Saturday, 2 January 2016

In France, 1 woman out of 5 is the victim of domestic violence

                      photomantages by AleXsandro Palombo


  1. This number rises to 1 out of 3 worldwide.

    What do you thik about this ? What do you think should be done ?

  2. I think the domestic violence still a real problem in our society. Today a lot of women finally got a job but some are the victim of their husband. If we consider that France is a civilized country the number 1 woman out of 5 is too high. Of course this number should be 0 all around the world but I mean that we have more education and this domestic violence should stop right now.
    Those pictures show the fact that women can be princess and live a fairytale only if they refuse to be the victim of their husband. Their only solution is often to break the silence as it is written on the first picture.

  3. One could think that domestic violence only happens in poor countries, far away lands where women are despised or less important than men, where the life of a girl is less valuable than the life of a boy. Not at all ! Domestic violence is seen in developed countries, often among citizens with high standards of living. If you take into account the figure of 1 out of 5 women who is the victim of domestic violence, it means that you know someone who is or was the victim of her husband, either among your family or among your neighbours. The question is why do women stay even if they are beaten up? Why do they have to suffer? And last but not least, what should be done?

    Women often have stopped working to look after their children, so they depend on their husband for money. They know that if they leave, they will have to find a job, a new home, they must have seen doctors in advance to state their bruises, they must have planned everything which is not easy -husbands are often suspicious-. By leaving, they often lose their social status as a married woman, and most of all, they know that their husband will try to find them wherever they are. Getting a divorce is not that easy...

    Women often stay for their children, to keep them in their environment, but is seeing their mother beaten a good way of educating them? They don't want people to know so they keep suffering, and they often believe their husband who says that it will be the last time, and he won't do it again.

    Most of all, some women are not believed by their family or their friends. They can't admit that such a nice man can be violent, such a good father can hurt. But things are changing. People start to understand and admit that it is not the woman's fault but the man's.

    So what should be done? Tough issue... Women should be allowed to stay at home while men are put in hospital to get cured. They should be protected from their husband when they go back home after having seen a doctor, they shouldn't be left alone or criticized.

    I would eventually say that one of my neighbours was the victim of her husband and had to escape one night with her two children, and since then, life was not easy for her... So things must change !

  4. First of all we see that domestic violence represent one woman of 5 and this is a lot for france but I see that only 10 woman of 100 go to the judge and ut is a very big problem because lots of man are no judge for this crime and this violence can stay during a long time that's why it's a problem and if think this statistic show a very bad picture of france. The fact who are very incredible is that moreover nobody is talking about incredible statistic of violence against men. I do some research and i see that 1 man of 10 is victim of domestic violence .That's why I want to open the debate more large .
    What do you think between man's statistic and woman's statistic ?

  5. I think domestic violence is a type of violence that shouldn't exist , even if it always existed. The problem of domestic violence became a real moral problem because of the place of women which is more and more important in the society : few years ago , domestic violence was considered as a normal power of a men toward his wife but we can see now a lot of these women in the media.
    I think that's a good thing : now that women are almost considered as a men , the medias have to show to the people that domestic violence exist and that the men who beat their wives are cowards.
    I think the only thing to do is to continue to show these women and for the women to continue of talking about domestic violence until it stops.

  6. I think that domestic violence has no place particularly in developed country like France .
    The fact that 1 in 5 women have that is victim of domestic violence is too high a figure , it should be 0 .
    I think if we had a better education and more knowledge of domestic violence would disappear.

    this picture shows that women are princess who could live a fairy tale if it breaks the silence and speak their violence endured as it is shown in the first

    Achraf Shili Tes4

  7. One woman in five is a victim of domestic violence. it's too many women. I think that despite all the laws and decrees voted for women, they are considered weak people ..
    they have driven many movement suffragettes, Simone de Beauvoir ... they are equal to men in all points. domestic violence is a cultural problem resulting from the no respect of women.

