Many believe that teachers and society are the best teachers, I think that parents have a major role in educating children. Parents seem to be mirror image of their children , who want to be exactly like that image in their lives. First of all, when a child comes to this world, just knows his parents; He follows their attitudes and tries to act like them he also tries to learn everything from their parents that help them in their future and also helpful in making their personality. Parents will have the responsibility to make their children learn responsibility in life. Moreover, parents care for their children more than anybody else. The emotions and feelings between parents and the child are something especial. For instance, a supportive mother would not be tired of repeating one thing over and over for the child, however, a teacher, not because of being indifference but because of limited time, just can do it once or twice. But also there is a lot of teacher who become tired of them. They don’t have the same patience or the same experience with the children. Thirdly, Parents have good understanding from their children, and probably know their abilities and disabilities. The role of parents are indefinite and significant in everybody's lives and they are the milestone who give us way to lead our lives with a respectful manner. In conclusion, I believe that parents are the best mentors for their children. That is because they are the first one whom a child can follow, and because they care for their children more than anyone else.
hello sorry i made a few mistakes educating-> bringing up children just knows his parents-> he only knows help them in their future-> that will help him in his future a lot of teacher-> a lot of teacheres understanding from-> understanding of
I agree with this statement, in fact there are things in life that we cannot learn in class, school prepares us for our professional life but in terms of our maturity, our ideals or our ways of doing things, it is our parents who teach us.
If I have a relationship with someone, for example, it is my parents who will be able to help me (if I want to) because they have experience and can understand me.
To go further, the teaching at school stops where my private life begins, so I learn few about what could be helpful in my daily life.
Hi everybody! In my opinion, parents are the best teachers. Parents teach us everything since we were baby. They know us better than anyone else. That's the difference with a school teacher for example, they don't know us. Parents can use our strengths and weaknesses to improve in some areas. They know what is good for us. They teach us to walk, talk, and have good manners. Moreover, we learn every day unconsciously by watching them do. Our parents love us so we can trust them to see us succeed and how they will help us Paul MABIN TES3
To my mind, I think parents are the best teachers. It is necessary to recognize that not only they are the first teachers, but most importing.
First, they are the best teachers because they educate their children. The base of any education is bound to the communication. For it, it is necessary to know how to say and hear, and it is the parents who encourage the dialogue with their children.
Secondly, they are all the time in the side of their children. Of this fact, they teach all the bases to their children. How to behave in public, in community, how to eat, how to speak, how to get dressed, how to become autonomous etc.
Sorry everyone I made some mistakes : It's not "They bring up their children and it is the parents encourage dialogue with their children" but "They bring up their children and the parents encourage dialogue with their children" It's not "they are all the time in the side of their children" but "they are always on their children's side". Thank you.
I totally agree on the fact that our parents are the best teachers.
According to me, our parents put us at the world, thus it are the ones who know us best and who can advise us at best according to our character. Furthermore, they already have a lot of experience contrary to us, young teenagers. They are adults, they are responsible and they know what is best for us, they know us and love us that nobody, we are the fruit of their love. A educated and informed child is before any a child taken care by his parents. To finish, they are they who inculcates us our values and our principles, everything rests on them !
Hello everybody, I'm convinced that parents are the best teachers in life. First of all, parents teach us through years the values of life. They teach us to walk, to talk, to have a proper behavior before we face the real hard life. Our parents are the first pillars of socialization because they are the origin of our development and our education. Secondly, parents transmit us their knowledge so that we succeed in life. In fact, they love us and they want a beautiful future for us. Furthermore, a parent teaches to his child different emotions and feelings in order to support better life: for instance frustration, love, envy, anger, sadness, happiness... To conclude, parents encourage, congratulate and support their child whatever happens which is in my opinion a very important quality of teaching. Thanks for reading me, Kolyn Préau TES3
Hello, everyone! It is true to say that parents are the best teachers, because when we were kids, we liked to do like the adults, like "playing house". And the only references that we had are our parents or grand parents, it's a sort of mimicry. We repoduced what we saw or listened to. If parents tend to be caring and gentle, their child will have the same comportment, on the contrary, if the parents are mean, the wild will be mean. It's like "As above so below", within the generations. Also, the parents are the first ones to take care of our education, they are putting the base of our knowledge's foundation, like the walk's learning, they also help us to developp our creativity, by buying us toys and letting us draw. So do I really agree with this fact, it's true, our parents are the best teachers.
