Wednesday 19 April 2017

Graduate studies

Next year, some of us will go to university or to big schools. 
Have you noticed how tuition fees are quite expensive in some universities or schools?
Many students fear that they will not have the financial means to pay for higher education. 

  • Do you think that university studies or some schools should be free?


  1. Some students know they won't study because they want to work as quick as possible but some others are ready to go to big schools or universities. But studies are not free!

    Studying can be really expensive if you want to go to private schools. But there is no need to be rich to study at university, the only problem is the housing when you don't live around the school. In the USA even public universities can cost a lot of money for example Harvard, Princeton, MIT, Yale (even know there are the best universities they are actually public universities). In France as long as it is a public school or a public university you won't spend a huge amount of money. But some students can get a scholarship if they work hard enough!It can be hard to study at the best schools when you don't have a lot of money but not impossible if you are really motivated.

    As far as I'm concerned I think we are lucky to live in France because it is so much easier to study without spending a lot of money like in the USA. However not every good students can study at the best schools which is not fair because this means only the one who have enough money to pay for there studies will go far. The school system may not be always as fair as we want it to be but it is our motivation that will prove we can do whatever we want as long as we work hard.

  2. To my mind, university studies should indeed be totally free because it discriminates the have-nots and favours others. Even if scholarships exist, they never help enough to pay the whole cost of the tuition fees or the whole year of study. For example, even if I'll have a shcolarship next year, I won't be able to save money for when I want to go in a great school. Moreover, I skipped a grade when I was younger, which means that I can't find a job that will allow me to earn money, for now. I even think that private schools shouldn't be paying because they are the one which are most promoting for our future.
    To conclude, I think paying to get into a school doesn't place everyone on an equal footing.


  3. Hello everyone,
    First of all, not everybody can go to an univesity because it can be expensive. But, studies should be possible for everyone. That's why, we can think that free universities could be a solution to make people equal.
    However, it is not that simple. Indeed, teachers have to be paid. If schools were totally free, the state would pay them so the taxes would be higher and people would finally pay. Then, I don't think that free universities will fight against the inequalities, but grants can.
    To put all in a nutshell, I don't think that totally free universtities can be a solution to reduce inequalities. However, the universities should be less expensive and higher grants should be given to students in need.
    Eve Hanoune

  4. Hello !

    - Nowadays many student want to go in big universities but studying can be very expensive…

    - As for me, university studies should be free because equality must continue after high school. This kind of injustice is awful because if students have to pay for university education, this may dissuade them. In theory, students could work part-time, but this may be sufficient to discourage students from studying and instead may enter the job market earlier. I think that government can encourage people to study by giving back universities studies free.
    - However paying studies and fewer student can ensure higher quality of education, indeed the rapid rise in university numbers means that greater pressure is being put on university resources. If universities can charge students, it will help maintain standards, quality of teaching and the reputation of universities.

    - To finish don't forget that scholarships exist and it is a great advantage.

    Clara Latella 1S4

  5. Hello,
    I think that the studies should be free, because all the students must be able to integrate higher education without being afraid of not being paid schools. Moreover, we are in a society that wishes Have students with studies because student today and the solution for tomorrow, however many families can not pay the fees. This will mean that the studies are like before, is reserved for students with parents With high incomes. In addition, there are many students from low-income families with strong skills, but they do not have access to higher education. Intelligence does not depend on the social environment.
    Alves Freitas Diana 1l1

  6. Hi everyone!

    Firt of all, we have to differentiate american universities from french universities !
    In France, it is much cheaper!
    In the USA, the fees might prevent some young adults to study, and some of them even have to borrow money from the bank.
    I would mind paying for an university as long as it is still affordable for everyone !

    To put it all in a nutshell, education is a fondamental right that everyone should be able to afford !

    Coline Chataing 1s4

  7. Hi everyone,
    I think it is a good subject to talk about since we are going to be soon concerned by it.
    To my mind, the idea of paying his/her studies doesn't sound stupid but one the other hand, it makes me feel skeptical. Many of us are unfortunately not able to afford to study in big universities such as Oxford for instance but I also think about French business school. Prices are sometimes hideous and inequalities come partly from this disadvantage. Nevertheless, scholarships allow brilliant students from any social background to reach the best schools and I wish it would exist in France!

