Monday, 19 April 2021

Smoke-free state

 New Zealand plans to ban the sale of cigarettes to people born after 2004, because the country wants to become the first smoke-free state by 2025. 

What do you think?


  1. Hello,

    I heard about the objective of New Zealand to become the first smoke-free state by 2025. For me, it can be a good thing to ban the sale of cigarettes to people born after 2004, because they are minors and normally they should not have access to the sale of cigarettes.
    Also, it is a way to affirm the State's authority on minors and to preserve new generation's health. Effectively, in New Zealand, 4500 people die every year because of smoking (this rate is comparable to France). That's why the country decided to phase out the sale of cigarettes.
    However, I have mixed feelings about consequences of this measure, that are not necessarily good for New Zealand society. For instance, banning the sale of cigarettes to minors will inevitably increase black market, but also theft and violence.

    1. Correction :
      " Also, it is a way to affirm the State's authority OVER minors [...] "
      " That's why the country decided TO BAN/BANNING the sale of cigarettes. / That's why the country decided PREVENTING MINORS FROM BUYING CIGARETTES. "

  2. Hello!
    In my opinion, that's a pretty good decision. I think that it could be very awesome if some others countries do the same as New Zealand. For several reasons, smoking is not a good thing to do. Obviously, it's an addiction so the best way to not being dependant is to not try at all. Here are some examples to show you why it's not a good thing at all. First, smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to develop heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer. They are at greater risk for diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels. Furthermore, smoking can cause lung disease by damaging your airways and the small air sacs found in your lungs. Smoking can cause cancer almost anywhere in your body. Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body and affects a person’s overall health. Secondly, smoking can make it harder for a woman to become pregnant. It can also affect her baby’s health before and after birth.
    To conclude smoking could increase the risk of dying young.
    Thank you!
    Liouba Tremeau 109

  3. Hello,
    In my opinion, New Zealand government has conscience of long-term dangers caused by cigarette use like addiction,lung cancer .... They want their population to be healthy and that is a good thing. I know a lot of people are going to see it as an attack on freedom of smoking but in my opinion you can always be free without smoking a cigarette.
    KIANGEBENI Gabrielle T03

  4. I think this is a good idea from New Zealand.
    Because on the ont hand the generation of today and that to come are precocious on alcohol and in particular cigarettes.
    But on the other hand, banning cigarettes for younger generations will not necessarily stop them. They always find a way to provide it. Otherwise, on the fact that the country wants to be the first smoke-free state is very ambitious. Because cigarettes have become an addiction and a bane in some people.

  5. Hello,
    I heard about this news on TV and I was quite surprised. Indeed, I find this objective beneficial for the young generation but also for the whole population.
    Moreover, I had seen that to reach this goal, the government has made other proposals such as banning filters, significantly reducing the level of nicotine allowed, minimum price, restriction of the number of tobacco shops.
    But I also believe that an underground tobacco market can emerge and take advantage of this ban on cigarette sales.
    Secondly, it is the Maoris, the indigenous peoples of New Zealand, who are the most affected. Indeed, Maori women have the highest rate of smoking, cancer is their leading cause of death, and it is the second leading cause of death among Maori men.
    In conclusion, I find this goal positive and hope that New Zealand will succeed in becoming the first smoke-free state by 2025, although it will be difficult.
    Diane Planchon T04

    1. correction :
      Moreover, in order to reach the goal...
      (...)an underground tobacco market could emerge...

  6. I think this is a very good thing that other countries should also adopt, because smoking is very harmful to health and causes a lot of deaths every year, and furthermore, more and more young people start smoking. That is why people born after 2004 will not be able to buy cigarettes. So I think this is a very good measure.

    1. CORRECTION: I think this is a very good thing that other countries should also adopt, because smoking is very harmful to PEOPLE'S health and causes a lot of deaths every year, and furthermore, more and more young people HAVE startED smoking. That is why people born after 2004 will not be able to buy cigarettes. So I think this is a very good measure.