Hello, I agree with this statement, indeed the parents are the best teachers. Parents are usually the most involved in the development and education of their children. They teach us to talk, to walk, to behave well,they help us evolve and succeed. They show us the good example and sometimes also the one not to follow. To finish, for us, these are the first examples to follow.
Hi everyone ! To begin with, I think that education is something that, as parents, should not be taken lightly. It will train future citizens and every detail can have consequences, more or less well. Even if I'm not a parent, but as a grown-up child, I have my own opinion on the question. I think that the things we learn at home, with our parents, and the things we learn at school with our teachers are totally different, but they complement each other. A teacher usually has best knowledge in some subjects than a parent necessarily has. In addition, he has been trained to teach others and probably better learning methods . Finally he is supposed to have an objective opinion about the student that the student does not necessarily have with his parents. In opposition,, what a child learns with his or her parents is part of the family's interests, in other words that two families do not teach their children the same thing. Moreover, the context of the home and that of the school have nothing to do with it, one is more official and regulated than the other. With his parents, the child find a certain freedom in terms of subjects, time, etc.
So school allows us to acquire very useful standard skills, while parents allow us to broaden our knowledge in certain specific subjects.
In my opinion, parents can be better teachers than teachers themselves, for raising their children and making them better persons. First of all, parents raise their children to be good people, they don't have all the knowledge which teachers have, but parents know their child since their birth so I think they know what is good or not for their child, unlike the teachers who know nothing about them. Eventually, being a good person is coming in handy to study, so the children can understand and respect their teachers, but also, they will not go against what their parents have said… In the end, parents are better teachers than teachers themselves, because they have raised their children and made them understand things that teachers can’t do.
I fully agree with this statement : parents are the best teachers.
First of all, they are the persons who followed us from birth and who know us perfectly. They dedicate their time in our education, they want us to be good persons and to own fundamental values of life.
Indeed, they teach us how to talk, to walk, to have reactions and emotions when we were child. They are our example so we just try to act like them because we consider that is what we have to do, because they are right. And then, they stay by our side when we grow up and teach us all important things we should know, like the respect or the gratitude. When we desobey or disagree with them, they do not hesitate to repeat us again and again, like for a thousand times that we are doing wrong and try to convice us that we should listen to them because all they want is our happiness.
Nobody can care about us as much as our parents, they have the capacity to see through us, they know when we are sad, when we are not going well at all and morover they know our weakness. They encourage us to give the best of ourselves, to evolve, to achieve our goal.
Hey! I'm sorry I did some mistakes: -persons who raise us and not persons who followed us from birth -respect and gratefulness instead of the respect and the gratitude -disobey and not desobey -to repeat to us and not to repeat us
My opinion is very tempered because on the one hand: they are right to suggest that parents are the best teachers because they learn the most important things in life and those from the earliest age, these things will stay for a lifetime. I am talking here about how to speak or the values instilled in children such as loving others for example. But there is also the behaviour you have to adopt towards others, so respect among other things: to not scream; hit etc... They also learn to differentiate between good and evil, but it should not be forgotten that each vision of life is very relative and depends on each person. For example, some people are vegetarians because they find the concept of killing animals disgusting while it does not bother others at all. I'm telling that because some parents are very bad at their role as educators because of their visions of life and their absurd ideologies such as racism or xenophobia and are not good role models for their children so they are not good teachers of life.
That's why on the other hand I disagree with this statement because to my mind teachers at school are very useful in helping each person to build a completely personal way of thinking, they also help to open our eyes to some rather sensitive subjects such as media manipulation, they bring us a knowledge, on the history of our country for example, that some parents might not have. Last but not least they prepare us for the future in the society and teach us to become self-sufficient because, whether we like it or not, one day we will have to manage on our own.
