Tuesday 5 March 2019

Bouteflika, the actual Algeria's president, wants to go for a fifth term despite his bad health. What do you think about it ?


  1. Hi everyone!

    First, I think that Bouteflika may take care of himself because, even if he made a stroke, he wants to stay and work as long as he's always living. The fact is that he can't continu representing Algeria, his health is in a bad level. Plus, he is invisible to the Algerian nation so there will be no difference if he stays or not, except if someone takes his place, then there will be a difference for Algerians people.
    I think that he should stay at home and take care of himself instead of come and go for "work" sitting in his wheelchair... .

    Nesrine, 1s1.

    1. Hi everyone!
      sorry, but I made some mistakes..
      Here is my correction :

      - Should take care of himself (1st line => not "may" but should)
      - he had a stroke (1st line => not "made" but had)
      - until his death
      - continue (2nd line)
      - bad condition (3rd line)
      - instead of coming and going (6th line)

      Here it is!
      Hope you'll have a good day!
      Nesrine, 1s1.

  2. I think that people who have been in a position for a long time in any occupation should be replaced by younger people who are ready to take over and to whom they can provide the advice that their experience has given them.
    In the ancient Greek and Roman system of the Republic, when a person held a public office it was always for a given time.
    This applies equally to Russia, Hungary, Algeria...

  3. At the time I am writing, the Algerian President has already stated that he will not be in office for a fifth term.
    However, I find the behaviour of those who considered him incompetent because of his state of health pathetic. Under no circumstances is a physically handicapped man by definition mentally handicapped, his disability is not the reason for his possible political blunders because a man's intelligence has no connection with his health or physique.
    It is not a political opinion, just human, we who speak of social injustices, why is a healthy man always favoured to a disabled person?
    Moreover, I think that all those who claim the importance of France in this choice of the 5th mandate may have forgotten that Algeria is independent following a war against France. One no longer owes anything to the other and the country's political decisions, like all other decisions, no longer concern the French.
    Mathilde Bescond 1s1

    1. Sorry i made some mistakes:
      - While writing
      - Before i started writing
      - because of his health problems/ conditions

  4. Hello everyone,
    I think that running for presidency when you are in bad health is complicated, mostly when you are not able to make decisions by yourself but I don't know if this is the case for Bouteflika. Moreover, he has been president for more than 20 years and I think that if the people in Algeria are protesting against him running for another presidential term it's that they don't want him anymore or that he doesn't represent them anymore. That's why mostly young people are protesting against him in Algeria and France. Then, I believe that a president should be dynamic and bring fresh ideas to the country.

    1. I made some mistakes, here is the correction :
      - so
      And I should have used consequently instead of " then"

  5. Hello everyone,

    I did some research on Bouteflika because I didn't know much about him, indeed I discovered that he is 82 years old, I find it surprising that someone of that age and who on top of that has health issues wants to continue leading the country. He should understand that the younger generation has a lot to say, and could possibly propose new things to help the country develop into something more modern. As one says: "the only certain thing in life is change", well I think that Algeria is in need of change, starting with a different president, maybe younger with new ideas.

    Flannagan Olivia 1S1

  6. Hello everybody!
    I think that a fifth term would be bad, this president is old, and he has a bad health, if he die during his mandat, it would be a problem, because the Algerian would have to vote for another president. On top of that, he surely doesn't have all his mind, so it will be easy to corrupt him.
    But fortunately for the Algerian, he decided to not do a fifth term.
    Thank you for reading!
    have a nice day.
    Jeanne LD TS3

  7. Hello everyone,

    For to tell the truth , I did not know who is Bouteflika and I did some research on this man and I learned that he is 82 years old ...
    I think that Bouteflika is very fond of his position as president and it is really important to him .On another side , we must think that this gentleman is very old and in addition to this has serious health problems . I think he should understand that he can not lead a country and that he should leave his place to someone younger .


    1. Hello everyone ,I am sorry I made some mistakes :
      - "To tell" istead of " For to tell "
      - " who was " instead of "who is "
      - " On the other land " instead of " On another side "

  8. Hello,
    First of all, Bouteflika is président since 1999, I think it's too long. Indeed, even if the Algerians voted for him 4 times, the country needs sometimes someone outside the government who could see the defaults. That's why I think it's a good idea to regulate the re-election of political men like in France.
    Then, Bouteflika is 82 years old, I think he is too old to govern and take a decision, someone younger could see the future with another point of view. Moreover, he does not seem in good health, he is not able to speak or to travel in order to meet others president. That's why I think he would not represent his country appropriately.
    To conclude, I think it's not a good idea to re-elect Bouteflika.
    Marie Espinosa 1ES2

    1. Sorry I made some mistakes:
      -has been president since
      -see the flows
      -difficulties or problems
      -not seem to be
      -other presidents

  9. Hello,
    After twenty years in power and more than a month of unprecedented popular protest, Abdelaziz Bouteflika resigns. Which is a good thing. In fact, the President of the Republic of Algeria informed the Constitutional Council of his resignation, announced the Algerian official media and under pressure from the street, he had already resigned in March to run for a fifth term and announced the postponement indefinitely of the presidential election normally scheduled this month. Ads that were not enough to calm the dispute. In my opinion, leaving was the right thing to do because every country need modernity and diversity in the way it’s organised.
    Thanks you.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Bouteflika is now 82 and really sick. I think that it is really old, it is not just a question of number but it is very hard when you are as old to be in control. Moreover, he has been president of Algeria for 20 years now and I think that it is kind of selfish to continue to run. Algerians needed changement, this is the reason why they went to demonstrate. Fortunately, it seems that their procedure worked because he accepted not to run again.

  12. Hi everyone,

    I don't think Bouteflika should go to a fifth term because of his age and his bad health. He shouldn't try to rule a country but he must have rest now.
    Futhermore, fifth terms are quite a lot, so it is good that something change for this country to evolve and change for something than Algerians would be proud of being.
    It is a good thing to learn when to stop and Bouteflika needs to understand it.
    For my last point, I reckon that when we are older, we should be resting because our body needs more energy when older to move than when we were twenty or thirty. We have to use wisely our body at any time but be way more careful of what we are doing when we are older.

    Thank you for reading me,
    Emilie Lacroix, 1°S1