  7. Hello, I think this new-to be law isn't what our main focus should be. I see this world as one coming up with many more important issues like global warming.
    Cigarette consumption is the least of our concerns. We certainly do not wish younger generations to give up to addiction and lose control over their life but we certainly do not wish either to impose a set of rules for a certain group age. This is a new form of segregation.(uncomparable of course but still one )
    As we have seen with cocaine, alcohol, weed or even in the Bible, prohibiting something always leads to inextricable temptation and hence more addiction, as these drugs are seen as the “prohibited fruit”.
    If this new law is forced upon New Zealand without the people’s consent it would be interpreted as an infringement to people’s freedom.
    This plan does not seem coherent to me, especially if it is based upon the country’s desire to be a “smoke free state”, to be seen as a thriving leading nation in this progressive world we desire to live in.
    If this desire is driven by wanting to be first, which I understand is the main focus: “ the country wants to become the first smoke-free state” and not driven by wanting to do good for their people, then I disagree with this new law, as it is an indicator of what our society really is like. We live in a competitive society which only cares about their status and not their people.
    If this were for the health of the citizens, New Zealand would be banning meat and fish consumption or creating safe farming/fishing industries to stagnate the ocean’s pollution and henceforth our air pollution would drop, giving back life to people who deserve it, people who do not make the choice to intoxicate themselves.
    In the long run, pollution kills more and will kill plenty more in the future if we continue to focus on our current issues, which is here cigarette smoking. But is it an issue? The earth is overpopulated anyways, let people choose on the way they want to live their life. In all honesty, do you think we should try to save innocent lives who have not bargained for all this unfairness or should we feed the problem with solutions(the problem here being the human race)? We will always find a way back to what is prohibited oìto us, that is human nature.
    If we are destined to leave one day or the other, I pray it may be with the least damage possible. May we realise we are not and never will be at the centre of the universe
    We must learn how to live with it as its slave, not as its ruler..
    I realise I am going astray on the subject, but the message I want to give out, is that this law that is being enforced is stupid and a great reflection of humanity’s pride and selfishness.
    Pollution will not only be the end of humanity but also the end of any living form on earth as the earth will not be able to put up with all the wrongs we have done to it.
    We need not to think of our future generations only, but of the world we will leave behind.
    This is why I do not stand with this new law, for its only purpose is to limitate people’s rights and elude the real problem.


  8. In my opinion,this new law is a good measure. Indeed,it would protect the health of citizens. The many effects of cigarettes on the human body, such as lung cancer, are well known today. It would also have a positive impact on the environment because cigarette butts are very polluting: their degradation in the natural environment is slow.

  9. It's a good idea, cigarettes are bad for your health and do no good, like drugs. But they do not kill as violently as drugs, so people continue to smoke and they remain legal. Nevertheless, they remain just as dangerous.

  10. In my opinion, it can be a good thing to ban the sale of cigarettes to people born after 2004, because they are minors and they should not normally have access to the sale of cigarettes. Moreover, i think it is a very good idea because smoking causes many deadly diseases such as lung cancer and pollution which is dangerous to health and life in general. It would be good if other countries adopt this idea.
    To conclude, smoking is very harmful to health and causes many deaths every year, this is a very good idea as it protects the health of the citizens.

    Chaima Nmn

  11. Hello !
    In my opinion this could be a great idea. We need to prevent young children from getting addictions, but to be honest there are more important things to be focused on right now, such as the pandemic and many other things.
    I feel like people are trying to find new issues with solutions to hide the problems that are harder to solve, obviously smoking is bad but it shouldn’t become an objective when we have others to achieve.
    Plus, at first reading it seems just like a political objective or something like that because New Zealand wants to become the first smoke free country. I mean, what for ? That shows how humans are prideful.
    To my mind they should raise the price of cigarettes passing this law, this will tend people to do a cost/benefits analysis. And that could also help the economy that got really bad since covid came.

    Salomé Palau 101

  12. I think it is a very good idea because this new law would limit the damage to people's health.
    Moreover, cigarettes pollute water, air, and soil. Indeed, tobacco contributes to the phenomen of global warming.
    But I remain skeptical that people who really want to smoke will import cigarettes from other countries.
    It is a good start, and I think that some other countries will follow this trend.

