Wednesday 13 September 2017


 When we were children our parents taught us not to lie and to always tell the truth, now that we are teenagers and will be adults soon, is it always necessary to tell the truth?


  1. Hey everyone!
    First of all, " truth " is a very good choice, we could talk about it for months.
    However, I'm going to develop my opinion in a short text.
    To begin, I guess everybody wants to tell the truth and not to lie but sometimes it's quite hard. For instance, we don't want to hurt someone, therefore we could lie not to hurt her. Moreover, I think we all lied at least one time in our life because we want to hide something, we want the others to think our life's very interesting whereas it's not.
    Besides, I'm convinced that it's necessary to tell the truth, as long as you can. Nevertheless, if humans never lie, humans don't exist anymore. Secrets don't exist. So we could ask ourselves if it would be better without any secrets and always the truth, even if it's sometimes hard to hear it and to say it ? Or to lie rarely for important things even if we don't tell the truth? What about the others, what do you think of this?

  2. Hi everyone.

    As far as I am concerned, I consider honesty as one of the most important quality. My parents always encouraged me to tell the truth, even if it might seem easier to lie to stay out of trouble.
    I would feel so bad if one day I discovered that a person that matters to me lied about something important. Trust is mutual and can not be easily gained.

    But on the other hand, it might be to preserve someone from a disturbing truth. For instance, I think we should never say anything to kids if something violent or very sad happened. Of course, we have to resume "the big lines" but we can spare some details.
    Furthermore, little kids love magic, and I do not think that the tooth Fairy and Santa count as lies.

    To put it all in a nutshell, we have to tell the truth each and every day, except if it might endanger or traumatize someone.

    150 words

  3. Hello !

    - To begin with truth and honesty are very important in our society because when somedody learn that you are a liar he could not trust you again.
    - To my mind I think it is necessary to tell the truth because it is a big part of your personnality and it is great to be a trusted person. However like Coline said it can be useful when you have to preserve someone from a disturbing truth (death or violence). In fact I heard on Tv that 60% of parents lie to children.
    - To sum up I think that it can be useful to lie but it's better to tell the truth otherwise you will look like Pinocchio...

    Clara Latella TS2

  4. When we were child we once have all lied has our parents like when we had broken something or when we had eaten candy….
    Nowadays when we grow up we become aware that honestly is very important because people can count on you.
    As Clara said « it is a big part of your personnality and it is great to be a trusted person. »
    However sometimes the truth can be painful. Telling to a child that Santa Claus or the tooth fairy doesn’t exist, is a truth that can break a child’s dream.
    Futhermore there are little lies that do not hurt because even if they discover the truth it won’t have big consequences.

    To sum up I feel that is better always telling the truth, but sometimes little lies are necessary in order to protect some people’s dreams.

  5. Hello !

    First of all; I think that telling the truth is very important and I am always trying to. When people trust you, it gives you importance and it's great to know that you are a person people can count on.
    Then, I guess that you sometimes have hide the truth in order to avoid people from being sad or to comfort somebody.
    To conclued, you sometimes have to lie but not to much, for exemple, you can lie to a child and tell him that Santa Claus exists in order to give a little magic to his life.
    To sum up, the truth is very important but you have to remeber that everything you do has consequences and that all your acts must be guided by a good intention.

    Hana AYED TES2

  6. Hello !

    First of all; I think that telling the truth is very important and I am always trying to. When people trust you, it gives you importance and it's great to know that you are a person people can count on.
    Then, I guess that you sometimes have hide the truth in order to avoid people from being sad or to comfort somebody.
    To conclued, you sometimes have to lie but not to much, for exemple, you can lie to a child and tell him that Santa Claus exists in order to give a little magic to his life.
    To sum up, the truth is very important but you have to remeber that everything you do has consequences and that all your acts must be guided by a good intention.

    Hana AYED TES2

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi,

    “Honesty is the best policy” said Benjamin Franklin. To my mind, more people should live by this quote and try to be the most trustworthy version of oneself as possible.

