Sunday 22 November 2015

What is HUMOUR? How can we  define it?

 If you are ready to reach perfection, just practice and answer                                                           the following QUESTIONS!
( Answers will come out in a couple of weeks, so don't wait too much...!!)

We can refer to the amusing things people say or do as their humour.
If something has humour , it is funny and makes you laugh.
It can be found in a situation ( in a person’s behaviour , in different events creating an unexpected and funny outcome) or  in language / speech devices  ( tone, word selection, phrasing,etc) . Or in a combination of both.

Humour can be seen  as a form of detachment from a certain reality seen through a  subjective, sometimes critical  but always in a cheerful way. It may  intend to provide a new vision of the reality  focussed on.

We clearly see the effects produced by humour when used.
But it is interesting to wonder at the purposes it serves ( especially in common situations or in a literary work).

1.Write the corresponding adjective :
 funny - ridiculous - amusing - witty - silly

a) amusing in a clever way
 b)strange,surprising or puzzling
c) foolish , stupid or childish
 d)very foolish or  being made fun of
e) entertaining or making you laugh or  smile

2. Among these adjectives , pick   two  which could best  refer to   « humorous » ?

3. When an actor, a novel, a film  makes people laugh, which adjective ( not previouly mentioned ) do we commonly  use to indicate a type of actor, novel or film ?

4. Which type of entertainment  is intended to make people laugh ?

* What does the adj. « tragic » refer to ?
* What is a tragedy ?

5. What is the effect produced by a combination of tragic elements and humour ? What purposes can it serve ?

6. Is humour your cup of tea?

Photo du profil de Cathy Mertillo


  1. 1)
    a - witty
    b - funny
    c - silly
    d - ridiculous
    e - amusing

    Funny and amusing seem to me to be the ones most related to “humorous


    *please define “kind of entertainement”*

    Something tragic is something sad, that induces sorrow and involves suffering.

    A tragedy is a theatrical genre with many rules that I am way too lazy to list, and by extension an art genre following those rules

    this combination can be for the sake of having a richer story (more different tones), and/or, sometimes, humour can relieve the tension induced by a tragic narrative.

    While not great at it, I usually really enjoy humour, especially clever, far-fetched humour and humour induced by repetition.

  2. 1. a) Witty
    b) funny
    c) silly
    d) riduculous
    e) amusing

    2. I think, the two adjactives wich could best refer to ' humorous ' are amusing and witty.

    3. We generally use the adjactive ' comical ' or ' humoristic ' when we talk about actors or novels which make people laugh.

    4. To my opinion, tragic refers to bad events with death for most of the time and a kind of suffering. A tragedy is generally a drama wich the story is link with a death and sad events. This kind of drama intends to feel pity for spectators (catharsis). There are some famous tragedy like ' Romeo and Juliet' of Shakespeare or 'Phedre' of Racine.

    5. To my opinion, the effect produced by a combination of tragic and comical elements is strange because some people can misunderstand the humour and create conflicts in the society. However, this combination can serve to denounce tragic events and the world with hindsight and an optimistic view if this humour is witty.

    6. Humour is definitely my cup of tea but we have to use this process in spécial situation. Today, we have to be funny and to enjoy our life because we don't know what our destiny is. Humour can be powerful because by that, we can deliver strong messages to share or defend our opinion. Humour has to be limited, some expressions have not to be in a democracy.

  3. 1 a) witty
    b) amusing
    c) silly
    d) ridiculous
    e) funny

    2) amusing and witty

    3) comic

    4) Slapstick or burlesque comedies are intended to make the audience laugh, but some movies, some theatre plays, musicals or comics can make us laugh too. Shakespeare included chase scenes and beating scenes in his plays for the audience to be entertained. The audience had to weep and laugh.
    Tragic refers to tragedies, dreadful situations or events occurring to the characters of the novel, the actors of the movie, of the play. It can be death, separation of lovers…
    A tragedy is often inspired by mythology, it shows terror, pity, passions and the catastrophes provoked by these passions.

    5) A combination of tragic elements and humor is a tragicomedy. There are elements of tragedy in the plays which end up happily for some of the characters. It is used for the audience to live different passions, to have its feelings evolve during the play or the reading of the book.

