Sunday, 23 September 2018

Outstanding events in the USA

Write about some of the things you have learnt or found out since the beginning of the new school year (september 2018)


  1. Hello!

    We are at the beginning of the school year but we also learn a lot of thing more precisely about the USA.

    First, we had to do research about different subjects.
    My group’s subject was the year 1863. So we looked for events that happened that year;
    My part was about the “Emancipation of the slaves” : I learned that Abraham Lincoln, the president at that time, proclaimed the Declaration of Emancipation on September first 1863 !
    It wasn’t abolition yet, but it was the first step in a good direction.
    The abolition came 2 years later thanks to the same President, Mister Lincoln.

    Then during the other presentations we learned more about the birth of jazz, what were the flappers or the flagpole sitting.

    To sum up the different presentations learned us a lot of new things about the USA’s history and I hope to you too.

    Clara Porcier--Bertels

  2. Hi everyone !

    I am going to talk about the birth of mass culture during roaring 20's.
    First, the roaring 20's were a period of industrial revolution and economic prosperty.
    They were marked by novelty and modernity. The goal was also to forget about the most devastative war for the time, World War I. The economy in the USA grew up and made the country become the richest in the world.
    To continue, industry was based on massive production and new technologies. For example people had money to spend in new inventions like electric refrigerators, telephones or radios, which allowed better communication with the rest of the world. In addition, cinema developped and many people started going to the theatre : about 3 Americans ouf of 4 visited a movie theatre every week. But the most famous object that was sold was certainly the car : with new methods of production (massive industrialisation with the invention of Fordism) and low prices, almost all Americans could afford a car. Moreover, roads and service stations were built, strenghtening this business.
    The end of rconomic prosperty was marked by a huge crisis in 1929, which not only touched the USA but also the whole world.
    To conclude I would associate the roaring 20's with ideas of progress as it's a period of modernity.

    Marie J, TES3

  3. Hello, since the beginning of the year i learnt biographies of famous authors like P.ROTH and J.D.SALINGER and some interesting things about them. First, P.ROTH was an American novelist and short-story writer, he was born march 19, 1933, Newark, New Jersey. Philip graduated from Bucknell University in 1954, in 1959 he won the National Book award for Goodbye Colombus. Over the years he has earned many accolades for his work for ex: second National Book award and etc...
    Then, J.D.SALINGER was an American writer whose novel The Catcher in the Rye won critical acclaim and devoted admirers, especially among the Post-WW II generation of college students. His corpus of published works also consists of short stories that were printed in magazines, including The Saturday Evening Post,Esquire, and The New Yorker.

  4. Hi everybody!

    Since the beginning of the year, i have learn many things about USA.
    I have work about the subject "flagpole sitting". Flagpole-sitting was a new fad of the 1920s. People did it for free entertainment, endurance, and it was a hobby many people took upon. The main objective of flagpole sitting was to see who could sit on a flagpole the longest with a diminutive platform for support. Those who sat for a long period of time were treated as heroes. Some people began famous and rich because they were the best. The longest time someone had sat on a flagpole in the 1920s was 21 days. One 15-year-old boy, set a record of ten days. He was the youngest boy to reach such a standard and he became an inspiration to the youth.
    Paul MABIN TES3

    1. sorry i made some mistakes:
      I have learnt about the USA
      I worked on the subject
      "Become" and not "began"

  5. Hello everyone,

    I will tell you what i learned on the Usa during roaring Twenties.
    We saw several important points like the economic, new woman and technological progress:
    First, the 1920s were an age of dramatic social and political change. The nation's total wealth more than doubled between 1920 and 1929, and this economic growth swept many Americans into an affluent but unfamiliar "consumer society"
    To continue, the most familiar symbol of the "Roaring Twenties" is probably the flapper; is a young woman with boobed hair, who drunks, smocked, had noticeable makeup and fun-loving attitude, in addition to being more sexually "free" than previous generations.
    But in reality, most young women in the 1920s did non of these things. Futhermore, the women gained some freedom. They could vote thanks to the 19th amendment to the Constitution in 1920.
    Afterwards,there was new devices such as the diaphragm made it possible for women to have fewer children. And new machines and news technologies like the washing machine, the vaccun cleaner eliminated some of the drudgery of household work.

    To conclude, to my mind , the roaring 20's was been a primary period to changement and evolution !

    Bernabe Shirley Tes3

    1. Sorry I made some mistakes:
      "what i learned about the Usa"
      "new types of women's attitude"
      "was a young woman"
      "who drank"
      "did none ... .Futhermore, women"


  6. Hello,

    We are at the beginning of the year but I have already learned about the USA, especially about flagpoles sitters, which I did not know existed before. It's very interesting, it's a hobby that took place in the 1920s and that consists of sitting on a pole for as long as possible. It is also important because it was a way to find pleasure together and hope in this post-war period
    and some characters like Shipwreck Kelly, have inspired many young people.