    Perig Mieze TES4

  8. Well, I see that you all answered rather quickly, that's great !
    However, you should focus less on the pictures, and perhaps more on the possible solutions or on what happens worldwide.
    Also keep in mind that these violences are not necessary physical, and can take many forms !


  9. The domestic violence exists in all the social backgrounds, as much in the city as in the countryside. According to the Declaration of Human rights "men are born and remain free and equal in rights " Thus I do not see why the women should be despised and humbled by the person who they love. Women can't create a family with a violent man. He will probably beat the children, a violent man remains violent all his life, he has been educated this way. Unfortunately it exists under various forms: verbal, psychological, physical and sexual. Women have "to break the silence", and many associations were created to give advice. Sometimes, they cannot stop the violence but they will help to protect them as well as their children. Bitten women must come forward and file a complaint, so that they can be well supported by justice, they can also receive financial aid to rebuild their life after this painful experience.
    PJETRI Alba TS2

  10. The two pictures insist on the fact that women who are victim of violence keep quit. I think it is because they feel humiliated. To fight against this type of violence I belive that the only thing we can do is to continu to encourage and support the woman to talk about her problems. they are free and this violence locks them in fear

  11. Nine women victims of domestic violence out to ten don't complain against their abuser. This statistic is frightening and we know that one woman who start to complain out to two, doesn't go until the end of the formalities. Why theses public notices are important for women in this situation ?

    First of all, women don't complain for many reasons. They can have family constraints or be affrayed for their kids. Sometimes women don't have enough money to leave their husband and be independent. But all these troubles can be overcome with help and desire. It's why they have to know that they are not alone and they have to « break the silence ».
    Furthermore, AleXsandro Palombo's photomantages show that violence doesn't have to be a shame and every body can be a victim. The representation of Kendall Jenner and Cinderella prove that we can't guess that a woman is beaten and they have to talk about it to find solutions. For example, a famous singer, Rihanna, shows pictures of her distorted face aften beeing beaten by her partner, to push women in her situation to complain. These actions and representations are beneficial and are a real support for victims.
    Finally, we can note that more and more associations are created to help these person. They gave a moral and financial support for women. They help them to find a new home and start administrative procedures. We have to develop these initiative to push women to speak about their problems.

    To conclude, public notices and associations are important for the vitim of domestic violence because they feel less alone, terrified and gives them the courage to complain.
    So, to answer to Lucas, I think that we have to help these associations because it's the structure where battered women feel most confident, and encourage artists like AleXsandro Palombo.

  12. Domestic violences are a real problem in the whole world, for women and sometimes men. The number varies from country to country, but as we can see, developped countries are not set apart, like France where 1 women out of 5 is a victim of domestic violence. What is my opinion about that ? What should be done ?

    First of all, let's explain why women are more touched by this problem than men. As the others said before, many women stop working to be with their children, so they are dependant of their husband economically. Their life is in their husbands' hands, that's why they are afraid of asking divorce.
    Then, what are the reasons why women don't do anything ? Firstly, I think too much people don't believe or don't want to see the reality, they act as if nothing was happening. So the victims are be alone, and don't talk about it to anyone, they keep silent.
    Secondly, if the husband is physically violent, the victim will be afraid of seeing a psychologist to explain her problems. I also think the husband knows his wife can't do anything without him. But if she talks about it to him, he will just lie, promising something nice to do to be forgiven, and/or telling her he won't do it again.
    Finally, what should be done ? To begin, violence in a couple starts quickly, but the victim realise it only when it begins to be unbearable. Violence is not only physical, but psychological : the victim is always treated as waste, humiliated, and submitted economically.
    Last but not least, women (or men) should talk with someone after the first time it happens, to see if it was really just a mistake, or if it will continue. In the second case, even if it is difficult (psychologically and economilcally), the victim should immediatly ask for the divorce or complaint, with a trial where wealth would be "fairly" shared, considering that one was suffering from domestical violences.

