Thursday 5 November 2009


Some high schools require all students to wear school uniforms. Other high schools permit students to decide what to wear to school. Which of these two school policies do you think is better?


  1. In my country, students are required to wear uniforms from elementary through to high school. When I compare it to the United States where most schools permit students to decide what to wear, I would say, while I like the freedom and flexibility of the U.S. system, mandating the wearing of uniforms encourages discipline and a greater sense of identity. With most such schools for example, students are not allowed to do certain activities or go certain places while still in their uniform. Though forced, they become accustomed to a level of discipline that can only make them citizens and enable them to make more positive contributions to their society. I would therefore have to say I think requiring students to wear uniforms is the better option.

  2. honestly... for the hype i would prefer to wear what i want but when you think about the whole idea, it's best to wear uniform mainly because student on a whole would have problems mentally, and finacially keeping up with the latest trend and style.

  3. In my college we're not required to wear uniforms : we can wear every thing we want. I like it, I like chosing my clothes and I realy don't want some one else to tell me how I have to get dressed. But some peoples (more girls than boys in my mind) abuse this freedom. Go at school with a very little dress (as long as a t-shirt) and noting else but 15cmhight shoes, it's not corect at all !
    So, I find that uniforms aren't a good thing but a few persones shoul learn how to get dressed corectly.

  4. Hey how are you

  5. I think that uniforms aid in distinguishing the different high schools and to identify students. It aids in that you don't have to worry about the type of clothing you wear as everyone wears the same thing. Therefore at the high school level, I think it is best if uniform wearing is implemented.

  6. It can be useful to wear a uniform, you don't have to worry about what you will wear, you just put it on and then you're ready to go to school!
    But if I have to wear one some day, I would really like to have the choice between pants or skirt!

  7. I think both answers can be correct in this context. Of course students of our generation would say it's much better to wear whatever we want at school! But let's see why could be the arguments to another position: the one where the uniforms suit best.

    Uniforms' policy is first an economical advantage for the parents of the students. That avoids buying too much useless clothes to their children and therefore they can save some money! Furthermore that avoids some mother/daughter fights in the morning before going to school... Then it also avoids some mean comments at school and some jokes about one student and about the way he gets dressed.
    But the fact of not wearing a uniform and what you like is also part of students' freedom and is a way to express who you are. It's a sign of diversity, and we shall all respect one student's tastes even if we might not agree with the person and even if we might not like what he's wearing. It's our duty as a citizen to respect one another! Unfortunately, this rule isn't always followed... During my childhood I've seen many kids at school crying because of other pupils making fun of them, laughing at their clothes just because they were a little different... That's why I'm saying uniforms might be an alternative to this kind of behavior.

    To conclude, I think there are both negative and positive sides to each policy, and it's our opinion to say what what we think is best. On my side, I love wearing different things every day at school, but if one day I'd have to wear a uniform, I wouldn't be too annoyed by that!

  8. Hi everyone !
    I think that both school polities are good but i think that the first one is better. But first let me explain, the second one is great for letting the students dress as they like and letting them express themselves through clothing but i think that it also shows the inequalities between the students.
    For example, clothing is one of the reasons of bulliyng, in today's school society if you don't have the last trending pair of sneakers of the last purse that a expensive designer came out with you're immediatly rejected. That's why i stand for the uniform, i think it's farer for the children.
    Chevalier Clémence 1ES2

  9. Hey everybody,

    In my opinion, everyone should wear what he want. But in reality, we all have to recognize that some students are sometimes wearing inappropriate, provocative clothes. For example, there is some girls who are wearing see-through blouses or jeans with holes to show their legs. From an other angle, I think that it is true to say that wearing an uniform can be a good idea. Indeed, it can stop the judgment of the teachers : our style can change the way the professors see us. The uniform is used in most of military schools and one of the reasons of this is the fact that wearing an uniform can also make someone consider the other as his equal and to make him never criticize him.