  13. For me this is a very good idea, because the death rate from smoking is increasing more and more and that is a huge number of deaths per year.
    Cigarettes are really something useless and I don't even understand why they were invented.
    If a country can make it so that there are a lot fewer deaths because of it, I think that's great and every country should follow suit.
    We often talk about "evolution" (as with technology), but for me the real evolution is behaviors like that, ideas like that that make humans evolve in a better direction.

  14. I think that it is not an efficient way to get rid of cigarettes. By banning the sale of cigarettes, people will want to smoke them even more, even if it means acquiring them illegally. Some people will also do it for the thrill of consuming something illegal. Just like, for instance, when you consume alcohol when you're underage. I do however respect the idea of becoming a smoke-free state. I personally think that smoking is a stupid habit that not only destroys your lungs but also makes you addicted to it. You can even get cancer from it. Getting rid of it is perhaps a bit extreme but it also is a way to reduce the risks and to preserve the health of its citizens.

  15. Hello,
    I think that banning the sale of cigarettes is a good idea because smoking is dangerous for health, especially for young people who have not yet developed.
    But to become a smoke-free state by 2025, this ban would have to apply to all people living in New Zealand, not only people born after 2004.

  16. In my opinion, it can be a good thing since more and more young people are smoking and it's a bad influence for them, so by banning, less young people will have access to cigarettes but it can lead to an illegal trade of selling cigarettes and that can be more harmful, so the real question is "doesn't this lead to an explosion of cigarette consumption?"

  17. In my opinion, New Zealand’s plan to ban the sale of cigarettes is a very good decision for future generations and to protect the earth. Indeed, smoking is very nefast for people’s health and it’s a threat to the environment so everything we can do to prevent pollution is important. It’s very hard to stop smoking for addicted people, but it’s possible with a lot of determination and help from doctors. Smoking is one of the main causes of death due to the huge risk of developing a lung cancer or others diseases. Consequently, it seems to be a good idea to stop selling cigarettes to people born after 2004, because it’s a progressive way to prevent young people from smoking and help them to have a healthy life.

  18. I think that their plan is too idealistic even if the idea is good. We know that we can't forbid those kinds of things successfully.
    In France for exemple even if the sale of cigarettes to minors is illegal all we see when leaving highschool after class is people smoking.
    Also to me forbidding the sale of cigarettes to people born after 2004 will not stop people from buying and smoking cigarettes and while only increasing the illegal sales of cigarettes who are not tested and can be even more dangerous than regular cigarettes.
    To conclude I don't think that New Zealand can really become smoke free by 2025 because smoking is too present in our culture nowadays.
    Mellaart Irina T01

  19. I think this is a good decision by New Zealand because firstly people born after 2004 are minors so they should not have access to cigarettes. Also this ban will be good for the health of the population because excessive cigarette smoking can lead to lung cancer. Furthermore, cigarette production is polluting, so becoming a smoke-free country will be good for reducing the country's greenhouse gas emissions. I think that other countries should follow New Zealand's example and France should be the first, as there are more than 10 million smokers in France.

  20. I find that this objective is positive because it allows to:
    - preserve its health
    - avoid contracting cardiovascular diseases ( example: lung cancer )
    - avoid passive smoking
    - avoid air and environmental pollution
    And the money previously used for the purchase of tobacco can be used for other things like shopping.

  21. Hello,
    despite the fact cigarettes sale represents a huge proportion of countries' economy on a worldwide scale, New Zealand government seems to having made a sensitive choice. By forbidding the sale of cigarettes, young smokers will fall in an even stronger tobacco addiction due to the fact of not being authorised to buy some. this might have severe consequences such as illegal sell points, even possibly leading to a cigarettes traffick in the whole country. Nevertheless, I do acknowledge and understand the government's choice by which it has decided to preserve its nation's future generations' health as much as possible. In my opinion, a reasonable alternative would be to put quotas, for example not more than one pack bought per two days by each smoker.

  22. Correction:
    * because it's allow somebody to do something as:
