Wednesday 8 February 2017


In the United States, Donald Trump said that he would like to abolish abortion.
We can see that many people, especially women, have demonstrated in the streets because they disagree with his decision.

  • Are you for or against abortion ?


  1. To my mind, Donald Trump is going to make America decline and become a country without any attraction for us, foreigners.
    Indeed, he has already signed some outrageous laws which banned people from specific muslim countries for instance. But what shocked me the most in his speeches is that he wants to abolish abortion. I think that after so many years fighting for women rights, nobody in any developped country should think in a demeaning way against women's place. Of course, there will always be some exceptions in the people, but electing a sexist ( as much as racist, xenophobic etc...) president who openly despise women, is a shame for all of his constituents.
    It must have been clear that I am, of course, for abortion, because being in favor of it means I am in favor of human rights in general.
    Since the "Women march" in Washington ( and partly in other cities and countries), I feel really more concerned about this and involved, because I saw that not everybody thought like Donald Trump, and that there was still hope for this huge country not to let their president destroy what we have been building these past decades.


  2. Hi ESTHER !
    First of all, I already knew that Donald trump was planning to abolish the abortion in the United States . Secondly I'm strongly opposed to this idea because it's a bad thing for women . In fact , women could be raped and be pregnant . Besides , they can forget the pill one month whereas they weren't planning to have a baby . It makes me sad to think about these poor young girls ( in the future ) because they couldn't abort although it was possible before .
    Nevertheless , to demonstrate is hopeful for me because women are for the abortion and they realize how much it's important for us to have the right to abort and to do what we want of our body .
    However , some men also demonstrated in the street and it's wonderful to think that some of them feel concerned about that .
    To conclude , I'm really against Donald Trump's position and I hope the condition of women in the USA won't be worse ...
    Lena szepetowski 1S4

  3. Hello !

    - To begin with, abortion is a spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation. Like you Esther I also heard that Donald Trump had said that he would like to abolish the abortion and that makes me fell very sad for all women. Last week there were the women's march in Washington, about two millions people participated with lots of celebrities like Madonna and Katy Perry.
    - As for me I am totally FOR the abortion because it better for babys to live in a good atmosphere, with a close-knit family ( who wants him ) than a family who have problems or a very young mother whose pregnancy was an accident. Moreover we see on this picture the slogan "her body, her choice" and I think it is totally true because women must decide of their destiny !

    Clara Latella 1S4

  4. The abortion right is a fundamental law for the woman and the human rights generally. The abortion allows the woman to decide on its own body, it is its choice and she alone to be able to him decide on her body.
    I am a feminist and it hampers me to see that some people as Donald Trump, does not accept the emancipation of women and to question his rights and his needs. It is absolutely shameful that one politics at the head of a however big country is the United States and to be able to allow to say such horrors about the women, it irritates me enormously and I hope that the Americans and the Americans are going to keep demonstrating.

    Fanny Gallezot 1ereL

  5. Hello everybody,

    To start with, I think that this decision is a bit quick and we must weight the pros and cons. Donald Trump is the President of America since January 20th and he already wants to move all the system. Obviously, women are the first victims. I think that it is quite a difficult question to answer to. Indeed, nowadays a lot of women abort and sometimes for immoral reasons. Because the real question is : is it moral or not to take a fœtus’ life ?
    On one hand, some women wanted to have a child, and when they discover the sexe for example, they wanted to abort. For instance, in China, some women aborted because the baby was a girl and they wanted a boy. We can also add that before, in Asia, they had the right to have only one child and they prefered boys than girls. Moreover, scientists, with new experiments started to discover the baby’s sexual identity in the mother’s womb. So, the mother can know before the birth of her baby if he is gay or not and so decides to abort or not. As for me, kill a fœtus for one’s own matter is quite cruel. This point leads to the another one.
    On the other hand, if a mother gives birth to a baby, she must love him even if he’s different, and must accept him how he is. So, if the mother decided, before the delivery that she is going to hate her baby (just like Harriet with Ben in Doris Lessing’s Fifth Child’s book), abortion is a good solution. Indeed, the baby needs the love of her mother and if he’s rejected, he can have some traumas which will lead him to a bad future. Moreover, abortion is a woman’s right and we can respect this choice. It is the body of the mother in which the baby is, and so the mother must decide of what she does. Abortion can also be the solution for an involuntary pregnany which arrived with a unknown man during a party or with a man who broke-up a few weeks later (for example because he doesn’t want to become a « responsible » father).
    Finally, we can think that this idea of abolishing abortion is quite paradoxal. Indeed, Donald Trump said « America First » but he is destroying the American’s women’s right that had been pronounced years ago. However, we know that women if they need or want to abort, they will abort. The « only » difference is that upper or higher class will travel into another country and pay a good doctor to do the operation whereas lower class won’t be able to travel and to pay doctors. So, if they need to abort, they will have to go through illegal techniques with dishonnest and unskilled people who will do the operation. To that, women will put their life and health in danger.
    So, to put it all in a nutshell, abortion is quite a serious question and my point is separated in two different ideas. Indeed, for some cases, kill a fœtus is immoral if the mother do it without a real pattern but it is also usefull if the mother needs it, if she has no choice. However, this opinion is personal and each person can have her or his own impression and point on this subject.

