Monday 21 January 2019

Last week, there was a huge fire in Mexico because of people who were stealing petrol from a pipeline. What do you think about it ?


  1. I think it is something serious because, even if these people were in the illegality they were human and it is always grave to hear about the death of people during an accident. In Mexico there is a lot of smuggling and crime, so it's more normal to see that there.

  2. Hello, to be honest i did not hear about this news but now i am really shocked. I ignore the reason of their action but it isn't intelligent. That's part of the things you should know. I also think that the reason should be very important, maybe, the price of petrol increased and they didn't have enough money to buy it so they couldn't drive their vehicle and earn money. Even if they did it for the survive that is not the best way. Then I think that the private companies which control these station should improve the security.
    Emin Makhachev TS5

  3. Hello everyone,

    I think that it is tragic that there has been an enormous fire in Mexico, indeed accidents like this one often happen. When I lived in Menton there was a fire in the forest next door to me, some people lost their houses, but luckily nobody died. Secondly stealing petrol from a pipeline is a very dangerous thing to do, many things could go wrong, such as this fire or even an explosion.
    In conclusion I think that people should think before doing things which they will regret later on.

    Thank you for reading

    FLANNAGAN Olivia 1S1

  4. It is strange to see how people can risk their life to get something. 73 people dead by fire and 74 were injured. Do they people knew about the risk they were taking? Apparently, firemen had been sent to fight against fire. Unfortunately, they weren't enough to protect this place.

  5. Hello everyone,
    I think it's a shame that the mistakes of a few killed that many innocent people. Even if they really needed that petrol and they were not able to afford it, they should have been much more careful because now, they have to live with the death of many people on their conscience. They should have thought about all the risks they were taking before doing it.

  6. Hi,
    To begin, I'd like to say that some ressources like the petrol must be secured by the army because it's a strategic business which produce a lot of money. But some undevelopped countries or developing countries can not do that. That's why there are sometimes terrible accidents like this. It is really sad to see that a lot of folk died from the fire because of some thiefs. But it's important to notice that a lot of people in Mexico live very bad and maybe the thiefs tried to steal petrol to feed their family. So I am sad to see that some accidents like that happens.
    Ewan Lagain TS3

  7. Hello,
    I read that gangs or families use to steal petrol to sell them illegally, that’s why many pipelines closed to avoid this, however, this theft has been fatal. I think this is so sad because we could have been avoided. This is an example of the lack of safety and control in Mexico. Indeed, Mexico is known to have a lot of traffics like drugs or avocado, many gangs exist and lead cities: the government can't control it.
    In brief, we need to ask the questions “Where was the security ?”, “Were they armed enough ?”, "Were they corrupted ?" to prevent a new incident like that.
    Marie Espinosa 1ES2

    1. Sorry I made some mistakes:
      -It could have been avoided
      -Indeed, Mexico is known to have a lot of traffics like drugs or avocado, many gangs exist and control cities instead of the government.
      Marie Espinosa 1ES2

  8. Hello every one,
    First of all when I saw this post I was not aware of what happened and when I looked at the information I saw that the death toll was huge and I realized that the oil thieves did something very serious and dangerous. According to the information the balance reaches 85 dead and it keeps increasing. In my opinion, I think it's not normal and this situation is catastrophic. the Mexican government and the authorities should have done something before all of this happened. I do not understand why people put themselves in danger and endanger other people just to get oil.
    Finally, it is with things like that that we can realize that people are willing to risk their lives in order to have money because they are affected by poverty.
    Ethan Lellouche 1S1

  9. Pipelines are vulnerable. They are very long (thousands of kilometres), impossible to protect and carry increasingly expensive goods.
    It is therefore obvious that there will be more and more temptation to steal by affection.
    Piercing a pipeline is dangerous (flammable product, presence of gas), there will be other accidents.

  10. Hello everyone !
    I saw this news on an international newspaper, and I was shocked !
    I think that people that stole the petrol weren't aware of the danger, because if you're at a point in your life where you have to stole petrol from a pipeline to survive, I think you don't care about the danger. A big part of the population of Mexico is really poor so, some of them certainly saw a good opportunity to make some money, but for what price ? You can survive without stealing things, so they shouldn't do it any way.
    This incident proves that pipelines have to be more protected and also their structure reinforced. Pipelines are really long so some defaults can be unseen. Then people try to steal petrol and horrible things happens like this huge fire that could have killed more people if the authorities weren't there in time.

    Lola Colin TS2

  11. First I think that stealing is a bad thing but in this case it’s more complicated because these people needed petrol to survive and live. This event is the proof that our world in 2019 is a very sad world. If you are cynical you can say that they have been punished by the huge fire that followed and killed them but personally I think that it’s a tragedy. To conclude this very sad story I would say that we have to change this world by fighting poverty. Vincent 1s1

  12. Hello everyone,
    First of all , I did not hear about this fire but the question interested me a lot . I think taht the flight in general is not good and in addition to creating an accident because of a stupidity does not need to be .It's really dangerous because of something you don't think is seriously put a lot of innocent people at risk .
