Wednesday 8 June 2011


What are the consequences of binge-drinking? How can it be prevented?


  1. Human have to eat and drink to survive. However it have to be limited because eating or drinking too much can bring problems among those diseases. So, what are the consequences of binge- drinking ? And how can it be prevented ?

    Firstly , a lot of awarness ads against binge -drinking show the dangerousity of this action . Because of binge-drinking there are for example many accidents on the road. Then binge-drinking people can become dangerous or aggressive . Battered women are often victim of alcoholic men. Moreover binge drinking can also become a disease that is alcoholism.

    Secondly , binge-drinking can also have a positive impact on people. Shymed people can become extroverts . When people first met , drinking can ease atmosphere and you can easily say what you have difficulties to say .

    However as it is now a danger and more and more people are threatened by binge-drinking, different sort of prevention have been developped . On the one hand there is a personal prevention that are associations , people are threaten for alcoholism . On the other hand authorities set up laws to limite binge-drinking .

    Finally as every things , it can be done but must be limited and be controled .

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  3. "Humans have has to be limited.........too much can cause health problems such as.... there are many warning ads........ to show the dangers... Binge-drinking is the main cause of road accidents. Binge-drinkers can become dangerous.... Moreover it can also trigger of a disease...
    However, binge-drinking..... when people first meet... you can say what would have been difficult to say in other circumstances.....
    Therefore it is now dangerous and more and more people are treated ....
    A shy person can become......There are different types of prevention .... associations help..... and the government help too by introducing laws...

    For every problem there is a solution...