    To put all in a nutshell, it is a shame to pay huge amount for accessing higher education although it is not that simple to make schools free as Eve rightly underlined.
    Marie Moroni 1S4

  8. Hi everyone!
    To begin with, I would like to say that some universities are free so I disagree with the whole affirmation.
    However, in my opinion, I think that some colleges should be payed by the country even if it's hard to pay for every students.
    I guess that if the universities were payed by France, our taxes would have been more expensive so do you want more taxes? Indeed, the country doesn't have enough money if it doesn't ask French people.
    Nevertheless, you should see the prices for colleges in other countries such as in the United States, it's very expensive. So maybe our system for schools is good.
    On the other side, I accept that some parents can't pay for their children and maybe we should help only them for schools not the rich families.
    To conclude, I think the French system for schools should be only changed for few young students.
    Lena Szepetowski,1S4

  9. Hi,

    -To begin with , access to university is a priority for people who want to continu their studies after the Baccalaureat. In fact, studies permit to have more qualified person in today's working world and when we think that people have to pay a lot while others do not have the means to fall back studies , it is unacceptable.
    -As for as I'm concerned , even if the schools is compulsory , it must be accessible to all if we want , in the future , have a country that fonction well , without any unemployment. I'm not saying that it must be free but the government need to make an effort in the context of education, I mean , it would be useful for everybody to decrease prices of schools.

    Patricia Petrea 1S4

  10. Everybody dreams being able to reach the best schools having had his tub to be able to study in good conditions and so get ready for the best possible future. However, even if we live in a country where the studies are more easily accessible than in others (as the United States), it is true that the price of certain schools remains still very high.

    For start, I shall say that we are lucky being able to reach schools, whatever they are, and to have a chance being able to study in a general way, but especially to being able to study what we want. Without the money which we put back to schools, I do not think that they could propose us the numerous activities that she could have to offer us as journeys, internships, or still any sorts of leisure activities during our student years.

    Nevertheless, thus I understand as well the fact as to study is something of mattering who could of this fact be free. Certain schools, in particular private schools are extremely dear and even if they are considered as their success and their wide choice of activities, the price remains not less ridiculous and really difficult to access in spite of the stock exchanges there which we can sometimes have.

    To conclude, I shall say that personally, I find it normal that we pay to have access to a good education and to a good training. However, I also think that not to cross and that certain schools ask for really far too much money for the access something which everybody should have access fairly.

    Louise Azinheirinha, 1L.

  11. hello everyone,
    first of all, I would like to say that I think we are very lucky in France, nowadays to have complitly full free education.
    as far as I am concerned, I think that all schools all over the world should be free so that everybody can have the same opportunities in life and get the chance to travel.
    hana ayed 1es2

  12. Hi,
    First of all, education can be very expensive all over the world. Indeed, the cost of American or British universities is about nine thousand Euros per year which at the end of one's studies sums up to a lot of money. As a consequence, lots of students end up having part-time jobs and borrowing money from banks.
    In my opinion, everyone deserves to be educated. It's sad that intelligent people drop out of school because they can't afford it. So I think there should be universities that are free or very inexpensive and private universities for those who prefer a more prestigious education.
    All in all education should be accessible to everyone even for adults.


  13. Hello everybody,
    I truly share everyone's point of view, i think that university should be free but as Eve underlined it well, it would be very difficult to achieve. Sweden can be a good example to illustrate the complexity of the process. In Sweden universities are free and that's really good because it allows every student to have the same chances to succeed. Nevertheless, in order for that to be economically viable for the State, it must increase the income tax, consequently increasing the cost of life.

  14. I think we don't have to blame us about graduate studies. France is offering many way of studies which are free. Let's take some exemples : if you want to be a physician, the medicine university is free, you just need to have the require level.
    Second exemple : the best school in France (Ecole Polytechnique) is completely free which is not the case in USA. A year in Harvard is very expensive and everybody can't get access to the school even if they have the require level.
    Of course they are also expensive schools and university because they are private.
    If every university and school in France would be free, it means that state would be leading all of them so more taxes. I think our model is very good.

  15. Hi everyone,
    I totally share Eve's point of vue when she said that if schools were totally free, the state would pay them so the taxes would be higher and people would finally pay. When something become free thanks to the state, in all cases something else will become paying or more expensive...
    As Garance said Sweden can be a good example to illustrate the complexity of the process because in Sweden people are richer in general so in France it would not work...
    To conclude I think that we can be happy in France because few universities are very expensive and there are scholarships to help people in difficulties in contrary to USA or Great-Britain...

    Jacques Krzymuski 1s4