    On one hand, I think one must always try to tell the truth even if it hurts someone. Because if someone feels you are honest with them they tend to trust you more and this builds a strong relationship. Furthermore, sometimes it is necessary to be honest in your job like if you are a doctor telling your patient he is very ill. In this case there is no other way to sugarcoat this information because a person’s life depends on it. Lastly, I think parents must always be honest with their children even if it will hurt them because they will most likely get over it.

    On the other hand, in our society honesty isn’t always rewarded. The problem is that being dishonest can always get you more, whether you are a business lying about your products or a person getting a job you don’t deserve because you lied on your resume. Finally, like Coline said, I think that telling little white lies on occasions won’t hurt. For example, it’s alright if a magician withholds the truth about his magic tricks!

    All in all, in my opinion honesty is necessary for many reasons but mostly because it will give you mental peace and it will make you a better person.

    Sky M. TS2

  9. Hi everyone,
    To begin with, as for me, lying could cause really bad effects and people wouldn't consider you as a reliable person anymore.
    In fact, I think that everybody would like to tell the truh ever but it's not always possible because sometimes you don't want to hurt someone and then you modify the truth in order to please and manage him.
    Futhermore, a fair person will always be more appreciated than a liar one.
    As far as I'm concerned, I'm sure that being honest is one of the most important quality a person can have.
    Emilie Dossios TS2

  10. Hello everyone,

    Since one of my my favorite subjects, the issue of truth and honesty, has been raised, I'll be very forthright. Indeed I don't think that teenagers could use the term « honesty » as a synonym of « truth », because, as individuals, we are perfectly aware that our good willing is much more important than facts, that depend on our capabilities to express that good willing. Honesty should be a deprecated notion, since good actions, kindliness are inevitably linked to some kind of interest, even if we try to prevent it. Only (hypothetical) actions utterly ushered by the respect of ethic laws could be considered as honest ! I mean that « honesty » is in my mind very close to intellectual « purity ». « Truth » is nothing more than the result of the perceptions stored in our memory, an idea stronger than others because we realized it, which implied a coordination of all our senses and (sometimes) high reflexion. Children are structured by their interactions with adults, but it has to stop when we feel that we can support our own personality. Truth is the feeling of what I am, honesty if the feeling of what I should be. I remember (but it was translated in French!) Irving saying in The Cidre House Rules that becoming an adult, it's understanding that we all have to lie to preserve people that matter to us, stop behaving as a child complying with authority to obey a feeling of ethic and responsibility.
    (260 words)

    Clément Azzi, TS2

    1. I realised that I wasn't clear. Here is the new version, which, I hope, will be understandable.

      Hello everyone,

      Since one my favorite subjects has been raised, I'll be very forthright. My aim will be to explain why, in my opinion, truth is not always related to honesty.
      As children, we (almost ?) all mistook honesty for truth. Indeed, we all have been structured by adults' ideas: our parents needed a special access to our consciousness to make sure that everything was working properly. But it has to stop when we feel that we can bear our own character. As Irving said in The Cidre House Rules, an adult has the duty of lying to protect people that matter to him, because even your closest friends or wife or mother cannot understand everything from you. Deep down you know that you have to obey your own feeling of ethic and responsability.

      Actually, as individuals, we are quite aware that our good willing (it's the way Kant says, it's not mine) is much more important than facts, that depend on our ability to express that good willing. That means that honesty would rather be a matter of thought : to be honest, there's no need to abide by social laws that want us to say the truth. It also means that honesty is only theorical and in actual facts far from intellectual purity : good actions, kindliness are always linked to some kind of interest, even if we try to prevent it. As well, truth is a feeling, an idea among others, and neurosciences have made the proof that the feelings of reality are not always trustworhty. To put it all in a nutshell, how could we be honnest if we don't know the boundaries of honesty (because it's mixed with other ideas) and if we don't know what truth - reality - is ?

