Sunday, 20 December 2020


 What makes some people different?


  1. First of all, being different doesn't mean anormal. Our different could be our strenght. Someone can be different because he has some disability or malformation. But also, people who disagree with society are considered different. Most of the time, someone who doesn't have self-confidence could feels different and inferior. But my question is: are we supposed to be like everyone ? Our differences define us. Our defects and also qualities. Should we accept them ? From my point of view, nobody is different, but everyone is unique.
    PIAIA Julie T04

  2. In my opinion, I think that what makes us different is not a malformation or a mental disorder, for me, I think those our opinions that make us different.
    It seems to me that if we do not follow a certain movement and think differently from others, we are directly categorized as different.
    Mia Schannes

  3. There may be several types of differences. First of all, physical differences due to handicaps, malformations or simple physical characteristics that make us unique and all more different from each other. Then, we may be different in our way of thinking, for example politically. Finally, we can be different by our clothes, our tastes or our choices. Thanks to that, we are all different and I think it’s great because it creates infinite diversity !
    MACCARIO Juliette T3

  4. I think the word "different" isn't very clear. Indeed everyone is different, and yet, we can still agree sometimes that this one or that one is different and perhaps even weird. So in that specific case, we often say such things because the person's look or way of thinking or behaving is not ours and is strange to us. But "different" doesn't necessarily mean bad, he could be different in a good way: for example we could say bodybuilders are different and even superhumans, without meaning that they're ugly.

  5. Hello,
    Indeed, we are all different from each other because each human is unique and looks like no other. The diversity of our spicies is extraordinary, and the evolution of our world allows us to evolve and live differently from others.
    But, effectively, in our society, people tends to look like others : a model and a way of life is diffused, but also a way of dressing, an education, a culture... which can prevent us to live according to our feelings, our personal desires. So, a conformism and a social determinism has developped and the big majority of humans are victims of that. Given that, humans look like others and don't appear different.
    So in our world and our time, a people "different" is a person who gets noticed, who catch the eye.
    In my opinion, say that a person is "different" isn't necessarily bad. According to the meaning given to the word, it can be a compliment or an insult.

    1. Correction :
      2§ : " a model and a way of life is diffused, but also ONE'S way of dressing, an UPBRINGING [...] TO PREVENT US FROM LIVING according to [...]. So, a conformism and a social determinism has DEVELOPED and MOST HUMAN BEINGS victims of that. "

      3§ :"So, in our world and our time, SOMEONE WHO IS different [...] who CATCHES the eye. " ; " In my opinion, SAYING that a person [...].

  6. To my mind when we are "different" it’s because we are in the minority and the people who judge you to as "different" are in the majority. You can be different because of your cultur or your physical aspect or your mind or your opinion but it’s just because other are not like you. So when you are not « different » you are just normal and don’t have anything else that the majority don’t have. To conclude be « diffenrent » can be original.

  7. Thinking that "some people" are different implies that there are also some people who are "normal". However, it is difficult to define what a "normal" person really is. It's not that some people are different, but that everybody is different in their own way. It can be their appearances, their background, their personality. I personally believe that no human is ever the same as another one. People should take pride in their uniqueness and not be ashamed of it. Sure, some people can be weird because of mental illnesses or the like, but that doesn't mean that we have to judge them for it, especially if it is something out of their control.

  8. Hello,
    I think what makes some people different is that they are not acting like the majority or as we're expecting them to act. But it is subjective because one person might think someone is different but it's just new for them and a third person may think they are not different at all, because they are used to people thinking outside of the box for example. So saying that someone is different doesn't really mean something in particular it depends on the situation and on the people involved,how they think, how they were educated, in what environment they grew up. And even the people involved might not have the same perception of the word; one might use it as an insult while the other one takes it as a compliment.
    To conclude I think that there aren't precise things that make some people different, people define them as different because of the perception they have of them, in reality they might not be different at all .

    Irina Mellaart T01

  9. In my opinion, all people are different in all points. We can note that the difference can be physical but it can also a mental difference. Some people are different because they dont have the same face but also because they think differently. Finally I will say that everybody is different so nobody have to complex or think he is not "normal".

  10. In my opinion, what makes some people different is that they are outside the "norms" created by society. Indeed, despite the progress of recent centuries, difference is often frowned upon by society. People are described as eccentric, bizarre, out of the norm, sometimes because of the way they dress, live and talk. Then there is another form of difference which is often not wanted by the person. For example, a genetic disease that would change the way a person looks or talks. In any case these differences are not a bad thing, on the contrary they make us unique and irreplaceable.

  11. Hello,
    to respond to this question I first want to say that everybody is different: every single one of us acts, looks and thinks differently. But we can always find points in which we can agree, relate or assimilate our looks. This can be due to a common culture/background or a similar education.
    I think, by the way this question is asked, that we are talking about greater differences. We are "different" when we don't fit in the norm. The norm being the highest percentage of something regarding humans. For example, most humans have two legs and two arms, making it that they can approximately do the same things. Whereas a person born with a missing member or neurone is considered different because he or she doesn't have the same opportunities and abilities a "normal" person would have.
    So for precision, being different is not a bad thing, it's scarier because it makes us feel alone . But in the end it doesn't really matter, we all are somewhat the same, we all descend from the same roots. We are not different from one another in our worth because we all deserve the same amount of joy happiness and success, we all have the same rights (or should have). The only thing that can make us less worthy of something is our actions, otherwise, we should all be treated the same..but we live in an unfair and unbalanced world, making our differences our weakness or our strength.


