"Do you think pacifism is a good thing ? To what extent (militarism, defencivism, pacificism, absolute pacifism…) ? "
First of all, I am quite in favour of pacific beliefs because to my mind, war in general brings misery and grief to people and doesn't truly solve conflicts. Moreover, in some cases, I'm not really convinced that war is warranted. For instance, I am outraged by colonial wars.
However, I am aware that war is sometimes inevitable in the event of invasion of our country. For example, we can live in peace nowadays thanks to the actions and to the sacrifice of the resistance during World War II.
We could also say that in the face of mass atrocities and genocide, pacifism is hardly relevant. But we could take a everyday lives' example as well : if we witness an assault, I think that it's not excusable that we let the person mugged without trying to rescue her only because we back absolute pacifism. Furthermore, in France, the failure to assist a person in danger is punishable by law.
So, as far as I am concerned, I believe that pacifism is a good thing if it doesn't turn into passivity on crime.