  13. Domestic violence is something that we don’t see (most of the time), but we know it’s happening every single day in all countries. Unfortunately, violence is something that’s omnipresent in our world, even though nothing on earth can justify it. So, how can we stop (if not, at least prevent) domestic violence ?

    First of all, even when women do talk about their problem, things don’t usually get better, they can even get more beat up in retaliation, this leads to fear and silence, then they have to endure this daily pain. However, even if they did all speak about their suffering, we wouldn't be able to protect each women from their crazy husbands. This situation is difficult to stop, so how can we prevent it to begin with ?

    I think domestic violence is both a problem of education and culture, if a child is not taught how he should respect women and see them as equals, then this could lead to domestic violence in the future. The one responsible for this issues are the parents or the community in which the child grew up.

    To conclude, domestic violence is a problem that’s really hard to stop, that’s why we should try to prevent it. Of course, we should be more wary of this issue in the future. Unfortunately, there will always be drunkards, cowards, and idiots in this world but that doesn't mean we should give up.

  14. To my mind, domestic violence is a type of violence which shouldn’t exit; but nowadays ,in France, one woman out of five is victim of domestic violence. Seriously I don’t understand how somebody can do that? How somebody can use his strength to do miserable acts like these pictures shows? I think this problem began with gender inequality; in 1930 women were not free, they depended of their husband. They consecrated their life to their family; and they didn’t have the same rights than men.

    But, I thought that things have changed in 1944 when women have won the right of vote; these pictures shows that women fight is not over. Moreover, women must have a life of a princess and not of a victim; any woman should live in the fear. Today, it’s important that women understand that their life depends of their choice: “her life can be a fairytale if you break the silence”. This slogan shows that the nightmare can finish, if they decide to speak. To conclude, I think it’s our responsibility, and the responsibility of our country to show them that they are not alone, and we can help them. It’s also important to prove that domestic violence is a seriously problem.

    Juliette Valero TL1

  15. One women in four (and one man in six) will be a victim of domestic violence during their lifetime, according to research estimates. Two women a week are killed by a current or former male partner.Domestic violence is officially classified as "any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between adults who are or have been together or between family members, regardless of gender or sexuality".
    We think of domestic violence as hitting, slapping and beating, but it can also include emotional abuse.
    It's abuse if your partner or a family member:
    .threatens you
    .shoves or pushes you
    .makes you fear for your physical safety
    .controls you, for exemple by stopping you seeing your friends and family
    .frightens you

    You don't have to wait for an emergency situation to seek help.
    You can:
    .talk to your doctor
    .call 08082000247(national domestic violence helpline
    .or 999.
    Mbarga felicite .

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Domestic violence is a very traumatic type of violence. And it is the awfulest form of violence. Because this violence is commit by the person that you love the most in the world your husband. In some case women refuse to fall in love again with a man to live with are to be touch by him. This women are traumatized for their entier life they will try to live with this trauma. So we can think about How we can prevent this type of violence ? What are the solutions to me ? What I think about this violence ?

    In a first way we must to open the dialogue with women who are the victims of domestic violence. And try to show to the women that it can happen to every women. But also to show to the victim who do not dare to go to the police that it is the only solution to stop this violence. Even if women are scared to speak to the police they will protect them until the end of the legal proceedings.

    Finally I think that the solutions are to raise people awarness about this type of violence by media, films or publicity. Because if a woman refuse to go to the police you can aware them about the situation of this woman. The police will speak to her and try to convince her to wear plain. But also women would be more cautious when they will decide to live with a man. And so when a women had been a victim of domestic violence they must be supported medically and psychologically until the trauma would be more easier to live with.

    As a conclusion I will say that domestic violence could never be totally stop but we can prevent it
    and reduce the number of victims. By taking care of the women situation.