    Claire Bouthiba 1S6

  6. When I think that people have fought to get this right, I find it's a shame that abortion isn't an international right ... And coming from a country as modern as the United States, it's revolting!
    I am entirely for because no one can choose in place of both parents, it's a choice and a personal right! I don't understand how abortion can be banned, knowing that the child is likely to be very unhappy, if the parents feel too young, don't have the financial means or simply don't want children! Abortion is also useful if the child has many chances of being ill... Of course abortion shouldn't be a usual solution, but it seems to me indispensable in some cases, and banning it would be a serious mistake.

  7. Hello everybody !
    I am, obviously, for abortion. I think that nobody should have the right to forbid the women to have a miscarriage if they want it. Some women, after a rape, for example, get pregnant, and they have the right to fail. Give birth to the child of a rapist must be horrible, and the women who don't wish it are totally right. Moreover, have a miscarriage is not a harmless act : the women who make the decision to fail don't make it by pleasure but by necessity.
    Furthermore, I think that this decision concerns only the woman in question, and not the rest of the world, and even less the president. It's a personal act.

    Elisa Etchegaray 1L1

  8. The abortion right was approved in 1973 in the United States. All States agreed on it beside Texas which wanted to add some conditions. Donald Trump announced in his election program that he would revoke the IVG law. Now that he was elected some changes are going to happen.

    Trump claims to be pro-life, he and his vice-president who is a pure evangelic will make sure all members of the government and judges are pro-life too. If the law is canceled this will mean no women will have the right to have an abortion and in case it happens the doctors charged of this abortion will be punished by the law. Women victims of rape will have to keep their baby if they became pregnant, which will be hard for both the woman and the baby because the woman may not love her child and the baby will suffer from it. Moreover teenagers and young women are not free from an accidental pregnancy that could destroy their future life by forcing them to quite their studies or to work more to earn enough money to take care of the child.

    From my point of view a woman is owner of her own body, not the state and having an abortion isn't a crime because the baby isn't born yet. On the contrary I think it is cruel to keep a child without being able to raise him in good conditions or worse without being able to love him as much as other mothers would do.

  9. I am for abortion, because I believe that women have the right to decide whether or not they want to give birth. The so-called pro-life people are quite hypocritical in my opinion, as they don't want the children to have a good education, food, and a roof, but solely for them to be born. Moreover, a lot of the people who are pro-life don't understand that no one wants to have an abortion : it's a difficult decision to make and women shouldn't have to be shamed when they do.
    I'm proud of all the men and women who demonstrated, especially during the Women's March, because they showed Trump and all of his supporters that we will not let them take our rights. I believe that it's important to raise our voices during such issues.

    Youmi Kim 1L1

  10. As everyone I am aware that Donald Trump intends to abolish abortion.
    To tell the truth, I have mix feelings about this subject :
    On one hand, I share Claire's point of view saying that it can be immoral to kill a fetus but on the other hand, I strongly think that we cannot forbid women to abort. Almost everyone agrees to say that abortion is a fundamental right that women must be able to have. That is why, I am far from convinced that Trump is right. However, I am not that much shocked about his position as it just follows the way he thinks.

    By the way, I hope that you all spend good times skiing or just having rest. Enjoy yourselves xx !
    Marie Moroni 1S4

  11. hi everyone, to begin I am totally FOR abortion.
    What if you have been raped ? Or if you are only 15 or 16 ? You never know what is going to happen. If you think that it is never going to happen to you, remember to never say never.
    And scientifically speaking, if you do the amniocentesis and learn that your baby is trisomic, what would you do ? would you take the risk of giving birth to him and make your life, especially his life, and everybody's life around him a nightmare ? Personally I wouldn't and I know it may sounds selfish but it's for his good first.

  12. Hello everybody !
    I also heard that news and I saw a lot of women demonstrating for their rights on TV.
    First of all, abortion is legalized since 1973 in USA. It has been and still is one of the most controversal issues in the country. Then, I am for abortion because it is a fundamental woman's right. Indeed, women have to be allowed to decide what to do with their own bodies. Besides, like Clara said, it is better for a baby to live in a close-knit family than in a family who didn't even want him ! And, a woman can be raped or too young to have a baby so abortion is essential in our society.
    With this idea, Donald Trump begins his mandate with backsliding on standars of gender equality and equal opportunities !
    To finish, on social medias we can see that the opinion is divided about this subject : while a lot of people expressed their support to Donald Trump, most of celebrities are against the president's decision.