      I think that you cannot reach happiness without honesty, and in my mind happiness and honesty are exactly the same. Honesty is a balance of spirit that makes us think to be a strong individual : you are honest when you do what you think, and when you think what you are (that means that your thouhts don't conceal any secret desire or complex). Truth is nothing more than idea of what I am. So, we are not to tell the truth if we don't feel compelled to, but we must and we have to be honest.

  11. Hi everyone !

    As almost everybody, I do think that honesty is one of the most remarkable quality. To my mind, you cannot be peaceful with yourself if you know that you are ling to someone else. Even worse, some people unfortunately lie to themselves trying to make their life more interesting than what they actually are.

    One the other hand, a lie can sometimes hide a worry, an embarrassment or a fear to hurt someone. I am not really on this wavelength since I try to be as honest as possible with the ones I love but I fully understand that it can be hard sometimes.

    To put it all in a nutshell, being trustworthy is a very beautiful quality which can however hurt or upset the others.

    Marie M. TS2

  12. Hi everyone,
    This subject is very interesting because he has a philosophical aspesct. When we were children, we lied about little things so the consequences were not important. Today, we are young adults so we must have maturity. When we lie, the consequences are poor. In fact, we lose our credibility and we can disappoint people.
    However, sometimes, we are confronted to sensitive subjects and we decided to lie. This solution is dangerous, because it is only delaying the truth. Of course, it is difficult to assume some things when we are teenager but we must learn to tell the truth.
    Also, we can lie to impress people or to have a better reputation.
    In my oponion, it's very importantant to tell the truth but sometimes to get out to unexpected situations, we can lie.
    Malo Mabin Ts1

  13. Hello everyone !

    As for me, honesty has always been a top priority in our family.
    As has always said my grandma : »A fault confessed his half redressed ».
    She also used to say when I was a child that, if I lied, my nose would grow and be apparent to others as Pinocchio’s nose.

    In my opinion children of course need clear rules to learn the difference between right and wrong. However as we get older, truth becomes more nuanced and there are times when a little lie or
    the omission of some non relevant but embarassing facts might be appropriate, because, as Marie says, it may sometimes hurt.

    To conclude, I strongly believe honesty is the quality that best define a worthy person, and that’s why I try to be as honest as possible. With the others of course, but also with me.
    Poincignon Octave TS2 135 words.

  14. Hi everyone,

    As for me, Honesty is one of the most important quality. It is extremely important to always tell the truth because everything we say have consequences, and as I like to say "The truth will come out". So I think that lying is putting ourselves in embarassing situations.
    When we are a child, we don't know what's wrong and what's good, that's why we often lie, but when we grow up, we know that it's really bad to lie.
    However, we can (but not too often) lie to preserve someone and to not hurt him/her. Morever, we can lie to children about Santa Claus, and all the things like this !
    To conclude, I think that we should never lie, except if it is really necessary.

  15. Hi !
    First of all, I think that telling the truth, even if it can be hard, is always the best decision to make. Indeed, honesty is often necessary if we want to be a reliable person.
    Then, as far as I am concerned, I like when people are honest with me and tell me the truth. And, if you want something from the others you have to do it too.
    However, like everyone said, telling the truth can affect children for exemple.
    To put all in a nutshell, telling the truth is one of the most important quality but also one of the hardest.
    Eve H TS2

  16. Hello, have you past a good week-end ?
    As for me, I fully agree with the fact of telling the truth because I think it's important not even in the framework of a relationship but in daily life. Telling the truth is necessary even if she can be hurtful sometimes. I have already experimented the fact of not telling the truth and I can insure you that it isn't absolutely a good idea, I moreover learned lessons from it. All this to say that tell the truth is really necessary, besides the being for our consciousness.
    Have a good week guys !
    102 words, Marcia, 1ES1

  17. Hi everyone,
    For me, telling the truth is very important especially to people that trust you. Lying to your friends or family is very bad because they count on you to say the truth to them. Honesty is a good way to not put you in embarrassing situations where you must lie again and again to hide the first lie you said.
    But on the other hand sometimes lying can be a solution to preserve someone from something real that can hurt him a lot.
    Finally parents often lie to a child about Santa clause or about how Easter eggs come in the garden. I think those lies are good because they make some magic in children's life.
    To conclude we must say the truth as much as we can but sometimes lying is necessary to perverse someone.

