Monday, 18 February 2019

What is your opinion about Brexit ?


  1. Hello !

    « Brexit » is one of the most important fact of the last three years. This word means « British Exit » of the European Union. This « Exit » was voted in June 2016 and the United Kingdom will leave EU at the end of March. After this vote, David Cameron, the former prime minister, resigned.

    Some people agreed with « Brexit » (51,9% of British people, who are allowed to vote, voted for it), but now, more and more of people disagree with it and don't want to get out of EU.
    In one hand, people who are for « Brexit » want their sovereignty back, they say that EU has too much power on United Kingdom. Then, they say that the immigration is uncontrolled, European people can travel wherever they want in EU.
    But in the other hand, thank to EU, immigration is controlled in France, so illegal migrants can't go in England. Moreover, this exit is an issue for UK and countries of EU because, now, they have to write new agreements, etc. Furthermore, « Brexit » drives issues for people, because people won't be able to work in England, for example, and British people who want to work in other European country will have the same problem.
    So I disagree with « Brexit » for all these reasons.

    Finally, as I said earlier, people who are against are more and more numerous because they realized all the issues that will happen after the « Brexit ».

    1. I made some mistakes

      but now, more and more of people disagree with it and don't want vote it.

      On the one hand ...; But on the other hand

      they say that EU has too much power over United Kingdom.

      so illegal migrants can't go to England.

      "Brexit" will bring problems for people

  2. Hello !
    To start with, I didn't know many things about "the Brexit" (only in broad outline). So I read articles, one of them was about the reasons for which the UK wants to leave the European Union. In the article, the first reason was immigration's problem. I was a bit shocked to read that. Because I think that's no excuse, furthermore immigration affects everybody in the world. They can't abandon the needy. To conclude with, I hope it will not obstruct our trip in Ireland and Northern Ireland (I can't wait for the trip).

  3. Brexit (also called "Brexshit" by its detractors) risks fracturing British society between the English becoming nationalists and the other components of Britain. Unless the British institutions are strong enough to provide Britain with a solitary solution, resuming with the commonwealth if possible.

  4. Exactly one year from now the United Kingdom will, by its own choice, leave the European Union. And for the past year the British government and the EU have been negotiating the framework for that exit.

    There are two opposing opinions on the same subject. On the one hand, if the United Kingdom leaves the European Union, it will become more independent. As a result, it will be able to conduct its policy, trade with the world and control immigration according to its own interests and more in line with the opinions and votes of other European countries. The United Kingdom will be, in a way, free to make its own choices.
    However, if the United Kingdom leaves the European Union, it will lose one of its most important economic partners, but also its influence will be reduced worldwide.

    Finally, I think that today, with global warming, environmental degradation and conflicts all over the world, it is becoming essential that nations support each other in order to find a sustainable solution for the future together. So, in my opinion, Brexit is not what I would have decided for the United Kingdom.

  5. I think that England has always been a little apart from the European Union because it has no common borders, is not in the Schengen area and does not have the euro. England was nevertheless the second largest European economic power and its departure to cause financial losses to Europe. But these losses are less important for Europe than for England itself, since its market has collapsed since the beginning of the Brexit and the English are beginning to question their choice... I don't think the brexit is favourable to the English, but I don't give it any importance and I hope they leave quickly because it was their choice and they had to think first.

    Mathilde Bescond 1S1

    1. Sorry I made a mistake :
      - has been falling apart since the beginning

  6. Hello,

    Brexit corresponds to British exit from the European Union. The withdrawal procedure was started on 29 March 2017 by the notification of Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union.

    I think the United Kingdom should not detach itself from the European Union indeed, UK will lose the benefit of trade agreements passed by the EU and its partners around the world and negotiation of new agreements will have to be long. Futhermore, according to British Treasury experts every British household will lose about 4300 pounds of income per year. Then, trade barriers could be raised during this transition period, with 5.6 billion pounds per year of additional customs duty payable for UK exporters.

    To conclude, for my part the United Kingdom should not detach from the European Union because several problem would fall on them.

  7. Brexit is the short for “British exit” and it refers to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU). I am going to tell you what I think about this subject.

    In 2016, a referendum takes place to ask to UK citizens whether the UK should leave or stay in the EU. The leave side won but the exit did not happen since. After the public vote, which was just the beginning, a lot of negotiations have been taking place between the UK and the EU. They disagree about a few points: how much money the UK must pay the EU, about UK and EU citizens and the return of a physical border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

    On the one hand, The UK takes part from the EU, then known as the European Economic Community (ECC), in 1973. What I mean is that UK takes part of the EU since the start. Maybe it shows a dysfunction into the EU: it is a “symbolic divorce”. On the other hand, when the Brexit is going to be real, it means when negotiations are going to be over, there are going to be plenty of economic problems. First for the UK: prices are going to increase like food prices and a lot of companies are going to leave the UK because of the Brexit. There are going to be other types of problems for example study in the UK when you are a foreigner student is going to be very difficult. It will be a problem for the EU too because its influence is going to be less important than before.

    I do not really agree with this “divorce”, but it had not happened yet: it is due to take place in 2019, this year. So, we will see!

    (305 words)
    Cassandre M. TS5

  8. To begin, in my opinion, the Brexit is a really bad idea and the Great Britain is doing the wrong choice with this option. First if the Great Britain doesn’t belong anymore to the European Union, it will become less attractive for all the other Europeans because the prices will rise up with the taxes. Futhermore the foreign companies won’t invest there due to taxes , and travels and connections will be harder such as using Eurostar which connects Paris to London due to border controls. To conclude I think that it will be weakened the Great Britain but it’s their choice. Vincent 1s1

    1. Sorry I made some mistakes : Great Britain is making the wrong choice/prices and taxes will increase/ Furthermore /foreign companies/ their /Great Britain will lose some of its power.

  9. Hello everyone,

    I think England was already far away from others Europeans countries but with the Brexit, it seems more apart from us than before.
    But, I think the main point of danger in this situation is the possible economic crisis in Great Britain but also, Europe will lose one of its more important economic provider, so it is almost critical but we don't own someone and they can do what they want.
    I think it would have actually hapenned sonner than later if not now.

    Emilie Lacroix, 1°S 1

  10. Hello everyone.
    To my mind, the Brexit isn't a good thing, because it will be more difficult to go to the United Kingdom. Moreover, it is bad for the British living or working in France, because their insurance won't take them in charge anymore. Furthermore, it will make problems for the trade, even if the United Kingdom stays in the Schengen area.
    I just saw that a petition against the Brexit was signed by a million people, which means that the Brexit isn't approved by all the British community. I think that it's kind of sad, because it will be difficult to go on vacation there, although
    I'd really love to go there during holidays.
    Enjoy your journey!
    Jeanne LD TS3.

  11. Hello,
    I’m not a professionnal brexit scientist but i’d day that part of the problem is that there don’t seem to be many rational actors out there. Much has been written about the fantasies of many Brexiteers; I don’t have anything to add to all that. But we should also note the fantasies of the Eurocrats, who have behaved at every step of this process as if Britain were Greece, and could be bullied into capitulation. Minor gestures could have saved Remain in 2016; a bit of flexibility, a bit less determination to impose humiliating terms, might have led to a soft Brexit now. But it was arrogance all the way.
    Thanks, Sarah.