  18. Domestic Violence is a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or use of violence. Other terms for domestic violence include relationship abuse or family violence. Domestic violence isn’t something anyone likes to think about, but it’s also a highly widespread problem. Three women are murdered every day by a current or former male partner in the U.S!
    Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, income, or other factors. Women and men can be victims of domestic violence.
    This kind of violence also has terrible psychological effects on children. More than 3 million children witness domestic violence in their homes every year. Children who live in homes where there is domestic violence also suffer abuse or neglect at high rates (30% to 60%). They home are more likely to have health problems, having frequent headaches, and being more tired and lethargic. Children are more likely to intervene when they witness severe violence against a parent – which can place a child at great risk for injury or even death.
    Therefore I think fighting against domestic violence is more than important and some measures should be taken. First we have to support legislation that enforces consequences for abusers or that offers support and services for families victimized by abuse and help domestic violence associations to raise funds and to ensure that laws are fully enforced and that abusers are held accountable. We can also encourage local school systems to educate young people on domestic violence and the resources available locally for victims.

  19. Domestic violences touch lots of women. Indeed in France 1 woman out of 5 is the victim. But they scared and are ashamed so they decide to not break the silence.
    These abusive violences are denunced thanks to several associations which publish posters to provoke and shock people because this subject is yet taboo in our culture. The aim of associations against domestic violences is to encourage victims to denunce their aggressor, to proove that if these women decide to do not talk they can have serious consequences around their entourage and for their health.
    So they use a shocking image associated to a slogan which has meaning to illustrate a terrible subject. In the first image we can notice an oxymoron between the word « fairytale » and the violent image. Thus famous beaten woman are represented to show that it’s a current case. In the second image, we can see a princess who is looking for a « coward ».
    To explain this phenomenon which always increases in the whole world we can talk about the hypothesis of men’s identity crisis because we can observe the radical changement of the roles in the couple. Indeed now women are emancipated and men can feel a real cultural disorientation. To conclude domectic violences would be the expression of their frustation.

  20. Domestic violence is exerted violence, within the couple, by one spouse to the other. It can be a circumstantial phenomenon, but also a systemic and evolutionary process. Domestic violence creates a climate of permanent fear and tension. The consequences for the victim are fear, guilt, loss of self-esteem, isloation and stress. There are different forms of violence, their manifestations are : physical, verbal, psychological, sexual, economic, through confiscation of documents.
    In France, a woman dies, on average, every three days under the blows of their spouse, partner or ex-partner.
    In 2014, 118 women were killed in the context of domestic violence, according to the Ministry of Interior. In 2012, there were 148.
    Domestic violence represent more than a quarter of all acts of violence. Domestic violence is a real problem in society. As we have seen above, 118 women were killed in the context of domestic violence in 2014, which is a lot. We don't live in a world of Care Bears, certainly, but it doesn't have so many women who are killed by the violence. Very few victims dare to speak of the violence. Don't wait until the situation deteriorates, we need to talk as soon as possible. A special issue is set up so that victims can contact a specialized service. This number is 3919; this hotline is anonymous and free.
    If a person is a victim of domestic violence, the only advice is to stop the relationship with the spouse or companion at the first signs of violence, although the psychological level this can be difficult.

  21. Pierre Santalo TL2

    Domestic violence concerns a lot of people.
    In fact, every year, in France, 216 000 women from 18 to 75 years old are victims of physical and\or sexual violence on behalf of their former or current intimate partner.
    These women are traumatized because domestic violence does not come of a stranger but come of a familiar person, a loved person like a husband or a boyfriend.
    Moreover, it is a silent evil because only 14 % of the women victims of domestic violence declare to have filed a complaint in gendarmery or in police station further their aggression.
    It is the proof that domestic violence is a taboo subject because the victims are scared and ashamed and refuse to break the terrible silence which allow the existence of this scourge.
    We can think about the photo montages of Alexsandro Palombo and ask how these pictures denounce domestic violence.
    Alexsandro Palombo has decided to provoke people with choking pictures.
    The photo montage with Cinderella is shocking because it destroy the image of the Prince Charming who appear like a coward who beat his beloved.
    It reveal that the appearances do not always indicate the reality and that a couple seemingly perfect can know domestic violence.
    The other photo montage show the swollen face of a young woman and say that her life can be a fairytale if she break the silence about domestic abuse of which she was a victim.
    In fact, an important part of the victims refuse to talk about and suffer for years and even, during the whole life.
    To conclude, I think that domestic violence is an abomination that it is necessary to fight and that the victims have to speak to protect themselves.