What I mean is that parents show us how to react on specific occasions, they give us a basis for living such as cooking, and also transmit their knowledge, but there is also a minority of bad parents that's why we need other people to teach and to give elements in order to build ourselves as a person.
To conclude, we must not generalize because some parents are not good teachers, but it is true that we owe them a lot for what we are today.
The learning process continues all the life of a person. But, one of the most important part (what the sociologist call the primary socialisation) is located in childhood and parents play a big rôle in ths process. Primary socialisation is composed by 4 things : family, school, media and colleague. Teachers and colleague are outside of home and the child see them for a specified time. It is the contrary of the parents, because they are with their children the most big part of time and they control the access of the child to the information (media).
So, we cansay that the parents play a big rôle in the construction of the personnality of their child. But each is able to judge that his parents are the best teachers or not…
A person can change in adulthood, it is not beacuse their parents are passionated by films that she is also passionated by films and when a person grow the impact of media and others (like colleague, teachers and school) is amplify, because she pass less time with parents.
To begin with, I agree with this following statement. And i'm going to explain why.
First of all, Parents accompany us through all our childhood and teach us how to act in society. It’s the most important part of our education because they follow us since we are born. To my mind, a parent is like a model to his children. In fact, he needs to teach the right example to help his children to become good persons. Let's take an example, when a child is not good about himself then his parents will have to comfort him. But when a child doesn’t act right at school or in society then it will be his parents’ fault.
Second of all, our teachers play a role in our education too especially when we are in elementary school but not as important as our parents. Furthermore, when we grow up they have another role ! They have to teach us knowledge like maths, history, sciences and languages.
A lot of people think that school is the best way to raise children. In fact it’s not the only way and it’s not the best.
First of all, the education teaches us to have a good behaviour, count, read and share with everyone, also to be kind, respectuf with others. However when I think about it, our parents taught us all of that long before the education and the society.
Moreover, parents are with us since birth, they raise us, teach us the different behaviours to adopt according to different situations. When we were children, parents showed us the everyday rules like to give your sit in public transports to people who need it or to wait when the little man become green to cross the road.
Growing up, parents teach something else, to give an exemple: they help us with our homework until we’re independant. Parents encourage us when we have a bad grade, they say that we’ll do better the next time. They raise us to become a great person, humble and carefull.
To conclude I agree with the statement « Parents are the best teachers », parents teach us life which is the most important thing in this world.
Sorry I made a mistake It’s respectful not respectuf of course It’s « educate and » and not « the education » Long before school and not « long before the education » « Give your SEAT » not « give your sit » It’s not « little man » it’s « the light » « becomeS green » because it’s the light who becomeS green « Next time » without « the »
Hello, I really think that parents are the best teachers because they have experience and want the best for us, they love us. From there, they give us the best advice as possible to succeed. So, they do not want us to be a shame for them. They want us to be polite, nice. Parents would like us to take care of ourselves and, above all, and to be happy and fulfilled. We can also say that school also serves us to grow but I do not think it can replace parents. Juliette Brinon 1S3
I think parents are the best teachers because first of all, these are our examples. Indeed, we act like our parents because we love them, they are the most important people and because they represent what we would like to be. It is always, at the actions of our parents that we identify ourselves. Then our parents are the first people we have seen and we have coasted. They have known us since ever, they know how we think and they know our personality. They will have the best advice according to our mood. In addition, they have seen us grow and mature, they want our good and the best for us. Finally, parents are the emotional pillar of children.
Secondly, I think parents may not be good teachers. Indeed, they can give us advice, but maybe they will not be useful because the parents do not have a very critical mind towards their child. Then some parents want to fill their children, so they leave education and accept their whims. On the other hand, others maintain a "friendly" relationship with their children, so they may have to forget about education. These parents start to educate when it becomes necessary, even indispensable, which tends to be useless because their children will not listen.