    Salomé C TS2

  18. Hi,
    I think truth is quite a subjective word. As it is said in the introduction, parents say to their children not to lie but the fact is they often do. Even if it can be for good reasons they often hide loads of things to them. Lies are not always bad if they are used for positive things (for example to protect someone).Anyway even if honesty is an important value parents should not tell us not to lie because our world is made by lies. Presidents hide us a lot of things we would deserve to know, the pharmaceutic industry uses a lot a dangerous products but will always deny it. Each of us lies .I think we all have to if we want to archieve things.
    The most important thing is not lying to yourself.
    Thomas Chamonin

  19. Goodmorning everybody,the subject of my presentation is "truth".
    To my opinion, truth is one of the most important values that we learn when we are kids.
    Everybody knows the importance of truth in our daily life, for instance in school, or with our friends, family...
    A lie is never a good solution and can bring a lot of trouble: when people find out you do not say trust you again. So to my opinion it is better to wait before giving an answer than to lie.
    All truth is maybe not good to tell... Sometimes ypu can just be kind, and gie an answer that will be nice for the other person, without lying, but without telling hard truth...
    So my opinion is: be honest, but be kind, the others will appreciate

    Clara Porcier--Bertels

  20. Hello ?!
    As everybody said, Truth is something essential in social life.
    On one hand, lies are to be avoided because of the adverse consequences they can trigger.
    Sometimes a lie may have been used at a key moment and therefore be recorded by one or various persons. Thus, a lie will be kept in mind as long as you don’t admit it and don’t confess it to the concerned persons.
    On another hand, lies can be quite useful in some tense situations where it will be helpful to lie because truth could be harmful. In fact it’s quite vicious but this being said one has to keep in mind that it will always be better not to hurt anybody.
    Amaury Ts2

  21. Since we are kid, we always heard, by all our entourage and especially from our parents, that liying was really bad, that’s why we must always be honest by telling the truth. But is iy always necessary to tell the truth?
    One the one hand,telling the truth is an important thing to do.
    First, it allows to trust persons. Indeed, when people are completely honest with each other, they feel in confidence because they will no wonder if what the other person say is a lie or not. They will be by consequence less jalousy, especially in couples, and people will be more able to share secret or personal things.
    Then it can make move forward a person. Indeed telling the truth can be a real revelation to a person who did questiong his behaviour which was inappropriate or intolerable. It is a great way to preserve, even if it can hurts, a relation by trying to find solutions to resolve the problem.
    However, on the other hand, liying is sometimes a good thing to do.
    First, to children, to preserve their imagination, like with Santa Claus who make them really happy and excited, or to help them to keep their innocence, like, by example when the parents lie about the death.
    Then, to protect someone’s feelings. A lie is sometimes good especially if it don’t bother anyone, because it can make a person happy like when you lie about a persent.
    To conclude, telling the truth is essential because it is one of the most principal thing to be happy in a relation, but liying is also important, when it’s well-intentioned.

    Barbara 1es1

  22. Since we were kid, we always heard, by all our entourage and especially from our parents, that liying was really bad, that’s why we must always be honest by telling the truth. But is iy always necessary to tell the truth?
    One the one hand,telling the truth is an important thing to do.
    First, it allows to trust persons. Indeed, when people are completely honest with each other, they feel in confidence because they will no wonder if what the other person say is a lie or not. They will be by consequence less jalousy, especially in couples, and people will be more able to share secret or personal things.
    Then it can make move forward a person. Indeed telling the truth can be a real revelation to a person who did questiong his behaviour which was inappropriate or intolerable. It is a great way to preserve, even if it can hurts, a relation by trying to find solutions to resolve the problem.
    However, on the other hand, liying is sometimes a good thing to do.
    First, to children, to preserve their imagination, like with Santa Claus who make them really happy and excited, or to help them to keep their innocence, like, by example when the parents lie about the death.
    Then, to protect someone’s feelings. A lie is sometimes good especially if it don’t bother anyone, because it can make a person happy like when you lie about a persent.
    To conclude, telling the truth is essential because it is one of the most principal thing to be happy in a relation, but liying is also important, when it’s well-intentioned.

