Officially our society is supposed to be open-minded and respectful towards people with differences, but in the facts, these people often feel left behind and pointed at. Of course it all depends on what makes them different, and in some cases it could be interpreted as racism or antisemitism, but people also can be excluded simply because they behave differently than most people. Fortunately there is still a big part of our society that consider them as their equal, as they should be considered.
Officially our society is supposed to be open-minded and respectful towards people with differences, but IN FACT, these people often feel left behind and pointed at. Of course it all depends on what makes them different, and in some cases it could be interpreted as racism or antisemitism, but people also can be excluded simply because they behave differently than most people. Fortunately there is still a big part of our society that consider them as their equal, as they should be considered.
Hello In my opinion people with differences are accepted in our society. Indeed, for example a person who looks different because of a physical deformation or who thinks differently, still has the same legal rights as anyone else. He is not an outcast as people were in the middle- ages ( people were afraid of the ones who were differents because of superstitious belief ). But in our modern society there are still people who avoid others and exclude them from social groups. The best example of this can be seen in schools when a kid is excluded by the others if he doesn’t fit into the masses because of his differences.
Hello, Each person is different but people with a lot of differences are not accepted and integrated in our society. In order to be accepted you have to do like everyone else. For instance, in middle school some pupils do not accept pupils who do not have the same bag or hobbies as them. In my opinion it is totally stupid because our differences make up our identity.
Hello, This is an interesting question! Because in a way I could answer "yes", but sometimes it's definitely a "no". Because it depends of the kind of differences that a person has. Many people are more tolerant about some topics but in contrast they are very strict about some others. Most of the time, if a person judge you, discriminate you, it's because you are different that her and the individual doesn't want to adapt herself and understand m
Hello! In my opinion, in the past, differences had never been accepted in our society because of religion power.Go off the beaten track wasn't a good think.However, society has evolved and changed a lot.Nowardays, differences makes each person unic.
Hello, Personally, I think the evolution of our society allowed people with differences from others to be more accepted. For instance, in the eighteenth century, homosexuality wasn't very accepted in our society: it was tolerated but no one was talking about that. Nowadays, mentalities has evolved : same-sex marriage is accepted and it's no longer a taboo subject in society. Moreover, the acceptance of a person considered different depends on her environment. For instance, some families still impose to their child a way of life, of dressing and specific studies to follow, in order to respond to a tradition. So, these families have difficulties to accept that their child may have a different personality. Of course, it isn't the case in every families. So, there have been an evolution about the acceptance of differences, on the scale of the humanity and in some societies but not on the scale of individuals.
§1 : " homosexuality wasn't REALLY accepted in our society: it was tolerated but no one TALKED about it. Nowadays, mentalities HAVE evolved " §2 : " some families still impose ON their child [...] "; " it isn't the case in every FAMILY. "
Hello, I would like to say people with differences are accepted and integrated in our society but, unfortunately, I am not sure that is really true. Indeed, we can see when someone is different he is teased or still a disabled person could be refused a job. Even if our society proclaims itself open-minded and equal because it wants to show its best side, the reality is that society makes different treatment of different people.
Hello, I would like to say people with differences are accepted and integrated in our society but, unfortunately, I am not sure that is really true. Indeed, we can see when someone is different he is teased or still a person who is disabled may not get a job because of this. Even if our society proclaims to be open-minded and equal because it wants to show its best side, the reality is that people are treated differently in our society.
Firstly, I think that people with differences are not totally accepted in our society and this is really sad . Indeed, there are several types of difference but if for instance we talk about the physical one , we can notice that a lot of persons look down on people with deformity and let them struggle at some moments when they really need to be helped. For example , a few days ago , I saw a video of a man in Egypt who is six foot seven . This man always stay at home and goes out only for necessary things . All this, is due to people ´s judgment ,who criticize him and look down at him because of his physical difference and therefore , they refuse him and put him away from society . Also , even though we should be tolerant about other’s religions and accept that everyone has his own religious or spiritual life , some people do not accept it , and are racist towards others . However, people with physical differences as the disabled are accepted by society with the State, which offers them, for example, their own parking space, their cash register .. and therefore facilitate their daily life.
To conclude , this is unfortunate that still nowadays some persons with differences are not integrated and accepted in our society and I really hope that the society will progress in a better way .