  22. Pierre Santalo TL2

    Domestic violence concerns a lot of people.
    In fact, every year, in France, 216 000 women from 18 to 75 years old are victims of physical and\or sexual violence on behalf of their former or current intimate partner.
    These women are traumatized because domestic violence does not come of a stranger but come of a familiar person, a loved person like a husband or a boyfriend.
    Moreover, it is a silent evil because only 14 % of the women victims of domestic violence declare to have filed a complaint in gendarmery or in police station further their aggression.
    It is the proof that domestic violence is a taboo subject because the victims are scared and ashamed and refuse to break the terrible silence which allow the existence of this scourge.
    We can think about the photo montages of Alexsandro Palombo and ask how these pictures denounce domestic violence.
    Alexsandro Palombo has decided to provoke people with choking pictures.
    The photo montage with Cinderella is shocking because it destroy the image of the Prince Charming who appear like a coward who beat his beloved.
    It reveal that the appearances do not always indicate the reality and that a couple seemingly perfect can know domestic violence.
    The other photo montage show the swollen face of a young woman and say that her life can be a fairytale if she break the silence about domestic abuse of which she was a victim.
    In fact, an important part of the victims refuse to talk about and suffer for years and even, during the whole life.
    To conclude, I think that domestic violence is an abomination that it is necessary to fight and that the victims have to speak to protect themselves.

  23. In a country of rights, where women have defend their rights from borning control solutions, to work condition. A country where the law says that women and men are equal the numbers of women victims of domestic violence still pretty high: approximatly 20% that is to say 1 woman out of 5 is usually beaten by her husband. Knowing the evolution of this state socialy speaking we can ask ourselves why are this numbers so high and what to do, to lower it.

    First of all we must keep in mind that even if the law has improve the equality between men and women, Cultural conventions link to history are two factors those influence the way of thinking in a country: this means in a country with an patriarcal way of thinking women still be considered as underling. Moreover 30% of the women between the age of 20 and 59 years old are housewife. That means they are dependent to there husband so they can become isolated and so they are defenceless. Most violent husband belong to the poor and middle class, they are sometimes alcoholics or drugs addicts. Nowadays this hurted women have possibilitys to be saved and are protected by the law. The problem is that the majority won't talk of this violence to anyone, because they are ashamed and scared, they feel guilty, they still in love with they partner.
    For me a solution would be to create anonymous ways for women to talk: for example an american man created a system which is really discret: the women which is beaten and who want to be rescue can draw a little black dot on the center of her hand and show it to the people to ask discretly for help: this system is already in action but in my opinion that is no effectiv solution.
    I think the only way to improve the situation is to educate people, young people at first because they are the futur of our nation and we can change they mind: make them understand that women and men are equal and most receive the same respect. Young girl have also to be educated: we must tell them they must not become submissiv: the education is a solution in a lot of social problems that's why we must speak more about gender equality to kids.