  10. Hello,
    Honestly I think that not having an obligation to wear an uniform is better.The way to dress of somebody can tell a lot of things about him. Of course uniforms are somehow pretty cool and common in some countries. It can reinforce links between the school and the student and it gave a sort of equality between every students.But dressing up the way we want is like a way to express ourselves.
    Dorian Hery 1S1

  11. To begin i think uniforms it’s a good idea for students because this is good to fight inequality because clothing can represent these inequalities. By the way students can be against uniforms because clothing are a way to express your style. To conclude i think these two school policies have good and bad sides for students.
    Sandra Vincent TES1

    1. sorry i made some mistakes :
      wearing uniforms
      not express your style but express their style

    2. wearing uniforms do not
      express their style

  12. The question is to determine if it is better for students to wear an uniform or to wear what they want at school. In my opinion, I have different points of view. Firstly, I think that uniforms can put all students at the same level and if everyone wear the same clothes, that establish a form of equality and no one is superior to anyone and that is a really good aspect. Secondly, I can understand that some people would to have their own style and would to be original. That is why the fact of giving everyone freedom to dress as they want is a good choice. In order to sum up, I am rather for the fact to wear uniforms at school because we can represent our school and no one can be pretentious because he wear more beautiful clothes and no one can compare himself to others students because they are all equal.

    Inès Sbai TES1

  13. Sorry I made some mistakes: "wear a uniform", "on the same level", "everyone wears", "people would have", "would be original", "That is why allowing everyone the right", "I am rather for wearing uniforms at school", "he wears"

  14. Hello!

    Firstly, I find that it is a very interesting question!
    Many people have a clear opinion on this subject, but personally I haven't.
    I think that with the evolution of our consulmerist society, clothes are more and more similar in appearance. But, paradoxaly the fact of clothing and have his own style is also more and more privileged. We can say that clothes are a way of expression additional for pupils.
    But, Uniforms have also qualities: all pupils wear the same uniform. So, it permits to have not discrimination on a particular way of clothing or style and to not make differences between people who can wear expensives clothes and those who can't!
    To conclude I think that both have qualities, but perhaps and we can make a system that would make it clearer and better for all pupils... !

  15. The uniform at school is a polemic subjet in every contry. Uniforms only have to be worn in military, private and excellence institutions.

    On one hand the uniform can be a way to hide the low status of some students whose parents can't pay them many outfits.It will avoid the competion of brands and mask the inequalities of wealth. Futhermore it will reinforce a sense of belonging and the outfits won't correspond to each gender anymore. In addition the students will be proud to represent the school and its tradition.

    But on the other hand when we are in high school it is the period in which we are developing our style and our personnality. So the uniform can destroy the part of our creativity, we couldn't wear anything we want. These limits are not helpfull to build ourself. Moreover the discriminations would continue even if we are all wearing the same thing. Indeed people would bullying others on their school materials or their appearance. They would always find a source of discrimination, a source of reject. Students will differentiating themselves from others by brands which always shows the wealth.

    That's why I guess I wouldn't choose a clear opinion but in my opinion wearing an uniform at school could be interesting because even if dicriminations will maybe continue, it will still decrease and allow at least an equality between students.

    Mathilde Hay 1°4

  16. I think school uniforms might not be the best idea. While they have some advantages, like making everyone look the same and stopping competition about clothes, they can limit students' freedom to express themselves. Clothes often show a bit of our personality, and not having that choice might make some students feel like they can't be themselves.

    When students get to choose their outfits, they feel more comfortable and confident. It allows them to show who they are.
    People also feels more comfortable with their own clothes than with ther uniforms.
    In my opinion, having a dress code that's not too strict could be better. It can keep things respectful while giving students a chance to show their personalities. It's important for schools to focus on creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable and accepted, whether they wear uniforms or not.

  17. Wearing uniforms at school is better for children because it promotes a sense of equality, reduces distractions, and fosters a focused learning environment. Uniforms help minimize socioeconomic disparities, ensuring that all students are on an equal footing regardless of their background. This can reduce pressure and bullying related to clothing choices. Additionally, uniforms simplify the daily routine, allowing students to concentrate more on their studies rather than on what to wear. By creating a sense of unity and belonging, uniforms contribute to a cohesive school identity, which can enhance school spirit and discipline. Overall, school uniforms support a more inclusive and conducive atmosphere for learning.