    Barbara 1es1

  23. Hi everyone!
    First of all, I would like to say that this subject is really important to me since I have had some problems with friends lying to me.
    I don’t think that our parents have told us to tell the truth for nothing. Being honest is an admirable quality, and it could make life easier. I would personally prefer that my relatives are honest with me even if it could hurt me. It would allow me not to doubt about things that I question.
    Lying to a person is a sign of disrespect even when you want to protect the person you’re lying to. Being honest is the key to everything, problems can be solved more easily if you simply tell the truth.
    I would also like to say that I don’t understand why people lie, and you should not be afraid to say what you think or what you know. A lie can make a life miserable, mostly if she has doubts. Tell the truth!

    Laure Michel TS1

    1. I'm sorry, I made a huge mistake, I wanted to say "I would personally prefer if my relatives were honest with me even if it could hurt me." instead of "I would personally prefer that my relatives are honest with me even if it could hurt me."

    2. I made a mistake, instead of "have told us to tell the truth", it's "have told us to tell them the truth"

  24. Good evening everyone,

    I believe honesty is very important for any relationship (friendships, family or couples). Only that way you can express how you feel about something or tell someone something, which will make you feel better afterwards since you get it off your chest. Though now that we are teenagers, we grow faster and there are some things that we can't tell our parents, that we want to hide from them or that we're embarrassed to tell them. In my opinion, lying is bad, but if it's for the good of the relationship with your parents, it's not too wrong to lie. It can't become a habit to lie, there are some things where the truth has to be spoken, but other than that it's acceptable depending on the intention.
    To conclude, honesty is very important, it creates trust and strenghtens the bond, but if that bond would be broken because of one thing, it's no too bad for someone to lie.

    Gabriel Kessler TS1

  25. Hello,
    First, I think that saying the truth seems better because if we lie to someone and this person learn it, we could not only lost its confidence but also its friendship. Lying can cause a lot of problems that's why when we were kids, we learned not to lie and only to tell the truth.
    But sometimes we are forced to lie and to let people hear what they want to hear because the truth could hurt them so much.
    Even if we tell the truth kindly, they could be vexed and then we lost their friendship.
    In conclusion, I would say that we have to try to be honest and if we have no choice but to lie to a person, then do it but we will have to assume conséquences.

    Hugo Savasta 1ES3

  26. Hello, everyone:
    I read the theme, and I thought why not writing something about it.
    Truth is for me a very difficult word, because on the one hand it's really personal, on the other hand it's important in our history. By simple thinking about truth or untruth, new evolution can be kicked off. For example, smoking has been well seen for a long time, not a problem for the health, but now people discovered a new “truth”, new knowledge, that smoking is bad for our health, which changes our society now. Evolution in all kind of subject's like in faith, human rights, society and science have been started, because people have tried to find the truth.
    When we were children, we heard all the time: “don’t lie” but when we became older, we started to know, that it’s mostly impossible to be always truthful. If you really would like to tell the truth, you have to stop speaking and writing. Of course no one knows the true absolutely, -yes sure, we all have been born, and we all have to die, but even this isn’t hundred percent certain. For example, the Hindus believe, that they will be reborn as another form of existence. This is not a permission to say anything. One should try to speak as close as possible at the truth. Sometimes it can be better, not to say all the truth, because truth can hurt people or can be negative for the general interest. Still I want to say clearly, that I am against “alternatives facts”…, because lies shouldn’t be spread as facts in full knowledge of the opposite.
    Well finally, let us keep on thinking about what is true and what not, because we can change our life and may be a little bit our world with that, in spite of possible mistakes. Because what’s count is the future that we won't to make real.
