the career and the home life.
    To conclude, I am willing to make the sacrifice not to have children to try to have a huge international and successful career that I've always wanted.

    1. *To have a successful career in this man's world, I would be willing to sacrifice my life as a mother.
      According to me : FALSE

    2. ...going shopping, cooking, cleaning... would be strong enough...

    3. I saw my mistakes, thank you Allegra !

  4. To become successful, I would make some sacrifices :
    First, I would work more regularly. Every day and even to bring forward my homework.
    Then, I would be less lazy sometimes.
    To finish, I would have as little of possible gaps in school and in life !

    There are lots of things that we can so to become successful but sometimes we don't think in it !

    In conclusion, there are many things I can do to become successful and it will be time to make it !

  5. To become successful, I would definitely sacrifice time. I would be willing to put time and effort to become successful as long as I enjoy it. The more time and practice you put in the better you will become at anything.

  6. To become successful, in the future, I'm ready to haven't a family. I want to do a hard work, which demands to be available and be invested. Even if I don't want to be alone, I can do this sacrifice, only if my work is more interesting. Of course, I'll make a lot of friends, at work for example, but I'm not interested to have child(ren). Perhaps a partner but I think that the work I want to do is too fascinating or even addictive.

  7. To become successful, i'm ready to sacrifice all my material goods, which are just "unnecessary". I think we can largely live without, it's just an entertainment and it's better to take our time at become a hardworking, instead of playing in computer or in phone. This several hobbies are not so good. And, i'm ready to seize any opportunity, what it costs if the final result deserves ! Of course this are just exemples, face up to a real chance ( i hope ), i know what to do.
    Maybe, i'm would ready to see less my surroundings but not to long...

    Manon HEKIC

  8. To become successful I think I will be ready to sell my childrens, let push my hair very very long, I could also have tattoo in my whole body (in my skull too of course). If with that I can't be famous, I think I will go in a stupid TV program, with idiots person (who will become my friends).
    Obviously I said anything, and I NEVER do things like that to be famous. It's so stupid. To become successful, you just need a talent, if you have no talent, we are like the other and it's ridiculous to try to be successful by any way.

    Caroline nasica

  9. What really is success ? Do we really want to be famous ? I don't think so, it is relative, in like success isn't the real life, we all need to have problems and difficulties in our own life, making mistakes makes us stronger and I think I won't do anything to be successful, we don't need this to have a good life, if we are confident, and if we never stop to believe of what we want, at this moment we will became successful in our own way.
    Lucy PV

  10. Hello ! I know this post has been published quite a while ago, but I must say I find the question so interesting that I've decided to still answer it, with delay.
    First things first, I would like to say that, like you've all very well pointed out, success is very personal in the sense that each and every one of us probably has a very different understanding of its meaning.
    To my mind, success is also something that evolves throughout your life. As a kid, being successful maybe means getting an A on your calculus test, or being better at rock paper scissors than your friends. Soon enough, though, the stakes get higher ; success might be about getting in a great university and passing with flying colours or having an active social life and later on, it might be about having a high and respected position in your firm or having a good family life.
    Nonetheless, success always seems to be defined in comparison to others : you are usually considered as someone successful when you're above average, no matter the domaine.

    Now for me, success is all about finding the perfect balance in life, which makes the idea of « sacrifice for success » rather contradictory, seing as commiting sacrifices in certain fields necessarily leads to a certain imbalance. I would say that to be successful, I'd be ready to temporarily - « temporarily » being the key word in this sentence  - put any personal well-being and immediate amusement in the background in order to make my studies or my work a priority. That being said, I think there's a time for everything, and one must not spend his life thinking about the future without living in the present time (the opposite extreme being equally, if not more, negative).

    What I would gladly sacrifice for success though is daily life laziness. Let me explain myself by giving an example. When (if it has ever happened to you) you spend a whole weekend watching tv-series, you can't rationnaly say that you're content about what you've done. Sure, you've probably had a blast binging on the whole series, but nothing productive and long-term came out of it, so you probably end up feeling slightly ashamed of yourself and wishing you had spent your time in a more purposeful way. Usually, when you find yourself doing that, it's not out of logical thinking (watching the entire show in one weekend isn't even that nice after a while) but rather out of plain laziness. That's why I would gladly let go of the lazy part of me in order to be my most successful self.

    Thanks for reading !
    Marina Berger, TS1.

    1. Just wanted to make a correction : it's "getting A on your calculus test" and not "getting an A on your calculus test". And just to clarify, rock paper scissors is a popular and common playground game.
      Marina Berger, TS1.

  11. Being successful is something that changes with time. It’s not something that is « timeless ». So the question is: what sacrifices would I be ready to do and not to do to become successful ?

    In the first place, there are many sacrifices I would be ready to make in order to become successful like leave my country for my studies. Also, leave my family and my friends. This could be hard for everyone but if I do what I want and if it’s far, I would have to.
    Notwithstanding, there are some things I wouldn’t ready to do like change my personality. For instance, I couldn’t reflect an image of me that is not the good, in other words, I’ll never make the sacrifice of changing my person.

    On the whole, there are sacrifices that we have to do to being successful.
    To my part, to reach my goals, I think that I do not have to leave my country or leave people I love. The most important thing is that a person doesn’t need to change her personality or change her opinions to be able to succeed
    Maha 1S1

  12. Hello everyone,

    I think that in order to be successful in the work industry it is necessary to make some sacrifices such as our time. We might have to work over some hours, go home late, and not go out partying with some friends. In some cases it is difficult to have a family ( with kids and so on) because our time is dedicated to our job, the army for example (being a soldier) is a job which one has to be dedicated to. I personally wouldn't be able to sacrifice all my time, because i wouldn't want my job to take over my life, but different people have different priorities. Some people prefer to have a calm job with a nice little family whereas others prefer to have a busy job and work very hard.

    FLANNAGAN Olivia 1S1

  13. Hello,
    well to be successful I absolutely have no idea what would I be able to sacrifice. There was always a part of me that wanted to be successful like a lot of people I guess, but I am not a capricious person when it comes to material comfort. I also always associated success with money, which is sometimes wrong. Anyway I think I would be able to sacrifice my time and maybe a part of social life for a moment even if to me it sounds like a huge sacrifice to make because I really love my friends and need them. Finally I believe being successful is not an essentiel thing in life, obviously you can do something you really love for living and wake up every morning telling yourself you're happy and actually mean it.

  14. I see that many people talk about professional success, as if it were the only true thing in this world. Society dictates this every day, but I would rather talk about success as happiness. To succeed in being happy by having confidence in oneself and in others. Professional success is only secondary and many great personalities who are rich and famous thanks to their professional success do not even know what it means to be "happy" anymore. Many people will see this way of thinking as too "bohemian" or "unrealistic". But it is when we lose something as precious as the pleasure of living, that we really realise its value and the lack it installs in us. To answer the question, I would not sacrifice anything, especially not my happiness.
