Sunday 2 October 2016

"Do you think pacifism is a good thing ? To what extent (militarism, defencivism, pacificism, absolute pacifism…) ? "

First of all, I am quite in favour of pacific beliefs because to my mind, war in general brings misery and grief to people and doesn't truly solve conflicts. Moreover, in some cases, I'm not really convinced that war is warranted. For instance, I am outraged by colonial wars. 
However, I am aware that war is sometimes inevitable in the event of invasion of our country. For example, we can live in peace nowadays thanks to the actions and to the sacrifice of the resistance during World War II.
We could also say that in the face of mass atrocities and genocide, pacifism is hardly relevant. But we could take a everyday lives' example as well : if we witness an assault, I think that it's not excusable that we let the person mugged without trying to rescue her only because we back absolute pacifism. Furthermore, in France, the failure to assist a person in danger is punishable by law.
So, as far as I am concerned, I believe that pacifism is a good thing if it doesn't turn into passivity on crime.



  1. To my opignon, the problem you've identifie commes more from education. In all countries when a child goes at school his parents says him:"if someone hits you, you should not let you do, so hit him too". How do you want that this child can later resolve a probleme without conflict? Moreover, many problems are due to the competition and to the need to be best or the most powerful or to have most reason (for exemple with religion: my god is the good one) etc.... Political Wars are just, to my mind, A running for the power which weakened the populations and is a shame for all the people who are on the initiative of these massacres.
    So I am quite for pascifism. But in our world there are some kind of battles that I approuve. For exemple militarism or defencivism which are, I think, absolut necessary like woman, children, lgbt members, racism, inagualities causes. To exist and to live in peace these people need to fight and to have our help.

  2. Hello !

    To begin with, we will never stop all wars in the world, it's just impossible ! However we can found some solutions like : to be pacifist.

    To my mind "pacifism" is a good idea to resolve many problems. Nowadays, talk about pacifism is very philosophic because we have rarely heard that all the conflict resolved with pacifism. Nevertheless we have a good example during segregation in Usa when Martin Luther King saids that all demonstration must be pacific and eventually he obtained a good result.

    To sum up I think that pacifism is a really good solution to live in peace.

    Clara Latella 1S4

  3. First of all, we have to be aware that War exists since the beginning of Humanity, and violence being one of the main flaw of our behaviors, it will not change without education for everyone.

    I share Clara's point of view: all wars can not just stop immediatly. But I truly believe that we have to build a future where war will not be needed.
    But nowadays, there is plenty of conflicts that will unfortunately never stop without using violence.
    Being favorable to each and every war or to be an absolute pacifist does not lead to a better world: we have to maintain tolerance but we also have to be ready to act when other people's life is in danger.

    To put it all in a nutshell, we have to modulate our reactions according to threats and limit war and violence to absolute necessity.

    Coline Chataing 1ereS4

  4. First, I am categorically against the war, which implicates the death of a lot of people. But the violence and the war are things, which exist since the first civilizations and will always exist.
    However, I think that arms can be used also to prevent from wars, as it is the case of the nuclear deterrent. Arms can so be used finally in a pacifist intention.
    To conclude, pacifism is the best thing but becomes a bit Utopian. Therefore arms can paradoxically help to dissuade from violent acts.

    Julie FRISCH, TS1

  5. To my mind, pacifism is a good thing, which has already acted in favour of some very big causes, like Martin Luther King's cause or Gandhi's cause. Nevertheless, even if I am convinced that war shouldn't exist, violence is the only thing that some people can understand. For examplen, during the World War II, the Nazis would have eliminated everybody if nobody had answered in so violent a way. Indeed, some people will never be pacific and will ever act violently, and I think that pacifism cannot take it against the war.

    Elisa Etchegaray 1L1

  6. Is pacifism a good thing? It depends on the situation! In most of the cases it is. War always brought pain, sorrow and regrets. To hit someone never brought satisfaction and pride. So why people continue to fight? The reason why they do that is because they fight to defend a cause. Even if the cause is not always fair they all fight for something that's why we can't avoid the war. And sometimes the pacifism can't save lives. Sometimes words are useless against people who don't want to understand and the only option left is the war. Nevertheless pacifism has to remain the first measure to adopt.

  7. Historically the war exists and also the pacifist people. So is pacifism a good thing ?
    Firstly , Contrary to the violence or to the war, the pacifism allows to save lives , and to learn to like the others person.

    Secondly , violence begets violence so maybe If everybody is pacifist, we could live in a better world , but it is an Utopia, There will always be people to incite to the hatred , That's why we will always need anybody pacifists who fight against the hatred, the violence, the war.

    To conclude , Yes I think that pacifism is a good thing