For me, accepting difference means understanding how we are alike, how we are different and treating everyone with respect and understanding regardless of the differences. That's why I think society has become more and more accepting of differences like backgrounds, beliefs or religious practices. Earlier in history, people could be killed for their differences: if they had different religious beliefs for example. However, today, young people are taught at school to be more accepting which brings them to accept the difference in others without question and adults tend to treat each other respectfully despite the potential differences. On top of that, there are different measures to help accept diversity like the fact that anyone is equal in front of the law. But, even though most people's mindsets have changed for the good we have to contrast with the fact that cases of racism, homophobia, etc.. are still present in today's society.
Correction : Hello! In my opinion, in the past, differences had never been accepted in our society because of religious power.Go off the beaten track wasn't a good think.However, society has evolved and changed a lot.Nowardays, differences makes each person unique.
Hello, This is a rather complex question. On the one hand, people with differences are accepted in our society, especially in legislation. Indeed, whether our difference is physical, such as a handicap, or mental, we are all equal in society. On the other hand, we can say that no. Indeed, some individuals will be rejected by other individuals, be it because of their skin colour, sexual orientation, etc... But I think that over time more and more differences are accepted or even integrated, at least I hope so. Diane Planchon T04
I personally think that this question can have different answer based on where it is asked. For instance if it is asked in a country like america, people will probably say no since things like racism are rampant against black people, asian people and other ethnicities. However if asked in an asian country, people will see caucasian people as the different ones. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that they will discriminate against them. Omitting cultural backgrounds, differences can also refer to physical appearances, mental disorders, sexual orientation, etc... In the past people were very much against these differences and would often shame people for them, even if it was out of their control. For example, homosexuality was considered punishable by death (and still is in some countries). But with time, such discriminatory acts have been less frequent and people have started to become more tolerant towards these. So I would say that nowadays, people with differences are more and more accepted in our society, even if not completely.
Correction: I personally think that this question can have different answerS based on where it is asked. For instance if it is asked in a country like America, people will probably say no since things like racism are rampant against black people, Asian people and other ethnicities. However if asked in an Asian country, people will see caucasian people as the different ones. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that they will discriminate against them. Omitting cultural backgrounds, differences can also refer to physical appearances, mental disorders, sexual orientation, etc... In the past people were very much against these differences and would often shame people for them, even if it was out of their control. For example, homosexuality was considered punishable by death (and still is in some countries). But with time, such discriminatory acts have been less frequent and people have started to become more tolerant towards THEM. So I would say that nowadays, people with differences are more and more accepted in our society, even if not completely.
I think we can see an improvement in acceptance over the years. But this is not enough. Whether it is about gender, sexual orientation, skin colour, origin and more, many people suffer from it. And this is not normal. Millions of years have passed since the creation of mankind and we are still facing the same problem with people who are still as closed-minded as ever. I don't know when these people will be able to be who they want to be without being judged or discredited on their difference, but I feel sorry for the generations to come.
Correction : Hello! In my opinion, in the past, differences had never been accepted in our society because of religious power.Go off the beaten track wasn't a good think.However, society has evolved and changed a lot.Nowardays, differences make each person unique
Today's societies claim to be respectful and to accept everyone despite their differences (religions, ideologies, physical differences). But it is easy to observe that people who are different are often isolated, many of them are mocked or attacked. We can take the example of racism.Of course it depends on their differences, sometimes it can be a source of strength for some people, but sometimes it is their weakness. So we can say that in general people who are different are not really accepted in society, but that is why some people are protesting, so everyone can feel equal.
CORRECTION: Today's SOCIETY IS SUPPOSED to be respectful and to accept everyone despite their differences (religions, ideologies, physical differences). But it is easy to observe that people who are different are often isolated, many of them are mocked or attacked. We can take the example of racism.Of course it depends on their differences, sometimes it can be a source of strength for some people, but sometimes it is their weakness. So we can say that in general people who are different are not really accepted in society, but that is why some people PROTEST, so everyone can feel equal.
In my opinion, even if we want to live in a perfect society, unfortunately this is not the case, people with differences will be discriminated against even though there are laws against discrimination, or anything that morally or physically harms an individual. But we notice that the new generation is starting to accept everything that was "atypical", like the LGBT community, even though we are still human beings and we all have the same rights.
I think that people with differences are not completely accepted in society. In fact, people should be tolerant of others, like integrating a person of any origin. And I think, that it is by being different that we learn from others.