    6) I like humour, I like being entertained, I do like it when I meet people who are detached from reality, when they do not react as expected: when they see the funny side of life instead of weeping or criticizing.

  4. 1: a) witty,
    b) amusing
    c) silly
    e) funny.

    2: ridiculous and funny.

    3: Comic

    4: I think the type of entertainment is comic strip,
    Tragic: it's a think that refer of sadness, treason and dead too.
    Tragedy: it is a story with a treason, with a many murders and it's a story with a moral, like "Macbeth" of Shakespeare.

    5: A combination humour and tragic can be great if the story is interesting and very many elements of humour. The tragicomedy can serve to flimsy the play's atmosphere.

    6: I think, yes humour is my cup of tea because I can laughing during a time without to think to anything.
    (Akerib. e)

  5. 1. a) Witty
    b) Funny
    c) Silly
    d) Ridiculous
    e) Amusing

    2. Two adjectives that could refer to "humourous" are, for me, amusing and witty because humour is made to laugh but it's better in a clever way

    3. To indicate a type of actor or a film, we often use 'comical' and sometimes 'humoristic'

    4. Tragic refers to sad and serious topics and makes us feel strong feelings
    A tragedy is a drama or literary work in which characters have to face tragic events and they often suffer. The end finishes with one or more deaths.
    But we can have comic and tragic in the same time, for exemple 'Le Cid' from Corneille with comic and sad scenes.

    5. A combination of tragic and comic can have different effects : first the story is not only on one tone, as Lucas said, then it can show in a different way the evolution (negative or positive) of the characters because they have to solve dilemmas that will influence the end (more comic or more tragic) and finally authors denounce reality with their own words. If it's a hard reality, they will often use tragic tone, but if we can laugh on it (like L'Avare from Molière) they will use comic tone, and sometimes they use both for a powerful effect.

    6. I really like humour, this makes me smile because there are many ways to 'do' it and it's always different. I like it in films, in litterature, from people. However, I prefer it in a clever way,with a reflexion because some situations can be laughed at, but only in a certain way : we have to know it's for fun or we won't understand or even be in conflict with the others.

  6. 1- a) amusing in a clever way : witty
    b) strange,surprising or puzzling : funny
    c) foolish , stupid or childish : ridiculous
    d) very foolish or being made fun of : silly
    e) entertaining or making you laugh or smile : amusing
    2- I think the two adjectives which could best refer to "humorous" are witty and amusing.
    3- Generally we use "comic" or "humoristic" for indicate a type of actor, novel or film which make people laugh.
    4- Comedies are intended to make the audience laugh, but some movies, some theatre plays, musicals or comics can make us laugh too.
    Tragic refers bad events, to tragedies. Tragedies is dramatik work who end often badly.
    5- A combination of tragic element and humour is a tragicomedy. Puposes can to have its feelings evolve during the play or the reading of the book.
    6- The humor is really my cup of tea more specially the black humor, it is necessary to have a fine spirit to understand the literary irony of certain texts. I think that in the life more we have a sense of humor more we live happy

  7. 1) a. Witty
    b. Funny
    c. Silly
    d. Ridiculous
    e. Amusing

    2) To my opinion the two adjectives which could be referred to humorous are "amusing" and "witty".

    3) Generally when we talk about novels, actors or films which make us laugh it's an "humorous" or a "comical".

    4) To my mind the adjective "tragic" refer to a sad or bad event, like a tragic dram in people's lives.
    A tragedy is usually a disastrous event, which involve a disastring loss or injure in life.
    It can also be tragedy in literature which is a written piece that consists of courageous characters who must confront really powerful obstacles.

    5) For me the effect produced by a combination of tragic elements and humour can be : Black Humour : say or make something funny and amusing in a bad or sad event, moreover it can calm and relieve a tragic and tense event.

    6) I think, yes, humour is my cup of tea because I laugh all the time, and I like to make people laugh when they don't feel great. There are a lot of different a way to make humour.