    1. Hello, sorry it's not "consists of sitting" but "consist in sitting"

  7. hello,
    i am going to talk about the year 1863, in particular the battle of Gettysburg, an event that fits into the notion of place and forms of power. The battle of Gettysburg is the most famous of all the battles of the american civil war. This battle began on the 1st July to July 3, 1863. Northeners and Southeners deliver difficult confrontation. The north being more developed and populated, wanted to impose its economic and social model with regards to slavery , while the south was more conservative.The two camps exhausted by the losses, the battle ends on July 3, 1863 but not the Civil war Gettysburg remains the deadliest battle ever fought on American soil.

  8. Hello everybody,
    In English class, we talked about different subjects connected to the United-States. We learnt a lot of things from the work of each other but I especially worked on the cultural civil war during the roaring 20's, so I am going to talk about it a little bit.

    This period was called the cultural civil war for different reasons. First of all, during this period, a lot of African Americans from the southside of the country went to the nothern cities of the USA. Those migrations led to a sort of emancipation. Indeed, the roaring 20's were a synonym of freedom. As the emancipation of women, this was also a time for the development of black culture, like the black music, or black literature (Harlem Literature).

    However, this new visibility led to different conflicts between black and white populations. In fact, people of states like Indiana or Illinois joined the Ku Klux Klan, which reprensented the "old" values or ideologies present before the emancipation.
    Moreover, in 1920 an anti-immigrant hysteria led to a restrictive law, the National Origins Act (1924), which excluded some people in favor of others.

    In conclusion, th: period of the roaring 20’s was called “cultural civil war” because of the conflicts between the inhabitants of the United States, but it remains a period of emancipation and progress after all.

    Romane ALLAIN TES3

    1. I made a mistake, it is not "people of states" but "people from states"
      Thank you
      Romane ALLAIN TES3

  9. During this new school year, I have already learned many things, especially about the USA, after making presentations, my friends and I worked on the theme of Jazz, we learned the origin of the Jazz, and by what means we have arrived in jazz nowadays.
    We also studied extremely famous artists like Ella Fitzgerald and even Louis Armstrong.
    It was a very good project to work on these themes, others of our classmate also worked on important dates concerning the United States.
    it was once again a rewarding project.

  10. I think, I have learned new things, even when I read a lot of stories in english, on differents websites (and funny thing, I can understand this stories but translation is more... how to put it ?... difficult.)
    But, I may add that I don't know all (which is better that way), I mean,we learn everyday, life would be pretty boring without learning something new.
    So, yes. I have learned new things since the beginning of this new school year, like... The USA and how they had been created or how it was before, I don't know but I have never thought of learning it,I didn't feel the need to learn how USA had became what it is now, so yeah, I may thank my teacher.
    Hope to learn new things everyday.

    Emilie Lacroix, 1°S 1

    1. I made some mistakes, so here, is my corrected text:

      "I think I have learned new things, even when I read a lot of stories in English*, on different* websites (and funny thing, I can understand these* stories but translation is more... how to put it ?... difficult).
      But, I may add that I don't know everything* (which is the best way*), I mean, we learn everyday, life would be pretty boring without learning something new.
      So, yes. I have learned new things since the beginning of this new school year, like... The USA and how 'it was created'* or how it was before. I don't know but I have never thought of learning it. I didn't feel the need to learn how the USA has* become* what it is now, so yeah, I may thank my teacher.
      Hope to learn new things everyday."

      Sorry for bothering you,
      Emilie Lacroix 1°S 1

  11. Hello everyone, have you heard about the Kavanaugh case ?
    Brett Kavanaugh wanted to be elected as the judge of the Supreme Court. But Christine Blasey Ford accused him of sexual harassement. She wanted to conduct an investigation with the FBI to prove that he is guilty. Sadly the FBI only had one week to prove his guilt and didn't finish the investigation.
    Brett Kavanaugh denied the allegations.
    In the meanwhile the elections for the Supreme Court were still running. There were two senators ( one republican and one democratic) who were indecisive on who to vote for. And since Trump wanted Kavanaugh to win he saw his chance in the two senators. He offered them a lot of money so they would vote for Kavanaugh and they took the offer.
    The winner of the elections would be announced next Saturday.
    I am very angry that a person that is accused of sexual harassment twice could be the new judge of the Supreme Court because a judge is someone who fights for human rights and justice. Last but not least Kavanaugh is 53 years old and would be the judge of the Supreme Court for the rest of his life.