    Eve Hanoune

    To start with, I think that this decision is a bit quick and we must weight the pros and cons. Donald Trump is the President of America since January 20th and he already wants to move all the system. Obviously, women are the first victims. The abortion right was approved in 1973 in the United States. All States agreed on it beside Texas which wanted to add some conditions. Donald Trump announced in his election program that he would revoke the IVG law. I think that it is quite a difficult question to answer to.
    Indeed, nowadays a lot of women abort and sometimes for immoral reasons.
    Some women wanted to have a child, and when they discover the sexe so they changed their minds so they abort. I just give my opinion, i think that is completely stupid to abort because of the sexe, some woman are desperate to have a child and there is a lot woman in Asia and Japon who just kind of killed their own child because the sexe does not suit them.
    Donald Trump said « America First » but he is destroying the American’s women’s right that had been pronounced years ago.
    So, to sum up, abortion is quite a serious question. However, this opinion is personal and each person can have her or his own impression and point on this subject.

  14. Hello everyone !
    To begin with the subject, remember us that aborption is autorises since practically Fivety years old.
    It's a lot and I'm really surprised when I see a occidental country which retry olds laws. As many people, I'm for the aborption. Many of us have goods examples like : the age, the condition of life, and of course the desire to have a child or not.
    Yet this policy is debating and I think that with this change, Trump especially wants to touch the Puritans. We must really be careful with these retrograde ideas because they also affect France.
    Fortunately, many protests have taken place against this decision and I think there will be many more.
    In conclusion I would say that no one can influence the choice of a woman on what she wants to do.

    Camille Goletto TL1

  15. Hi,
    I'm very shoked to hear that the president of one of the most advanced country in the world is against abortion. As a matter of fact, I am totally in favour of abortion, as long as it is well used of course, for several reasons.
    First of all, abortion is the solution for an involuntary pregnancy which arrived after a woman has been raped or after a pill forgoten. Then, abortion is also necessary when you discover the foetus presents an incurable desease. Finally, abortion is a major women's right because women must be able to decide what they want to do with their body.
    To conclude, I hope that Donald Trump won't deprive US women of this most important right women have fought for during the past decades.
    Dossios Emilie 1°S4

  16. I'm not going to say if I'm for or against abortion but I'm definitely against the fact that he wants to abolish abortion !To me a woman has the right to keep or not her baby for many reasons some women are afraid not to be able to take care of them about money or many others reasons anyways that is something totally private so I see no reason for us to now about it that is not our business.Concerning Trump ,honestly I'm tired of him I'm not even surprised he said he wanted to "make America great again " but he his just destroying everything people fought against for many years and if nobody stops he's going to ruin this country he just started,with this president it's more like a huge step backward.I saw the women's march on the social media and i thought i was beautiful that people gathered for a common idea I would say "girls compete with each other women empower one an other " to me it defines it perfectly .To conclude I would say that I'm against abolishing abortion because I think it's a right and we have to respect it.

  17. Hello everyone !

    First of all I would like to say that, from the beginning of the twentieth century, women, from all over the world started to show their position about abortion. As we all know, Simon Veil made this law in France and got it voted by the french governement.
    Then, I think we can all agree that, even in 2017 it is still hard to be a woman in the man's world we are living in. So, I would like to say that I am a hundred pourcent for abortion, because women should have the right to make what they want with their body. I mean, if you have been a victim of rape or if you have a child by accident, it will be better to abort than to have a child who wasn't wanted or who you can't take care of.
    Although, I have nothing to add about Trump, I think it is easy to understand what I think about him.


  18. Hello everyone !

    First of all I would like to say that, from the beginning of the twentieth century, women, from all over the world started to show their position about abortion. As we all know, Simon Veil made this law in France and got it voted by the french governement.
    Then, I think we can all agree that, even in 2017 it is still hard to be a woman in the man's world we are living in. So, I would like to say that I am a hundred pourcent for abortion, because women should have the right to make what they want with their body. I mean, if you have been a victim of rape or if you have a child by accident, it will be better to abort than to have a child who wasn't wanted or who you can't take care of.
    Although, I have nothing to add about Trump, I think it is easy to understand what I think about him.


  19. Hello everyone!
    To start with, I am for abortion.
    To my mind all the women have the right to choose if they want a baby or not. I think abortion is not a crime because if a woman is pregnant and she can't take care of the baby, I think it's better to abort. However this decision is very difficult to take.
    To conclude, all the women are able to take a decision and Donald trump can't take this right away.

