Saturday, 23 April 2022

Human rights

 Should the declaration be legalized  by every country or should it remain a declaration?


  1. Humans rights are very important in order to live in peace and harmony. I think that the declaration should be legalized in every single country, simply because humans are located all around the world and it shouldn’t be different for each country. After all we all are humans who needs to have our own rights for everybody’s sake.

  2. First of all, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948 after the most devastating conflict: the Second World War. It is the most translated text on earth but it remains a declaration and not legislation. This means that not all countries have incorporated it into their legislation.
    In my opinion, this declaration should be a law that every country must follow to protect people against injustice. Indeed, it guarantees human beings freedom and equal rights, but also social, economic, civil, cultural and political rights. Without these rights, it is impossible to live happily, so I think it is very important to defend them. However, I understand that it is difficult for poor countries to adopt this declaration because they do not have enough money to create institutions to guarantee these rights. Moreover, it is expensive to build an education and security system.
    In conclusion, I think everyone should fight for these rights even if their country does not adopt the declaration. It's a universal fight and it's our role to change the world.

    1. To build education ( to build a good educational and security system)

  3. First of all, if human rights didn't exist we wouldn't be able to live the life we are living today, but that doesn't refer to the entire population. In some countries human rights are not respected and that is because the head of the government in this country is a dictator, in those type of countries people don't have the same rights as other countries that have legalized the declaration. Secondly, I don't think that all the rights should interdepend because that builds injustices between the different types of social classes so human rights will only apply to people that can afford a certain lifestyle.
    In conclusion I think that the declaration of human rights should be legalized in every country and the rights should be independent to be fair.

  4. Hi,

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations. It was proclaimed after the devastating Second World War in order to establish peace in the world. This text is the most translated in the world but that does not mean that all nations have adopted it because it is a declaration, an "ideal" to be achieved and not a legislative text. We can then ask ourselves if should the declaration be legalized by all countries or should it remain a declaration?

    First of all, it is essential to recall the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights : “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.[…]”, which means that everyone should have the same rights and duties. We can therefore say that the declaration should be legalized in all countries and apply to every human being. The 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are essential for us to live together as equals. This includes the right to freedom of expression, the right to education, the right to privacy, the right to health...
    Nevertheless, it can remain a declaration such as an "ideal" to be achieved. Indeed, some countries do not have the financial means to adopt these rights. There may also be differences in culture which would make a country refuse to adopt this declaration, or a part of it.

    To conclude, we can say that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights should be legalized in all countries according to the means available. No one should be treated differently because of their skin color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc. We should all be equal in rights and duties.

  5. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a document that serves as a global roadmap for freedom and equality and protects the rights of everyone, everywhere. For the first time when it was written, countries agreed on the rights and freedoms that needed universal protection, so that everyone could live in freedom, equality and dignity.

    The UDHR was adopted on December 10, 1948 by the United Nations Organization, just after its creation, in reaction to "acts of barbarism which (revolted) the conscience of humanity" during the Second World War . Its adoption recognizes human rights as the basis of freedom, justice and peace.

    I think that this declaration should apply worldwide because some situations remain very alarming, particularly on the human rights situation in the world, for example, in 2017, the world experienced a decline in human rights (freedom of expression, the right to education). The signs of this regression were visible everywhere. We can deduce that this decline is notably due to the fact that certain States adopt policies contrary to international law.

    To conclude, the UDHR must be legalized in all countries of the world, so that all citizens can live on an equal footing and have this feeling of freedom and independence.

  6. (Pauline Creisson)

    First of all, the Declaration of Human Rights dating from the time of our grandparents (1948), tells us that "all humans beings were born free and equal in dignity and in rights." This declaration allows equality between men, possessions of rights: right to vote, right of free expression regardless of opinions. It is necessary to obtain a better life and live better. That is why I think it should be adopted in all countries in order to spread an atmosphere of peace. Of course, adopting this declaration is not easy for all countries, but the mission of States is to uphold the declaration of human rights. To conclude yes, I think that this declaration should be in all countries and that we must fight for our rights and for a better life.

