Thursday, 9 September 2010


In your opinion, how should parents and teachers discipline children? Are you for or against boarding schools?


  1. Abacus :
    Arithmetic was perfomed with the help of a calculator, or the victorian equivalent, the abacus.
    Those who practise with the abacus can perform calculations faster and better than their electronic equivalent .

  2. Are you comparing today with Victorian schools?

    "was performed"

  3. Dunce, is a word who means “cancre” in French. This world was created by Jean Duns Scot.

    Dunce’s cap, is a punishment for the student who not trying hard enough or have misbehavior. Indeed, the students have to wear a hat with a big D letter, on his head. Moreover, he must stand on a stool at the back of the class. It’s a sort of humiliation for students during Victorian time.

    Fortunately, this method of punishment is extinct now. They have ceased to exist in 1901, at the end of the Victoria’s time
    Just Imagine, in Albert’s Calmette School, if in English class you have to wear an ugly hat, stand on a stool at the back of the class … Poor guy on the stool! Thanks for us, now if we have a bad behavior we have to write irregular’s verbs. On the one hand, write irregular’s verbs take so much time and it’s not fun at all, and on the other hand, Dunce’s cap just consist to stand on the stool …
    After reflection, I think I opted the option number one, Irregular’s verbs

    What about you ?

  4. "is a word that/which means" "student who did not try hard enough" "or who has misbehaved" "irregular verbs" "writing irregular verbs" "consist in standing......"