  12. First of all, what the word "different" means?
    Someone who is different is someone who is not similar. But, the problem today is that being different, is synonymous with strangeness, and therefore exclusion; thinking like this is not a healthy way of thinking.
    Our society has created a kind of "mold", that defines standars of beauty. But today, being different should not be a sign of exclusion, being different it what makes us unique. As Coco Chanel said: "to be irreplaceable, you have to be different". Being different should be a norm.

    1. correction:
      3* "is synonymous of..."
      5* "standards"
      6* "is what makes us unique"

  13. Firstly it's important to notice that “difference “ is not synonym of strangeness. Also , we should know that if we are different it ´s just because we have our culture, tradition, rituals, beliefs and are custumized to some ideas. We can’t be different just because of our wealth , illness , handicap or colour of skin.However, we can be different because of our personality or behavior. Indeed , the difference can be observed on the values and the ethics not on what we have or on what we have not. For instance , an educate person can be different of the barbaric one, because both have not the same vision of life but an handicap person can’t be different compared to another just because of his /her deformity because in fact, he / she can think and act like everyone. Strangeness and difference don’t exist because everyone thinks that what he does is normal , and that’s the society that standarize people and place them on the normal or the strange box and therefore accept or deny them. To conclude , everyone can think , act and do what he /she wants , difference is not a weakness but a strength and people must be tolerent and accept that everyone has his way of living his life as he/ she desires.

  14. Hello!
    Being different can be easily achieved, in fact everyone is different in their own specific way. I could list so many examples but i’m going to focus on the primary differences that make people unique.
    So first of all the likes and dislikes of a person. Even if it’s about food! it makes a little dissimilarity from one other.
    Then, our looks. We are so unique and even with 7.8B people on earth right now, I think that if you find your doppelgänger you could still find yourself not being the exact same person (in a physical way). Anyway I know that a lots of people consider anyone weird if they don’t act like them or look the same, which is really mean. It’s not because someone has disabilities, is from any country or is different from you that they are different from being HUMAN.
    I also think that we should accept being different from everyone else because it would be so boring if it wasn’t the case. We should all be proud. And I know that for some people it can be hard and create insecurities but it will change with time.
    We live on a flying rock in the middle of nowhere and we won’t be there in less than 200years so enjoy being different as much as you can.
    Salomé PALAU 101

  15. Hello, I think what makes someone different is what actually makes them different from us. I mean when you see someone that thinks or does things in a complete other way than you, you say this person is different from you, and this person probably thinks you're different from them, I don't think we are all a 100% unique because we'll always be able to find someone we share some common ground with. So being different doesn't mean you're different from every single person on this earth you're just different from the person who says this from you. What I'm trying to say is that basically anything can make you different from anyone.

  16. Hello!
    In my opinion a lot of parameters make people different like education, culture, personal experience or travels.Indeed, travels can model our personalities.Travels allow us to be more open-minded and have a new look on the world.

  17. Hello.
    In my opinion, everybody is different.
    I think that what makes people different from each other is their past.
    First, not everyone received the same education so not everyone is educated on the same topics.
    Obviously, people who aren’t born in the same country don’t speak the same languages and have not the same culture as someone who is born in another country.
    Also, people are different because of their features. There is white people, people with dark skin and light skin. Also, not everybody has the same hair color.
    Everybody has their own body and that makes them different and unique.
    To conclude, everybody are different and it’s the people’s diversity that makes everyone unique and beautiful.

    Jade Bernard 105

  18. In my opinion, being different means that we stand out above the crowd, it can be thanks to a physical difference, to a skill or whatever. More generally, the things that make us different to each other are our physical appearance, our hobbies, out roots, or our skills.

  19. Hello
    Everybody is different in so many ways. First off all, we don't look the same, everyone is physically different. Then, our personalities are all different, because of the type of education you have, how you grew up as a kid, your personal experiences throughout your life time and the culture you live in. All of these factors can affect your tastes, and it is our taste that make us "different". You could never find a perferct copie of yourself.

  20. Hello, I think everyone is different. First of all there are our physical characteristics that can sometimes make us unique, or our way of thinking, for example cultural, political or religious, and I think that being different makes a world more active and attractive.
    Diane Planchon T04

  21. Hello,
    First of all, how can I say that I am different or say that this person is different, because different about what, about who, since when? How could we define who is different than who is normal? Once again we want to put people in social categories. In my opinion, it's reinforces the lack of tolerance in our society. Moreover I think there is a misunderstanding definition of different. Fortunately, we are not all the same, it's the diversity of humanity. And if you don't look like or think as well as your neighbors, it's not because your different, it's simply just because you are human.
    Thank you!!
    Liouba Tremeau 109

  22. Hello
    Everybody is different in so many ways. First off all, we don't look the same, everyone is physically different. Then, our personalities are all different, because of the type of education you have, how you grew up as a kid, your personal experiences throughout your life time and the culture you live in. All of these factors can affect your tastes, and it is our taste that make us "different". You could never find a perferct copy of yourself.

  23. Hello,
    Indeed there are some things that make us different.
    First of all, let’s define what « different » is : you are different when something makes you distinguishable from others. But it shouldn’t relate to the fact that we are abnormal because it has nothing to do with that.
    People could be different because of the way they think, this one thinks like that but that one doesn’t agree. And fortunately not everyone thinks the same way, it would be so boring that we all believed the same things…
    We could be different on a moral level with our values too.
    Obviously, we are different physically, but that’s what makes the world beautiful.
    Finally, we are all different mentally with our abilities such as social interactions, solving an exercise,…
    Otherwise, the difference is really subjective : you might think having this capacity, this particularity, this opinion is basic whereas for others it's really new.
    As a conclusion, many things can be considered different, special from one person, while from another point of view they aren’t.
    Charlier Jade, 104