    By Elisa Gautier TL2

  24. Domestic violence can touch many people:
    the women are more affected by differents ways , like sexist insult , physical agression or rape.
    Usually the danger is within in the family context. indeed, most of the women are in danger in their own housse because it's usually the place where live the agressor.
    Indeed ,the majority of battered woman said that the scene of violence assist at home by close person , and on the other hand most of the sexual agression happens outside which touch lot of young women .
    The women who are concerned by this type of violence suffer of psychological disorders , which accompained them throughout their lives.
    I think about the case of Jacqueline Sauvage , a woman who killed her husband because she was bitten by him during 40 years. This woman was brought to the end , and was alone face to her acts. To my mind , if Mrs. Sauvage was surrounded by close's people , or security the things could have changed. this is what AleXsandro Palombo try to says in his picture with the slogan « life can be a fairytal if you break the silence » :
    indeed , i agree about the fact that we can't do anything if the women concerned say nothing . But in the case where , we know a woman who is physically abuse , we should talk with her , and prevent services which take care about this kind of violence. The other poster , present a woman ( Cindrella) trying to denounce her husband , the artist wants to push women to free themselves from their nightmare.
    For answer to the question « What should be done » , i will say that maybe we should be more attive with our sounrounding .

    TL 2

  25. Domestic violence can touch many people:
    the women are more affected by differents ways , like sexist insult , physical agression or rape.
    Usually the danger is within in the family context. indeed, most of the women are in danger in their own housse because it's usually the place where live the agressor.
    Indeed ,the majority of battered woman said that the scene of violence assist at home by close person , and on the other hand most of the sexual agression happens outside which touch lot of young women .
    The women who are concerned by this type of violence suffer of psychological disorders , which accompained them throughout their lives.
    I think about the case of Jacqueline Sauvage , a woman who killed her husband because she was bitten by him during 40 years. This woman was brought to the end , and was alone face to her acts. To my mind , if Mrs. Sauvage was surrounded by close's people , or security the things could have changed. this is what AleXsandro Palombo try to says in his picture with the slogan « life can be a fairytal if you break the silence » :
    indeed , i agree about the fact that we can't do anything if the women concerned say nothing . But in the case where , we know a woman who is physically abuse , we should talk with her , and prevent services which take care about this kind of violence. The other poster , present a woman ( Cindrella) trying to denounce her husband , the artist wants to push women to free themselves from their nightmare.
    For answer to the question « What should be done » , i will say that maybe we should be more attive with our sounrounding .

    TL 2

  26. Violence against women are quite inequitable because nothing proves that we can strike our wife. Difficult times appear throughout the life and are inevitable, but this kind of problems can be avoided, that is why it is really important to speak about it. The simple fact of considering the woman as an object is disgusting. In France, a woman dies every three days under the knocks of her spouse. We do not have to forget that the rapes are domestic violence ! Only 14 % victims of violence complaint. This is an important problem because it concern so many women in the world, and the biggest part of them can't talk. Me must change it together by beginning asking questions to the women of our entourage, and find effective solutions !

  27. The most common type of violence against women worldwide
    is “domestic violence” or the physical, emotional
    and/or sexual abuse of women by their intimate
    partners or ex-partners.
    Domestic violence is the use of physical, sexual, threatening or emotional force to frighten, intimidate and control an intimate partner. Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior that occurs over time. This abuse often escalates and may become worse with time.
    It is only now, through the sustained activism by
    women’s organizations that violence against women,
    including domestic violence, is starting to receive
    substantial attention internationally. As domestic
    violence against women becomes increasingly recognized and discussed, important questions are being raised concerning its magnitude in different settings, and its causes, consequences and related risk factors.
    It is often felt that domestic violence against
    women is too sensitive a topic to be explored in
    a population-based survey, and that shame,
    self-blame or fear of further violence will prevent
    women from discussing their experiences.
    “Abused” describes what has happened to you – not who you are. This term tends to imply that someone in an abusive relationship is a victim, weak or helpless. The truth is that many people in abusive relationships have great inner strength and are often there for others, including children. No matter what a controlling or abusive partner tells you (“If you had done this right, I would not have hurt you”), being abused is not your fault- the abuser is responsible. Partner violence is not acceptable and it is not something you have to deal with alone. Whether you have limited finances, no family or friends to whom you can turn to for help, are afraid for your safety or simply think you could never make it “on your own".
    Moreover, children are often witness of domestic violence in their home, and children exposed to domestic violence at home are more likely to have health problems, including becoming sick more often, and having frequent headaches or stomachaches.
    Still, the only way to break the cycle of domestic violence is to take action -and the sooner the better. These women can contact a crisis center or shelter for information and support, or attend a domestic violence survivor support group, or take legal action.
    To conclude, domestic violence is now receiving substantial
    attention, resulting in increased funding for
    research on violence against women