    (Pesce Valentine 1er L2 )

  8. 1) a. Willy
    b. Funny
    c. Silly
    d. Ridiculous
    e. Amusing

    2) For me the two adjectives which could best refer to « humorous » are funny and ridiculous.

    3) To indicate a type of actor or a film who makes laugh , we often use "comical" or "humouristic"

    4) The comedies are intented to make the spectators, audience laugh but in some movies we can also laugh, there is always in children movies moment of kidding.
    "Tragic" refer to sad moments, bad events with suffering and strong feelings
    Tragedies is generally drama with sad events sometimes death,

    5) The combinaison of tragic elements and humour is tragicomedy, that can bring to you different feellings, it's shows different faces of the characters happily or tragic. Maybe it can be a way for the author to write about a hard subject and to talk about it less sad

    6) Humour is my cup of tea, I love Humour, with my friends I always laugh, at the basketball we always laugh together, I think and I'm sure without humour it will be very boring.

  9. 1) a. Willy
    b. Funny
    c. Silly
    d. Ridiculous
    e. Amusing

    2) For me the two adjectives which could best refer to « humorous » are funny and ridiculous.

    3) To indicate a type of actor or a film who makes laugh , we often use "comical" or "humouristic"

    4) The comedies are intented to make the spectators, audience laugh but in some movies we can also laugh, there is always in children movies moment of kidding.
    "Tragic" refer to sad moments, bad events with suffering and strong feelings
    Tragedies is generally drama with sad events sometimes death,

    5) The combinaison of tragic elements and humour is tragicomedy, that can bring to you different feellings, it's shows different faces of the characters happily or tragic. Maybe it can be a way for the author to write about a hard subject and to talk about it less sad

    6) Humour is my cup of tea, I love Humour, with my friends I always laugh, at the basketball we always laugh together, I think and I'm sure without humour it will be very boring.

  10. 1.Write the corresponding adjective :
    funny - ridiculous - amusing - witty - silly
    a) amusing in a clever way :Witty
    b)strange,surprising or puzzling :Funny
    c) foolish , stupid or childish : Silly
    d)very foolish or being made fun of : Ridiculous
    e) entertaining or making you laugh or smile : Amusing

    2. Among these adjectives , pick two which could best refer to « humorous » ?
    For me it’s : amusing & ridiculous.

    3. When an actor, a novel, a film makes people laugh, which adjective ( not previouly mentioned ) do we commonly use to indicate a type of actor, novel or film ?
    I think is : comic film,novel or actor.

    4. Which type of entertainment is intended to make people laugh ?
    There are humorous shows, comedy films, some comedy also.
    * What does the adj. « tragic » refer to ?
    This word reminds me of some books of Shakespeare, but also sad fims, or the end is not happy.
    * What is a tragedy ?
    The tragedy is a theatrical genre that made cry, which invokes fear and fright, shows of character who almost always eventually die.

    5. What is the effect produced by a combination of tragic elements and humour ? What purposes can it serve ?
    I think we feel a lot of emotions are the two meet.

    6. Is humour your cup of tea?
    Like everybody I think.

  11. 1) funny: Strange, surprising or puzzling
    ridiculous; very foolish or being made fun of
    amusing; entertaing or making you laugh or smile
    witty; amusing in a clever way
    silly; foolish, stupid or childish
    2)To my mind, the two adjectives are amusing and witty.
    3)When an actor, a novel, a film makes people laugh the adjectives do we use is comical.
    4)The type of entertainmaint is entended to make people laugh are generally comédies.
    Tragic is when something is horrifying or dramatic.
    5)According me this combinanson is very Strange because the tragedy and the humour are completely different. It can talk about elements trajic with a certain humour.
    6)For me humour is my cup of tea, in certain situation it can be relaxing. Xe must not be submeged by our problem but take advantage of the life and release the pressure.

