How have your reading tastes changed as you have become older? Do you still have fond memories of any particular stories, legends or tales?
My favourite texts from my childhood: Marita Conlon-McKenna's Under the Hawthorn Tree, Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials. Lian Hearn's Tales of the Otori.
Favourites as I've gotten older: Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest, anything by Ian McEwan, the poetry of W.B. Yeats and Seamus Heaney, and, most recently, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin.
Do you have a favourite author or text?
I don't really think that there is a text which represent our generation because it seems that except using computers (Internet)and our cell phones,i don't reaLly think that a lot of people like reading, i mean, in France. I find that people are lazier in the time and it is a bad point because in France as in others countries, there are books which have to be read because it can show us a different point of view, a different society and different countries. Personally, i don't really like science-fiction books or even mangas but i realize that some friends do so maybe i am an exception! I am not keen on reading book but through Mrs Ricketts lessons, i understand that i really like some books which are made in English as The Help of even The white witch of Rosehall from Herbert G. De Lisser.
ReplyDeleteI think that it depends on the way each one grew uP.
And about french books, i realy like french Literature like On ne badine pas avec l'amour from Alfred Musset, La Peau de Chagrin from Balzac and Dom Juan from Molière. When i was younger, i read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Les enfants de Timpelbach from Henry Winterfeld it is cool to read!
ReplyDeleteMy choice of reading depends on my age.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was younger,on my own, I would read La Cabane Magique from Mary Pope Osborne.
But what do I love reading today?
I read many books but I prefer to read novels of gothic or science fiction literature because these styles allow us to emerge from daily like Twilight saga from Stephenie Meyer.
But most of all I enjoy reading books in the same style of Wuthering Heights from Emily Brontë.
"a text which representS our generation" "people are lazier nowadays" "a bad thing" "there are books which we should read because they..." "books which are written in English" "or even" "it depends on our upbringing"
ReplyDelete"to escape from daily life, like the Twilight saga"
ReplyDelete"the same style as"
Some great choices there, girls! In general, when we give the title of a book in English, we say 'X' BY 'the author', not 'from'.
ReplyDeleteFor example:
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling.
I hope this helps!
well, I think I'll choose "Hell" from Lolita Pill. Because it deals with the golden young generation, drugs and also alcohol. It shows/depicts how can you become somebody who loses everything because of it.
ReplyDeleteAnother book will be Harry Poter's saga. Well, it doesn't depicts our generation because it is a fantasy book but it is a symbol of our generation, I think. Everybody all around the world know who is Harry potter and his "mother" J.K Rowling,except perhaps for the poor countries.
I don't really like Science Fiction because it doesn't seem real. I know that the predictions in those books can become true. However, I don't read SciFi.
I think it is better to read the classic, as for us in France the Musset's books, Baudelaire's poetry or Hugo's work. It is the foundation of the french literature and also the most famous books among the others. We have to deal in classroom with the typical literature but it could be interesting to see and learn a little about the new whale.
Of course, I read a lot of manga. It shows the japanese culture and thanks to it, you can learn a little about another country.
The topics of my books change as I become older and older. As an example, I couldn't understand "Angel or Daemon" when I was only 12 years old. Also, I was shocked by the violence or sex's passages, as in "Les Liaisons dangereuses" or couldn't understand fully what I read.
But the fairytales still have an importante place in my heart and memories. It will, I think, always stay a good souvenir from my childhood and I will be glad to read it to my children or great-children later.
My favourite texts from my childhood were "Mr Men and Little Miss" from Roger Hargreaves. I still sometimes read it and still have in my memories the voice of my grand-parents read the comic for me before I fell asleep.
Now, I also love "Tales of the Otori" from Liarn Hearn. I can add Haruki Murakami's works ans "The help", a book that I discovered this year in LELE.
'it doesn't depict our generation' 'everybody around the world knowS who Harry Potter and his "mother" JK Rowling ARE'
ReplyDelete'to read the classics' 'they are the foundations of French literature'
'it shows Japanese culture'
'shocked by the violent or sexual passages' 'but fairytales' 'they will' 'to read them'
'I still sometimes read them' 'reading the comic to me'
I like read all exept fantastic book , my favortite writter is Guillaume MUSSO
ReplyDelete"I like to read everything except fantasy books. My favorite writer is Guillaume MUSSO."
DeleteI enjoy to read books about mysteries my favorite series to read is Sherlock Holmes.
DeleteAs a big fan of books, i have a lot of different favourite writers and books, so which are the books i can advice?
ReplyDeleteSince my childhood, reading is one of my hobbies. When i was a kid i used to read a lot of funny books and the one that really gives me that passion was Matilda by Roald Dahl, i can really advice this book for kids because it's written with simple words and the intrigue is easy to understand.
As i grow up, my tastes changed, in the last 2 years i read plenty of books and here
some that i can advice for teenagers at the same age as me or older:
No et moi by Delphine de Vigan; Nos étoiles contraires by John Green;
L'écume des jours by Boris Vian; Ne le dis pas à maman by Toni Maguire;
L'attrape-coeurs by J.D Salinger; ...etc.
Finally, i think that i like books that can affect me or those that can change my point of view about life.
*those who