  7. Hello,
    first of all, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a fundamental text of the French revolution which was adopted in 1789. It affirms the rights and freedoms that every human being must have from birth. A lot of constitutions have been inspired by this text but it is still not considered as an official law. I think that this declaration should be legalized by every country because it would solve lots of problems. The essential rights and freedoms would be much more respected, such as freedom of speech, the right to vote or freedom of demonstration. It would make every one safer and more equal.

  8. Lynda Tamdrari

    The declaration of human rights is a text garanting all human beings the possibility of living freely, of having rights and therefore of being respected. It is necessary for the proper functioning of society and is collectively respected on our planet. But in fact this declaration is not a text legalized by all countries and may sometimes not be respected. But it exists in the most extreme cases such as a dictatorship.
    In my opinion, I think that this text should be legalized to minimize all forms of injustice and freedoms violated by certain countries. Indeed, by signing this declaration, the countries undertake to respect it under penalty of sanction. This will allow to reinstall an equality and peace.

  9. Hi,

    I think that this declaration is important since it is the embodiment of an ideal to achieve, therefore legalizing the declaration could turn out to be a great idea. In fact, a declaration is not valid in a judicial court and consequently, there is no way of making sure human rights are respected. Hence, legalizing the declaration by integrating it into the constitution may help to achieve human rights provided that courts are not open to bribes or prone to any form of corruption. Moreover, the State has to be accountable for any decision or law it enacts to be sure the constitution is enforced.

    To conclude, legalizing the declaration is a great act however it has not to be only a symbolic act but also has to be demonstrated by actions to foster human rights.

    Florian Crahès, T2.

  10. Hello.
    First of all I think that the declaration of the Man and the Citizen is very symbolic and very important. Indeed, it represents the battle of all those who fought for justice to exist. I think that it should be present in every country. First of all, it allows to lay the foundations of equality and freedom. Moreover, it is very important because it is a model of behavior to adopt. Indeed, it is often studied in high school or middle school and it allows children to understand that we must always be respectful and that we are all equal in rights. It should therefore be compulsory in all countries, since the principles and values it defends are universal.

    1. Sorry I made some mistakes:
      - declaration of the human rights
      - It allows somebody to do something

  11. The consequences of the second World War led to the creation of declaration of the human rights. Which are basic rights that belong to all of us simply because we are human. They embody key values in our society such as fairness, dignity, equality and respect. They are meant to protect us and make sure that people live in peace. For example, the freedom expression or the right to have an education are one of them. Unfortunatly, many people around the world don't have this basic rights. I think that nowdays the violation of these rights is catastrophic.
    They are an important means of protection for all of us, especially those who may face abuse, neglect and isolation.


  12. Thanks to the second World War a declaration of the human rights was created. They are meant to protect us and make sure that people live in peace. For example, the freedom expression or the right to have an education are one of them
    First of all, if human rights didn't exist we wouldn't be able to live the life we are living today.
    In some countries the head of the government in this country is a dictator so human rights are not respected and in those type of countries people don't have the same rights as other countries that have legalized the declaration
    Moreover it allows to lay the foundations of equality and freedom between citizen
    To conclude, legalizing the declaration is a great act however it has not to be only a symbolic act but also has to be demonstrated by actions to foster human rights.

  13. Nous regardons une vidéo qui montre l'importance de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme. Premièrement, le journaliste parle de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, affirmant que c'est l'époque de nos grands-parents.

    La Deuxième Guerre mondiale est un événement très important où plus de 70 millions de personnes sont mortes. Après cette guerre, l'ONU a décidé de créer la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme pour que cela ne se reproduise plus.

    Cette déclaration est utile pour chacun. Elle accorde des droits à l'éducation, au logement et aux loisirs. Grâce à cette déclaration, le gouvernement ne peut pas nous décapiter. Mais il faut comprendre que cette déclaration n'est pas un document législatif, donc tous ne doivent pas la respecter. Cependant, dans de nombreux pays, cette déclaration est ajoutée à la constitution.

    Seied Ali 104