    Laetitia Van Cautenberg

  12. 1)
    a= witty
    b= funny
    c= silly
    d= ridiculous
    e= amusing

    For me, the two adjectives which could be refer to " humorous " are " amusing" and " funny"

    To indicate a type of actor, a novel or a film who make people laugh, we can use different adjectives like "comical" for exemple

    The type of entertainment who is intended to make people laugh is "comedy"
    * When some things is tragic that refers to anything that is dramatic, terrible, usually it's dark and not happy things
    * A tragedy is often a dramatic work brought to the theater

    The combination of tragedy and humour can be an interesting thing because humour might give some sort of hope to all that is tragic. I think it can make people more interested in the scene.

    I think humour is my cup of tea because I like to say different joke to my friends and I like to see them happy and laugh.

    Marie Tassiers 1L2

    a wirty
    b funny
    C silly
    d ridiculous
    e amusing

    2. The two adjectives are funny and amusing
    3. Its comical who is using
    4.I think something tragic is when bad events comes in our life
    Tragedy is a drama which the story id link with a bad events (death etc) like romero and juliette
    5. A story who captives the attention of people, a good story with movement
    6. YESi love humour , laughing is the best thing in a day

  14. 1:

    funny : e
    ridiculous : b
    amusing : d
    witty : a
    silly : c

    humorous : witty , ridiculous , funny

    3 : humouristic , comical

    4 : It is call Comedy shows
    Tragic refers to something sad ,drama, disaster .
    A tragedy is a kind of drama but it's also when something serious happens !

    5 : It makes dark humour , it is use to make people laugh about serious things

    6 : Yes , I love watching comedy shows also I laugh all the time , everything makes me laugh , I try to always see the positive point of life

  15. 1.Write the corresponding adjective :

    a) amusing in a clever way: Witty

    b)strange,surprising or puzzling: Funny

    c) foolish , stupid or childish: Slly

    d)very foolish or being made fun of : Ridiculous

    e) entertaining or making you laugh or smile : Amusing

    2. For me, the two adjectives which could be refer to " humorous " it's " amusing" and " funny"

    3. The adjectve use to indicate a type of actor, novel or film it's comical or humoristic

    4. The type of entertainment is intended to make people laugh is comedy

    * the adj. « tragic » refer to dramatic or sad movies

    * What is a tragedy ?
    The tragedy is theatrical work,which is often dramatic

    5. What is the effect produced by a combination of tragic elements and humour ? What purposes can it serve ?

    6. Is humour your cup of tea?
    Yes, I like humour because i love to laugh

  16. funny : e
    ridiculous : b
    amusing : d
    witty : a
    silly : c

    humorous : witty , ridiculous , funny

    3 : humouristic , comical

    4 : It is Comedy shows
    Tragic refers to something sad ,drama, disaster .
    A tragedy is a kind of drama.

    5 : It makes dark humour , it is use to make people laugh about serious events or things.

    6 : Yes , I love watching comedy shows !


  17. funny : e
    ridiculous : b
    amusing : d
    witty : a
    silly : c

    humorous = witty , ridiculous , funny

    3 : humouristic , comical

    4 : It is Comedy shows
    Tragic refers to something sad ,drama, disaster .
    A tragedy is a kind of drama but it's also when something serious happens !

    5 : It is dark humour , it is use to make people laugh about serious things

    6 : Yes , I love watching comedy shows.

  18. 1-


    There are lot of entertainment who can make people laugh as theatre or comedie show...
    The adjectif tragic refer to something who is not happy, too dramatic.
    Tragedy is a king of drama also, always in the theatre
    A combination of tragic element and humour is the black humour, it's when something is funny but it's in a context more tragic
    Yes, i mean you can't be really happy in your life if you never laugh due to it's that who can afford to not to take everything seriously. Without humour the life will be more sadder.

  19. 1) a-witty

    2) I think that the two adjectives "ridiculous" and "funny" refer best to "humorous"

    3) We commonly use the adjective "comical"

    4) Comedies are intended to make people laugh.
    *In my opinion, the adjective "tragic" refers to a sad event like somebody's death.
    *A tragedy is a kind of theatre play where the main character is due to a tragic destiny.

    5)A combination of tragic elements and humour makes the story less serious, then the people enjoy it more. This device also permits to talk about sensible subjects, because they are said with humour.

    6)Yes, but I have some limits, I don't like when humour is too exaggerated, I prefer when it's soft and I'm not fan of dark humour.

    Sanchez Lizarraga Sarah, 1L2

  20. 1) funny : e
    ridiculous : c
    amusing : a
    witty :b
    silly :d

    2) I think the two adjectives can be : Funny, amusing.

    3) We use "comical".

    4) Comedies makes people laugh.
    Tragidy is for a sad story, with people who died, poor family. Usually, the tragedy is for theatre play.

    5) You can switch humour and tragedy, to make the story more ridiculous, or funny in this sad story( the dark humour )

    6) Yes I love humour ! I love laugt and make people laugh !

  21. 1)
    a) witty
    b) funny
    c) silly
    d) ridiculous
    e) amusing

    2) to me the 2 adjectives are witty and amusing.

    3) you can use the word "comic" or "comical" to qualify that.

    4) * the adj. "tragic" refer to 2 definitions, the first one is when is related to the tragedy on the theater and the last one is when an event is sad, terrible, dark which means suffering for those affected.
    * the tragedy is a theatrical genre that dates back to ancient Greek theater.

    5) to me, the mix of humour and tragedy refers to the satirical genre, as this will bring the audience to laugh at the situation as it is a critique of society. with self-derision, sad elements become comic elements.

    6) humour is definitely my cup of tea, i really love to joke around some things and laugh about silly things because we have to enjoy our life despit problems. but i don't always laugh to silly things, sometimes we can't laugh at all. it depends on what humour we talk about as if it was an attack on the person, it's a no because we must stop 'cause there are limits. 

  22. 1/
    a- witty
    b- funny
    c- silly
    d- ridiculous
    e- amusing

    In my opinion the two adjectives wich could best refer to "humorous" are "funny" and "witty".

    we could use the adjective "comical" when an actor, a novel, a movie makes people laugh.

    Many types of entertainment are intended to make people laugh, a novel, a play, a funny show, a movie ... It depends on the humor of each.

    * The adj. « tragic » refer to a sad, disastrous event happened which hurts of any way someone. This event could be an action, a sentence ...
    * A tragedy a dramatic work often carried to the theater where the actions present a passionate character and end generally badly.

    To my point of view the effect produced by a combination of tragic elements and humour is an embarrassement laughter. Laugh about something tragic seem little weird. But it could also makes people forget the tragic element happened and after the'll talk about it easier, Humor allows to speak more easily about this kind of thing . With the humor people won't stay in a state of sadness.

    Of course humor is my cup of tea. Any humor can makes me laugh, I love humoristics movies. It allows me to disconnect me from the world, feel me very well and go out of sadness sometimes. And especially at the moment we need to laugh.


  23. 1/
    a- witty
    b- funny
    c- silly
    d- ridiculous
    e- amusing

    In my opinion the two adjectives wich could best refer to "humorous" are "funny" and "witty".

    we could use the adjective "comical" when an actor, a novel, a movie makes people laugh.

    Many types of entertainment are intended to make people laugh, a novel, a play, a funny show, a movie ... It depends on the humor of each.

    * The adj. « tragic » refer to a sad, disastrous event happened which hurts of any way someone. This event could be an action, a sentence ...
    * A tragedy a dramatic work often carried to the theater where the actions present a passionate character and end generally badly.

    To my point of view the effect produced by a combination of tragic elements and humour is an embarrassement laughter. Laugh about something tragic seem little weird. But it could also makes people forget the tragic element happened and after the'll talk about it easier, Humor allows to speak more easily about this kind of thing . With the humor people won't stay in a state of sadness.

    Of course humor is my cup of tea. Any humor can makes me laugh, I love humoristics movies. It allows me to disconnect me from the world, feel me very well and go out of sadness sometimes. And especially at the moment we need to laugh.


  24. 1/
    a- witty
    b- funny
    c- silly
    d- ridiculous
    e- amusing

    In my opinion the two adjectives wich could best refer to "humorous" are "funny" and "witty".

    we could use the adjective "comical" when an actor, a novel, a movie makes people laugh.

    Many types of entertainment are intended to make people laugh, a novel, a play, a funny show, a movie ... It depends on the humor of each.