  20. Hi everyone !
    I think it is a difficult subject.
    On the one hand, I think it is better to use contraception rather than having an abortion. If the government offered more money to schools to give students a better sexual education, there would be less teen pregnancies !
    But on the other hand, I think abortion is a right because accidents can happen and no contraception method is, in fact 100% safe! Furthermore, women sometimes learn that their children have for instance a serious illness like Down syndrome, or even worse, get pregnant after a rape.

    To put it all in a nutshell, I do not think Donald Trump should make this decision. Moreover, he has very few women on his team: no wonder why he seems so clueless about women's rights.

  21. Hi !
    “No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother.” Margaret Sanger. First of all, I agree with this quote because I absolutely support a women's right to be able choose her future. Abortion has always been a controversial subject for many reasons but I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion so by abolishing abortion in the States, Trump will be taking away women's freedom.
    Furthermore, a women might choose to end her pregnancy because of birth control failure, to prevent the birth of a child with abnormalities or severe medical problems. A women may also prefer to end an unplanned pregnancy or a pregnancy resulting from rape ,or maybe she just imagines herself incapable of raising a child. These are the most common reasons of abortion and they should not be taken away from a person.
    So as far as I’m concerned I'm totally for abortion however it should not be taken advantage of and be used as a birth control.

    Sky Mietkowski.

  22. Hello,
    To begin with, I think it is very important that abortion remains exceptional for rape or too young mother and does not become a means of contraception. Prohibiting abortion is stupid because we know that women if they need or want to abort, they will abort. So, if they need to abort, they will have to go through illegal techniques with dishonnest and unskilled people who will do the operation. To that, women will put their life and health in danger.
    To finish, in relation to the slogan "her body her choice, women do not get pregnant all by themselves and I sincerely think that men should feel more responsible because in case they are fleeing before this kind of problem.

  23. I am for abotion because women fought to obtain this right thanks to Simone Veil in 1975. Actually, Donald Trump is not the first to talk about this right because Marine Le Pen and François Fillon also undermines it. And i am really upset by this political debate. Abortion is a right which women must have, full stop.
    To finish, we are in 2017 and statements such as those Donald Trump are intolerable. That brings us back to foundation of the 19th and 20th century...

    Calypso Baillot 1èreL

  24. Hi everyone, first of all, I am totally for abortion.
    In my opinion, nobody can force a women to keep her baby. For example, if you have been raped, if you're very young, or if the baby was not wanted, you should have the right to take your own decision, and nobody can decide if you have to keep the baby or not. Morever, I prefer aborting than keeping a baby that will have health or psychological problems (for instance down syndrome...).
    To conclude, every women has the right to take decisions, and abortion is a right.

  25. Hi evrybody,
    Like you all I think abortion is an obvious right. Donald Trump's project didn't suprise me. I mean, it's Donald Trump we are talking about so...
    As Jacques said, if abortion become illegal, women will have to do it illegaly and that is defenitly not a good idea ! Moreover, I think it isn't possible to say to a young girl who's 14 or 16 that she has to keep and raise the baby she got from the man who raped her ! And that is just a scenario.
    So I think such a project isn't acceptable and I hope that is all it will ever be : a project.

  26. Hi,
    I think abortion is a right, however I am totally against it. Indeed, I think that when a woman fall pregnant, she carries life and a baby that is a very beautiful gift. There are different possibilities to prevent pregnancy: the pill, the implants ... there are not excuse.Unfortunately,women who are raped and who get pregnant are very difficult experience.However, there are several solutions in place of abortion especially at the delivery or there are several solutions.I think women who abort don't realize her luck that they have to be pregnant, because many can not get pregnant, while some women abort several times.Moreover, often after having aborted the women suffer and regret, however it's too late.And for those who abort because the baby has a malformation or other it's inhuman.ABORTION=KILLING LIVES!!
    Moreover, in our days are several womans exaggerated of this right!
    If our mothers had aborted we would not be talking about our opinions.
    However, I'm don't agree of this womans , but I'm against I do not give my opinion with those who do it because it is their right. When you get pregnant you have to assume what you do, whatever your age!!!
    Alves Diana

  27. Hello everyone,

    First I believe we are in 2017 and this debate shouldn't even be considered. I am totally for abortion it is a right that women gained! Women are already underestimated in jobs and social life so the fex rights that they fought for and obtained shouldn't be reconsidered. I think people that are against abortion should put themselves in other women's head for two minutes! I mean I don't think that someone that has been raped would want to keep her child if ever she falls pregnant. And some people can't afford to have a child, and if they keep him he might live in very bad conditions especially in the United States where medical services are very expensive. So I think abortion is something that shouldn't be discussed. It is a right. Full stop.

    Oisin Maguire Mondoloni 1L