  28. In the USA, 1 out 3 women (35,4%, that is to say 42,5 millions) has been raped, beaten or harassed by her partner at least once in her life. While most people think that sexism or domestic violence doest not exist anymore because women are nowadays emancipated, a lot of them are still under the control of a man.
    In France, the first center for beaten women has opened in 1975 when the government started to take that scourge into account, but today, only 7,6% of the victims lodge a complaint against their abuser, which means that there are not enough structures to make them feel safe and that the ascendancy their partner has towards them is most of the time complete. This is valid in every country.
    Therefore, I deem that the governments should reinforce prevention and strenghten rehabilitation's structures.
    Actually, the European Union adopted a common convention to struggle against domestic violence towards women in 2011, but the recent events in Cologne (where more than 200 women pressed charges against person unknown for rape, sexual assault or harassment) show that the fight is not over yet. That is why, a lot of influent women, such as Kendall Jenner, Emma Watson or Angelina Jolie often use their fame to struggle against domestic violence in order to push all women to break the silence.
    I assume we should be more focused on that issue : talking about it is the first step to take measures against it.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Although women conditions have evolved during the last past century from ignorance to recognition of their important place in the society ; inequalities still remain and women are still victims of violence such as domestic one. Indeed,in France,1 woman out of 5 is the victim of domestic violence and thi snumber might increase if we don't put an end to it but how can we prevent it ? How can we stop something that we can't see ?
    First of all,let's define what domestic violence is . Indeed,it is a pattern of behavior which involves violence or other abuse by a person toward someone in a domestic setting such as in marriage . It includes several forms such as physical violence,psychological violence and even emotional abuse . It is regardless of age,gender,economic status,race,religion or nationality. Domestic violence can result in physical injuries,psychological traumas and even death. Indeed,in 2014 , 118 women were murdered out of domestic violence .
    It happens when the abuser believes that abuse is justified and unlikely to be reported and may produce intergenerational cycles of abuse . Indeed,children who live in a household with violence often have psychological problems at an early age which may later lead to the legacy of abuse when they reach adulthood . In addition to that, victims of domestic violence may be trapped in domestic violent situations through isolation,power and control , lack of financial resources,fear and shame
    I know that several measures were taken toward the struggle against domestic violence . Indeed,66 million euros will fund the fight against it , 1650 urgent accomodation solutions will be taken until 2017 and there's also a free phone number "3919", to denounce any kind of domestic violence .
    Nevertheless, 216 000 women were victims of it during 2010 to 2014 and there was a complaint rate of only 16% . That is explained by different reasons that lead the victim to hide the truth from their families and friends . Indeed,sometimes victims lack of means to support themselves or their children financially,they also fear that the abuser will hurt or even kill their children and so on...
    That is why it is hard to stop it bit I thinks that we should be more careful because there are always signs of such a violence through injuries that we tend to ignore and by doing so we indirectly contribute to their pain .

  31. is it normal that 1 woman out of 5 is the victim of domestic violence?

    Firstly nobody deserves violence , Jean-Paul Sartre said "The violence is inequitable wherever from it comes." , R.Roland said " The violence is the law of the brute" , and that's right ! To hurt somebody physically, it is cowardly because everybody cannot defend himself (I'm not talking about the women beacause there are many strong wome)

    Secondly , domestic violence is terrible , and very serious. When you marry someone , it is because you love this person , but if you hurt your wife ( or husband) you prove the opposite.Associations help these women in danger, but there is some more of women victims of domestic violence, it is necessary to help them and especially they have to know that it is necessary to speak about it because the women must be free, and she deserves to receive from love and not from violence