    * The adj. « tragic » refer to a sad, disastrous event happened which hurts of any way someone. This event could be an action, a sentence ...
    * A tragedy a dramatic work often carried to the theater where the actions present a passionate character and end generally badly.

    To my point of view the effect produced by a combination of tragic elements and humour is an embarrassement laughter. Laugh about something tragic seem little weird. But it could also makes people forget the tragic element happened and after the'll talk about it easier, Humor allows to speak more easily about this kind of thing . With the humor people won't stay in a state of sadness.

    Of course humor is my cup of tea. Any humor can makes me laugh, I love humoristics movies. It allows me to disconnect me from the world, feel me very well and go out of sadness sometimes. And especially at the moment we need to laugh.


  25. 1)
    a) amusing in a clever way —> witty
    b)strange,surprising or puzzling —> funny
    c) foolish , stupid or childish —> silly
    d)very foolish or being made fun of —> ridiculous
    e) entertaining or making you laugh or smile —> amusing

    2) on the face of it funny and amusing should be the most relevant. But also ridiculous can correspond because some type of humour as parody can be ridiculous.

    3) Comic or humorous are usually used to define this kind of movies, books...

    4) _I can quote one man show or some cartoons which are created only for comical purpose.
    _Tragic only as an adjective it is define something sad, dramatic, something which make you suffer also…
    _ Tragedy is a term which refers to theatre or literature, in fact it is a gender which incorporate some particularities and was very popular in XVII th century.

    5) In my opinion the combination of these two characteristics can create black humour, this kind of humour use dramatic or sad stories but in a funny way. For exemple the french journal “Charlie Hebdo” is popular for his great black humour. Whereas this type of humour can be seriously dangerous and sometimes not funny at all, in my opinion we should be aware of the consequences of the use of this humour and probably in a certain way avoid it.
    In literature or cinematography it is called “tragicomedy” his purpose is to make story more balanced and interesting to read, it serves to avoid the “too much” effect.

    6) I really like humour, jokes and funny lifestyle. I can joke with my friends, my family but also my teachers (shameful). I think there is nothing bad in have a great humour and use with everyone, because first of all its purpose is to make people laugh! And without laugh we cannot be really happy. :)

  26. 1.a) witty

    2.In my point of view, witty and amusing are two adjectives could best refer to " humorous" because humour is made to laugh in an objective way.

    3. We commonly use the adjective comical.

    4. Most of the time, burlesque and light entertainments are intended to make people laugh especially in TV program. We can note there is more and more TV shows intend to make laugh by means of not very serious involves things such as singing, dancing, telling jokes sometimes by forgetting the clever way...
    The theater can be mentioned when it's about a comedy, of course.
    The adjective tragic refers to the deathly human condition because it calls to mind gloomy and sorrowful events. A tragedy is a drama whose purpose is the death, we already know it. This kind of drama invites the spectators to be affect by pity.

    5. The combination of tragic elements and humour create suspens and tension.We don't have any idea about the purpose of the story. So throughout the story we stand at attention and we try to pick up informations which seem to be important that will allow us to find out if the purpose is comical or not. The comedy-drama uses elements of comedy to dramatics ends.

    6. Of course, humour is my cup of tea. I think it is very important to know laugh and to know how to make laugh. Because humour in its form unify (its contents can be divided) and make people feel fine. With humour we can say what we didn't want to say a frank way, in fact some things goes better with humour...
    Naomi MB. TES4

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  29. 1)Funny a
    Ridiculous b
    Amusing e
    Witty d
    Silly c

    2)To my mind, the two adjectives which could best refer to "humour" are : amusing and funny.

    3)The adjective we commonly use for this type of film,novel or actor is "comic" or "humoristic"

    4)Several type of entertainment are intended to make people laugh like parody, humoristic movies ...
    .The adjective "tragic" is completly the opposite of the adjective "humoristic". It refer to something bad (and even sad)we can use it to talk about death.
    . A "tragedy" is a literary style which intervenes in theatre. Most of the time it's about a person of high rank (king,princess)and the end is generaly sad (death of the protagonist).