    Rose-Carmen PREISS 1 S°1

  12. Since the beginning of this school year, we have first studied the history of America. We made short presentations that allowed us to review important events. More precisely on the 13 original colonies, slave states, the freedman and other themes. At the same time, we are reading a book called "Ask no Questions", which tells the story of a psychologist with a very rare talent who must prove that a Pentagon employee is innocent in a terrorism case.
    In addition of that , we have learned the method to describe a picture and I wonder what we will learn at the soon.
    Rita L

  13. Hi !

    I am going to talk about jazz.

    To start, Jazz is a type of music characterized by a particular articulation of the rhythm and the phrasing called the swing and improvising.
    Jazz began in the end of the 1800s in the southern States of the U.S.A., mainly in New Orleans within the black community of Afro-Americans.
    In brief, Jazz found its origins in a cultural mix.

    The African music was present at work and during religious practice.
    Different situations created different types of singing. For instance, gospels for religion purposes or blues to express despair.

    Jazz was played in the street before it was heard in bars, taverns, brothels or clubs.

    Finally, I going to give you two exemples of wellknown artists:
    - Ella Fitzgerald. She’s an American Jazz singer named "the first lady of swing". She represents the myth of the biggest American black singer.
    She sang "Summertime", which is a really known song.
    - Louis Amstrong is a great trumpet player, singer, songwriter and bandleader. He is prominent in the history of music. He sang the famous song: "What a wonderful world".
    Juliette SAUVE TES3

  14. Hello,
    The beginning of the year was a little disturbed by the change of teacher, schedule and the absence of Mrs Ricketts. Despite this, we learned a lesson about the American colonies and the beginning of the United States. We had to make a short presentation on an important event in the USA history.
    Afterwardwe have learn how to describe a picture. Endly we saw a film about a black women engineer at NASA. We musst also read the book "Ask no Questions".
    Timothée 1s1

  15. During this new school year, i learn lot of things about the twenties more particularly about the flappers and Scoot Fitzgerald. Scoot Fitzgerald is a famous American writer, many of the journalist considered him as the creator of the flappers because of "This Side of paradis" which is a novel published in march 1920 but he really began to write about flapper culture in shorts stories for a magazine "The Saturday evening post" in April 1920 many of these stories were plushied in a book under the title "Flappers and Philosophers" if Fitzgerald was considered of chronicler of the flappers, it's because of his wife Zelda Fitzgerald who was considered as the quintessential exemple one. She met Fitzgerald in 1918 when she was 17. Scoot Fitzgerald claimed that Zelda was his inspiration for all his female characters. Emilie Struelens TS5

  16. Hi everyone,
    In class, we had to do a little research about important events that happened in the USA during the years. As for me, I inquired about the events of the 21st century.

    In 2001, a tragic event happened: four planes crashed into to World Trade Center in New York. This terrorist attack killed 2.996 people and 6000 people were injured. The same year, George Bush was inaugurated the 43rd President of the USA.
    An important law was signed in 2002 called “No child left behind act”. In 2004, the well-known social network Facebook was launched and President Bush was reelected.
    Sadly, the world went through some natural disasters like the Atlantic hurricane which caused serious damage in 2004, the Hurricane Katrina which killed 1.836 people and the Hurricane Ike in 2008 which killed 100 people along the Texas coast.
    An important figure appeared the 4th November 2008: Barack Obama became President of the USA. To my mind, he was a great man because he did a lot for his country. For instance, he signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and signed “the patient protection and affordable care” into a law in 2010.
    The famous pop icon Mikael Jackson died in 2009, leaving behind a sad and dedicated Audience.

    To conclude, a lot of things happened during this century but I couldn’t talk about everything. I think it’s important for us to know a part of our history and we should not neglect that!

    Léa B TS3

    1. Sorry i didn't want to say "inquired" but "looked for"

  17. Hello,
    I wanted you to talk about the beginning of my new school year .
    At the beginning of this one we worked in groups of four on differnt subjects . With my group we worked on the subject " freedman" .
    The freedman is a former slaves who has freed from slavery . Slaves were freed either by their owner or granted as part of a larger group .
    In addition , Mrs Ricketts gave us many expressions to formulate our English sentences .
    Then we work on a text entitled "My first road trip , out West" . I would like this text because it is a young girl who tell his trip and tells us about her memories , feelings , places and events she visited .

    Florica Andreea 1S1

    1. Hello everybody ,
      I made a mistake :
      I wrote " The freedman is a former slaves who has freed" instead of "The freedman is a former slaves who was freed"

  18. Hi everyone, I hope you are well :

    In English class, we talked about different subjects connected to the United-States. We learnt a lot of things from the work of each other but I especially worked on the Flappers.

    First, the term flappers qualifies a current of mode of twenty century which showed itself during roaring twenties. It is the name that we give in The United States to the young women flappers during this century. They wore skirts or short dresses, with free customs. They smoke, drink some alcohol. This term means “garçonne” in French and it’s diverted from boy.