If you would have asked me this question 10 years ago I would have said no. But Now I can say differently. I don’t know if it is because I got older and so I'm more interested in social issues or if things actually changed. I have a feeling things have changed since the past years especially, people have really fought to include everyone in society. They've done this by bringing awareness on diseases or conditions I did not even know existed. I remember as a kid hearing here and there some slurs and thinking nothing of it if not thinking they were funny. It is only now after some rules have been established that we realise that things can be hurtful and inappropriate at least for the concerned part of society. I think this is what we’re trying to do with “political correctness” which I think has taken a toll on our habits not so long ago. I have no specific opinion on PC culture as I can see how it tries to tackle minorities issues and consider their sensitivity but I cannot say I agree with it on all fonts.. Ever since people have fought for their rights and they have slowly integrated society. This is perhaps thanks to the boundaries these communities have set for themselves. Yet I truly believe that these boundaries, that implement political correctness only aggravates our differences and creates a world apart for these minorities. So we first saw people with differences starting to be included in society and by most considered our equals, but now, I fear the distinction we made, by only saying they “have differences” created a bigger gap, that suggests they are not the norm and therefore they cannot be accepted since they dispatch themselves. In conclusion, this question creates a paradox but it can be answered; people are starting to accept everyone and everything.
Hello, This question is at the heart of our society, unfortunately I do not think that people with differences are accepted in our society today. Here is an example : if a boy or a girl at the primary school has something different from the others like a malformation, then the kids are going to make fun of him or her. They could even be bullied just for that. Let me take another instance : if you are smart, more than the « normal », either we will put you aside or we will use you BUT in both cases you’ll not be accepted at your fair value. If you are homosexual, transgender you will surely face insults or not be accepted even by your own parents. If you are too original, people are going to say you are « strange », too confident, you are « pretentious », too dreamer, you are not down to earth. Whatever you’ll do you’ll always be criticized but even more if you are a little different. Nowadays, even if social media contribute to that, they are also a way to encourage people to be who they really are. Our society has learnt us that all we have to do is to follow the path that was created for us (which in reality is not), it’s a pessimistic vision. The only way to live well in our society is to look like everyone. I hope that someday people will not look strangely those who are different from them. Charlier Jade, 104.
Correction : Here is an example : if a boy or a girl at primary school* has something different from the others like a malformation…either we will put you aside or you will be used* BUT in both cases you’ll not be accepted at your fair value… Our society has taught* us that all we have to do is to follow the path that was created for us… strangely at* those who are different from them.
Officially our society is supposed to be open-minded and respectful towards people with differences, but in the facts, these people often feel left behind and pointed at. Of course it all depends on what makes them different, and in some cases it could be interpreted as racism or antisemitism, but people also can be excluded simply because they behave differently than most people. Fortunately there is still a big part of our society that consider them as their equal, as they should be considered.
ReplyDeleteOfficially our society is supposed to be open-minded and respectful towards people with differences, but IN FACT, these people often feel left behind and pointed at. Of course it all depends on what makes them different, and in some cases it could be interpreted as racism or antisemitism, but people also can be excluded simply because they behave differently than most people. Fortunately there is still a big part of our society that consider them as their equal, as they should be considered.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion people with differences are accepted in our society. Indeed, for example a person who looks different because of a physical deformation or who thinks differently, still has the same legal rights as anyone else. He is not an outcast as people were in the middle- ages ( people were afraid of the ones who were differents because of superstitious belief ). But in our modern society there are still people who avoid others and exclude them from social groups. The best example of this can be seen in schools when a kid is excluded by the others if he doesn’t fit into the masses because of his differences.
ReplyDeleteEach person is different but people with a lot of differences are not accepted and integrated in our society. In order to be accepted you have to do like everyone else. For instance, in middle school some pupils do not accept pupils who do not have the same bag or hobbies as them.
In my opinion it is totally stupid because our differences make up our identity.
ReplyDeleteThis is an interesting question! Because in a way I could answer "yes", but sometimes it's definitely a "no". Because it depends of the kind of differences that a person has. Many people are more tolerant about some topics but in contrast they are very strict about some others. Most of the time, if a person judge you, discriminate you, it's because you are different that her and the individual doesn't want to adapt herself and understand m
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, in the past, differences had never been accepted in our society because of religion power.Go off the beaten track wasn't a good think.However, society has evolved and changed a lot.Nowardays, differences makes each person unic.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I think the evolution of our society allowed people with differences from others to be more accepted. For instance, in the eighteenth century, homosexuality wasn't very accepted in our society: it was tolerated but no one was talking about that. Nowadays, mentalities has evolved : same-sex marriage is accepted and it's no longer a taboo subject in society.
Moreover, the acceptance of a person considered different depends on her environment. For instance, some families still impose to their child a way of life, of dressing and specific studies to follow, in order to respond to a tradition. So, these families have difficulties to accept that their child may have a different personality. Of course, it isn't the case in every families.
