Friday, 28 February 2014

Smart Houses

In 1999, Disney made a movie called Smart House where the house could operate household functions on its own instead of a human doing it. Today, new technologies are being developed to make smart houses a reality.

In the movie, the house begins to control the family instead of the family controlling the house. To what extent do you think new technologies are safe?

1 comment:

  1. On the one hand I think that there can be a safe use of new technologies, because it can be very helpful, for example thanks to the progress of the medical technology, many people had been saved. It's also a good point for the communication: today it would be difficult to live without a cell phone! To my mind, advancements in technology are also good, because when people do some thing that affects the way their technology acts, that changes their lives for the better. An advancement implies that one is advancing some thing, and when you advance, you are leaving the past failures behind.
    Technology has helped us learn, communicate, entertain, enjoy life, search and do many more things. We use it for just about anything we can think of and it is a great tool. Sure, there may be some consequences of technology but overall it is really helping us be more social and interactive aspects with relatives or friends living far away for example.

    On the other hand, new technologies could become out of control and could lead us to the end of the world earlier then it should naturally. Its bad enough when you have to listen to a computer! New technologiescan also affect the education. In fact, children all over the world have now got mobiles, computers etc..This also leads to the most important: cyber bullying. So we could sometimes think that technology is leading us to the worst for our future. Furthermore, I find that as technology becomes more advanced we humans are getting lazier and lazier! When they make a piece of technology easier, it may benefit us if we are short on time, but it does not teach or help us in the other ways. In my opinion, we should just let nature have its course, because for all the good technology does, there is an equal or worse negative effect that arises from its complications. We are loosing our freedom.