    Secondly, we can see several characteristics of this current. As the haircut : with woman who cut their hair as boys or in squared. We can see that during this current they made up a lot : Dark eyes, especially kohl-rimmed, were the style. For this century, lipsticks are fashionable. The women formed their eyebrows imitating the actors as Clara Bow.

    So, Flapper is a current very famous and it has representative personalities as Betty Boop, Louis Brook or Coco Chanel.


  19. Hey guys !

    I would like to share with you one important thing I've learned about the USA since the begining of the new school year.

    First, the year of 1960 is marked by The Greensboro sit-ins, which took place from the first of February till the 25th of July. These are series of non-violent direct actions to end racial segregation at the Greensboro, a North Carolina restaurant counter.

    Indeed, the actors are four young black students, inspired by Martin Luther King and his principles of non-violence. Therefore, the four men took seats at the store, they asked to be served and when they were denied service, they didn't leave.

    Then they repeated this a thousand times until they achieved their goal which was simple : to end the counteurs reserved for white people and mostly the racial segregation in public places.

    Thao PHAM, TES3

  20. I made some mistakes, here is the corrected version :

    We are at the beginning of the school year but we also have been taught a lot of thing more precisely about the USA.

    First, we had to do research about different subjects.
    My group’s subject was the year 1863. So we looked for events that happened that year;
    My part was about the “Emancipation of the slaves” : I learned that Abraham Lincoln, the president at that time, proclaimed the Declaration of Emancipation on September first 1863 !
    It wasn’t abolition yet, but it was the first step in a good direction.
    The abolition came 2 years later thanks to the same President, Mr.Lincoln.

    Then during the other presentations we learned more about the birth of jazz, what were the flappers or the flagpole sitting.

    To sum up the different presentations learned us a lot of new things about the USA’s history and I hope to you too.

  21. Hi! Even if we are at the beginning of the year, we have learned a lot of things about USA. I am going to talk about former slaves, named freedmen, in the XIX century, but in class we also worked on the Pilgrim Fathers, The Boston tea party, the Civil War...

    So I studied on freedmen, and especially the Freedmen's Bureau. The Freedmen's Bureau was created on the 3rd of March in 1865 by Congress. It's also known as the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands. The Freedmen's Bureau was organized into districts covering the 11 former rebel states, the border states of Maryland, Kentucky, West Virginia and Washington D.C. The aim was to help former slaves in their transition from slavery to freedom.
    The Freedmen's Bureau helped a lot of former black slaves but also poor white people.
    To give an exemple, more than 21 000 000 rations were distributed, and the Bureau also built hospitals and gave medical assistance to more than 1 000 000 freedmen. In addition, the Freedmen's Bureau gave confiscated or abandoned lands during the Civil War to freedmen, and established schools for freedmen and their children. More than 1 000 black schools were built, like Howard University, an all-black school in Washington D.C.
    But, unfortunately, the Freedmen's Bureau didn't get enough money to do the things they needed to do and they weren't enough

    To conclude, I think the Freedmen's Bureau helped so many people in need, included former slaves in the USA society, even if there were difficulties and critics.

    Thaïs Genoux 1S1

    1. Hello, sorry I made some mistakes
      -"About the USA" instead of "about USA"
      -"Organised in districts" instead of "organized into districts"
      Thaïs Genoux 1S1

  22. Since the beginning of 21th century, global warming has been increasing temperature all around the world. Besides melting of glaciers which causes rise of seas, this rise of temperature has also been increasing frequency of fires in areas subject to fire of large scale like California.
    Indeed loads of wildfire have ravaged west side of America since the beginning of 2018 school year, in particular in the famous state of California. Last year those wildfire destroyed about 559,035 hectares of land but this record was broken since 2018, in fact more than 738,351 hectares was destroyed since 2018, it’s the most destructive wildfire season on record in California. 14,000 firemen were sought to control those huge fires and over fires caused more than 2,975 billions dollars in damages. Unfortunately,100 civilians and 6 firefighters found death. Those damages were caused by 7,893 fires, the biggest one was the Mendocino Complex fire that burned more than 186,000 hectares which made him become the largest complex fire in the state’s history and California’s single-largest recorded wildfire. As a result, lot of people lost their houses, even famous people were impacted. This event has just ended few weeks ago.
    To conclude, America was shocked by this outstanding event, government must find quickly how to limit factors which trigger wildfire if they want to protect population from these events. Moreover It also shows that the global warming cannot be neglected, therefore Donald Trump has to change his way of thinking and at the same time his political direction.

    Matthieu Rafatjah TS5

    1. Sorry, I made some mistakes :

      - on a large scale
      - 6 firefighters died