So, there have been an evolution about the acceptance of differences, on the scale of the humanity and in some societies but not on the scale of individuals.
Delete§1 : " homosexuality wasn't REALLY accepted in our society: it was tolerated but no one TALKED about it. Nowadays, mentalities HAVE evolved "
§2 : " some families still impose ON their child [...] "; " it isn't the case in every FAMILY. "
ReplyDeleteI would like to say people with differences are accepted and integrated in our society but, unfortunately, I am not sure that is really true.
Indeed, we can see when someone is different he is teased or still a disabled person could be refused a job.
Even if our society proclaims itself open-minded and equal because it wants to show its best side, the reality is that society makes different treatment of different people.
Eliah NAHON T04
DeleteI would like to say people with differences are accepted and integrated in our society but, unfortunately, I am not sure that is really true.
Indeed, we can see when someone is different he is teased or still a person who is disabled may not get a job because of this.
Even if our society proclaims to be open-minded and equal because it wants to show its best side, the reality is that people are treated differently in our society.
Eliah NAHON T04
Firstly, I think that people with differences are not totally accepted in our society and this is really sad . Indeed, there are several types of difference but if for instance we talk about the physical one , we can notice that a lot of persons look down on people with deformity and let them struggle at some moments when they really need to be helped. For example , a few days ago , I saw a video of a man in Egypt who is six foot seven . This man always stay at home and goes out only for necessary things . All this, is due to people ´s judgment ,who criticize him and look down at him because of his physical difference and therefore , they refuse him and put him away from society . Also , even though we should be tolerant about other’s religions and accept that everyone has his own religious or spiritual life , some people do not accept it , and are racist towards others . However, people with physical differences as the disabled are accepted by society with the State, which offers them, for example, their own parking space, their cash register .. and therefore facilitate their daily life.
ReplyDeleteTo conclude , this is unfortunate that still nowadays some persons with differences are not integrated and accepted in our society and I really hope that the society will progress in a better way .
Deletea lot of people /leave them to struggle /always stays / such as
For me, accepting difference means understanding how we are alike, how we are different and treating everyone with respect and understanding regardless of the differences. That's why I think society has become more and more accepting of differences like backgrounds, beliefs or religious practices. Earlier in history, people could be killed for their differences: if they had different religious beliefs for example. However, today, young people are taught at school to be more accepting which brings them to accept the difference in others without question and adults tend to treat each other respectfully despite the potential differences.
ReplyDeleteOn top of that, there are different measures to help accept diversity like the fact that anyone is equal in front of the law. But, even though most people's mindsets have changed for the good we have to contrast with the fact that cases of racism, homophobia, etc.. are still present in today's society.
Correction :
In my opinion, in the past, differences had never been accepted in our society because of religious power.Go off the beaten track wasn't a good think.However, society has evolved and changed a lot.Nowardays, differences makes each person unique.
ReplyDeleteThis is a rather complex question. On the one hand, people with differences are accepted in our society, especially in legislation. Indeed, whether our difference is physical, such as a handicap, or mental, we are all equal in society. On the other hand, we can say that no. Indeed, some individuals will be rejected by other individuals, be it because of their skin colour, sexual orientation, etc... But I think that over time more and more differences are accepted or even integrated, at least I hope so.
Diane Planchon T04
I personally think that this question can have different answer based on where it is asked. For instance if it is asked in a country like america, people will probably say no since things like racism are rampant against black people, asian people and other ethnicities. However if asked in an asian country, people will see caucasian people as the different ones. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that they will discriminate against them. Omitting cultural backgrounds, differences can also refer to physical appearances, mental disorders, sexual orientation, etc... In the past people were very much against these differences and would often shame people for them, even if it was out of their control. For example, homosexuality was considered punishable by death (and still is in some countries). But with time, such discriminatory acts have been less frequent and people have started to become more tolerant towards these. So I would say that nowadays, people with differences are more and more accepted in our society, even if not completely.
DeleteI personally think that this question can have different answerS based on where it is asked. For instance if it is asked in a country like America, people will probably say no since things like racism are rampant against black people, Asian people and other ethnicities. However if asked in an Asian country, people will see caucasian people as the different ones. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that they will discriminate against them. Omitting cultural backgrounds, differences can also refer to physical appearances, mental disorders, sexual orientation, etc... In the past people were very much against these differences and would often shame people for them, even if it was out of their control. For example, homosexuality was considered punishable by death (and still is in some countries). But with time, such discriminatory acts have been less frequent and people have started to become more tolerant towards THEM. So I would say that nowadays, people with differences are more and more accepted in our society, even if not completely.