    5)A combination of tragic elements and humour can be interesting because it allows ups and downs and avoid to be annoying or too sad.

    6)If the humour is correctly dosed (not mean, ponderous or stereotyped)and intelligent or which makes laugh and reflect, yes it can be my cup of tea.

  30. 1)Funny a
    Ridiculous b
    Amusing e
    Witty d
    Silly c

    2)To my mind, the two adjectives which could best refer to "humour" are : amusing and funny.

    3)The adjective we commonly use for this type of film,novel or actor is "comic" or "humoristic"

    4)Several type of entertainment are intended to make people laugh like parody, humoristic movies ...
    .The adjective "tragic" is completly the opposite of the adjective "humoristic". It refer to something bad (and even sad)we can use it to talk about death.
    . A "tragedy" is a literary style which intervenes in theatre. Most of the time it's about a person of high rank (king,princess)and the end is generaly sad (death of the protagonist).

    5)A combination of tragic elements and humour can be interesting because it allows ups and downs and avoid to be annoying or too sad.

    6)If the humour is correctly dosed (not mean, ponderous or stereotyped)and intelligent or which makes laugh and reflect, yes it can be my cup of tea.

  31. 1) witty -> a
    ridiculous-> b
    amusing -> e
    silly -> c
    funny -> d

    2) I think, witty and ridiculous could best refer to humorous.

    3) We comonly use to define them the ajective comical or humorous.

    4) I think, when a film, a book or a video are followed by the comical adjective, it certainly try to make people laugh.
    Tragic refer to a fatal event, terrible. Which causes a feeling of pity or terror.
    A tragedy is a dramatic work often used in the theater where the shares have a passionate nature and usually ends badly.

    5) This creates black humor. Effect is different for people : the sensitivity and moral sense determine whether or not we like this kind of humor. Indeed the ethical reason can be evoked. It serve to denounce the absurdity of the world in a cruel and cynical way.

    6) Obviously I like humor. This may be the burlesque or black humor. I'm not very dificult whith the type of humor used. The humor accompanies us all the time and the little things in life : see someone tripping (I know it's bad...) or during discussions where there is a misunderstanding, both always make me laugh.

  32. 1) a-> witty
    b-> funny
    c-> silly
    d-> ridiculous
    e-> amusing

    2) "witty" and "amusing" are the best adjectives to refer to "humorours".

    3) We commonly use the adjective "comical".

    4) . Tragic refers to bad events that hurt people or make them feel really bad.
    . A tragedy id a theatrical gender that involves dark, death, bad luck, bad ending.

    5) According to me the combination of tragic elements and humor creates dark humour. It makes people laugh about something serious.

    6) Of course i like humor. It's important to laugh because it makes you forget all the bad things you use to be thinking about.

  33. 1) a = willy
    b = funny
    c = silly
    d = ridiculous
    e = amusing

    2) The two adjectives are witty and amusing.

    3) We commonly use the adjective comical.

    4) -Tragic is when sad things happened and it affects people
    -A tragedy is a drama where we use dark, death and bad events.

    5) It creates dark humour.

    6) Yes humor is my cup of tea. I love to laugh and it's a really important thing to me.

  34. 1) a) Witty
    b) Funny
    c) Silly
    d) Ridiculous
    e) Amusing

    2) As far as i'm concerned i think that funny and witty could best refer to "humorous"

    3) We commonly use the adjective "comical" when an actor, a novel, a film makes people laugh.

    4) A TV show, a one man show, some movies, a book, a play are intended to make the audience laugh.

    The adjective "tragic" can define a bad event, when something bad happen to you. This adjective haves a connotation negative.

    A tragedy is a theatrical gender, where people have a bad destiny, and most of the time they die at the end of the play.

    5) It can be a sort of black humor, it can make us laugh or shock us. People can take a distance about horrible things like death for exemple. This kind of combination show that we can laugh about everything.

    6) Of couse i like humor, i love laugh, it's like a sort of therapy for me. When i feel bad i need to laugh, so i watch funny movies, or i just see my friends who make me laught a loat, well i put my sadness away for a time. I think that for everyone laugh is a need.

    Anne Levansuu TES4