I think we can see an improvement in acceptance over the years. But this is not enough. Whether it is about gender, sexual orientation, skin colour, origin and more, many people suffer from it. And this is not normal. Millions of years have passed since the creation of mankind and we are still facing the same problem with people who are still as closed-minded as ever. I don't know when these people will be able to be who they want to be without being judged or discredited on their difference, but I feel sorry for the generations to come.
ReplyDeleteCorrection :
In my opinion, in the past, differences had never been accepted in our society because of religious power.Go off the beaten track wasn't a good think.However, society has evolved and changed a lot.Nowardays, differences make each person unique
Today's societies claim to be respectful and to accept everyone despite their differences (religions, ideologies, physical differences). But it is easy to observe that people who are different are often isolated, many of them are mocked or attacked. We can take the example of racism.Of course it depends on their differences, sometimes it can be a source of strength for some people, but sometimes it is their weakness. So we can say that in general people who are different are not really accepted in society, but that is why some people are protesting, so everyone can feel equal.
ReplyDeleteCORRECTION: Today's SOCIETY IS SUPPOSED to be respectful and to accept everyone despite their differences (religions, ideologies, physical differences). But it is easy to observe that people who are different are often isolated, many of them are mocked or attacked. We can take the example of racism.Of course it depends on their differences, sometimes it can be a source of strength for some people, but sometimes it is their weakness. So we can say that in general people who are different are not really accepted in society, but that is why some people PROTEST, so everyone can feel equal.
DeleteIn my opinion, even if we want to live in a perfect society, unfortunately this is not the case, people with differences will be discriminated against even though there are laws against discrimination, or anything that morally or physically harms an individual. But we notice that the new generation is starting to accept everything that was "atypical", like the LGBT community, even though we are still human beings and we all have the same rights.
ReplyDeleteI think that people with differences are not completely accepted in society. In fact, people should be tolerant of others, like integrating a person of any origin. And I think, that it is by being different that we learn from others.
If you would have asked me this question 10 years ago I would have said no.
ReplyDeleteBut Now I can say differently. I don’t know if it is because I got older and so I'm more interested in social issues or if things actually changed. I have a feeling things have changed since the past years especially, people have really fought to include everyone in society.
They've done this by bringing awareness on diseases or conditions I did not even know existed.
I remember as a kid hearing here and there some slurs and thinking nothing of it if not thinking they were funny. It is only now after some rules have been established that we realise that things can be hurtful and inappropriate at least for the concerned part of society. I think this is what we’re trying to do with “political correctness” which I think has taken a toll on our habits not so long ago. I have no specific opinion on PC culture as I can see how it tries to tackle minorities issues and consider their sensitivity but I cannot say I agree with it on all fonts.. Ever since people have fought for their rights and they have slowly integrated society. This is perhaps thanks to the boundaries these communities have set for themselves. Yet I truly believe that these boundaries, that implement political correctness only aggravates our differences and creates a world apart for these minorities.
So we first saw people with differences starting to be included in society and by most considered our equals, but now, I fear the distinction we made, by only saying they “have differences” created a bigger gap, that suggests they are not the norm and therefore they cannot be accepted since they dispatch themselves. In conclusion, this question creates a paradox but it can be answered; people are starting to accept everyone and everything.
ReplyDelete* tolerant with others
ReplyDelete* tolerant with others
ReplyDeleteThis question is at the heart of our society, unfortunately I do not think that people with differences are accepted in our society today. Here is an example : if a boy or a girl at the primary school has something different from the others like a malformation, then the kids are going to make fun of him or her. They could even be bullied just for that. Let me take another instance : if you are smart, more than the « normal », either we will put you aside or we will use you BUT in both cases you’ll not be accepted at your fair value. If you are homosexual, transgender you will surely face insults or not be accepted even by your own parents. If you are too original, people are going to say you are « strange », too confident, you are « pretentious », too dreamer, you are not down to earth. Whatever you’ll do you’ll always be criticized but even more if you are a little different. Nowadays, even if social media contribute to that, they are also a way to encourage people to be who they really are. Our society has learnt us that all we have to do is to follow the path that was created for us (which in reality is not), it’s a pessimistic vision. The only way to live well in our society is to look like everyone.
I hope that someday people will not look strangely those who are different from them.
Charlier Jade, 104.
Correction :
DeleteHere is an example : if a boy or a girl at primary school* has something different from the others like a malformation…either we will put you aside or you will be used* BUT in both cases you’ll not be accepted at your fair value… Our society has taught* us that all we have to do is to follow the path that was created for us… strangely at* those who are different from them.