In conclusion, my opinion is mixed, I think that parents can be good teacher but not in all areas
I think that depending on the ages and periods we go through in our lives, we can consider our parents as those from whom we can learn best, but also as those from whom we no longer want to learn anything. When we are small, our parents are role models, all our first learning in life comes from them. Then with time we learn to do without them... or even to rebel and no longer be able to bear what they want to transmit to us. But deep down, we all need our parents to teach us how to deal with situations that seem unmanageable.
Hello, to begin, I think there are different types of teachers. For example, teachers in school teach us different subjects, they teach us about the general culture to develop our intelligence and to be able to have a job later. However parents are a different story, parents teach us how to live. They teach us principles, values, religion for some, traditions etc. Parents are indeed the best teachers that can exist, they tell us all that is best in life, all that can make us happy, and they are the only ones who try to make us the best. Best people possible. Zata 1S1
I think that parents have a major role in bringing up children. Indeed, since we were baby, our parents teach us. They teach us to know right from wrong, the politeness, and the rudiments of life. They teach us to speak, eat, walk etc. They teach us an important stage in our life, and contribute to the construction of our personal identity, our values and principles. They defines us simply. Annett TES3
Hello everyone , I totally agree that our parents are our best teachers . Personally for me , my parents have taught me a lot since my childhood . This is different with teachers at school who prepare us for our professional life. But in terms of maturity and advice , our parents teach us because they gave birth to us , so are the ones who know us the best who can advice us .
Hi! "Parents are the best teachers" On the one hand, parents are the persons who raise children, the people who have the responsability of teaching children all the foundations of life, how to act in society, how to speak, eat, walk... Their teaching is necessary to children. Without parents our lives can't be what it looks like today, without their love, and without their help how can a child eat or sleep in a safe place? The role of parents is to teach their children all they know, to help their children during their growth. On the other hand, it's essential to go to school, to learn independence, how to socialize, and to discover new things, make new experiences. Moreover parents don't know everything, that's why children need teachers at school. To conclude, to have the perfect education, children have to learn things from their parents, and from teachers at school, from friends... etc. It's essential.
Parents teach their children a lot every day, no matter if they are kids, teenagers or adults. Parents teach them how to live in society since they were born. Their role is really important in a child’s education. We can ask ourselves if parents are the best teachers.
First, parents teach their children how to walk and how to speak but also how to behave with others. We learn from them before we learn from society because they are the ones teaching us how to interact with others which is important to live in society. Parents teach us the most important things when we’re young like the ability to feed oneself, then they teach us how to pay bills, or for some, how to drive. However, some things can’t be taught by parents because they can only be experienced, and experiences are personal. As an example, parents can give advice about love and sexuality, but they can’t really teach that.
To my mind parents’ role is really important, but they can’t teach everything because they don’t know everything. Sometimes, one has to learn from someone else.
Hello everybody, I'm sorry I didn't correct my mistake until today. I wrote "the ability to feed oneself", but it is "the ability to feed ourselves" Thanks for reading
Many believe that teachers and society are the best teachers, I think that parents have a major role in educating children. Parents seem to be mirror image of their children , who want to be exactly like that image in their lives.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, when a child comes to this world, just knows his parents; He follows their attitudes and tries to act like them he also tries to learn everything from their parents that help them in their future and also helpful in making their personality. Parents will have the responsibility to make their children learn responsibility in life.
Moreover, parents care for their children more than anybody else. The emotions and feelings between parents and the child are something especial. For instance, a supportive mother would not be tired of repeating one thing over and over for the child, however, a teacher, not because of being indifference but because of limited time, just can do it once or twice. But also there is a lot of teacher who become tired of them. They don’t have the same patience or the same experience with the children.
Thirdly, Parents have good understanding from their children, and probably know their abilities and disabilities. The role of parents are indefinite and significant in everybody's lives and they are the milestone who give us way to lead our lives with a respectful manner.
In conclusion, I believe that parents are the best mentors for their children. That is because they are the first one whom a child can follow, and because they care for their children more than anyone else.
Deletesorry i made a few mistakes
educating-> bringing up children
just knows his parents-> he only knows
help them in their future-> that will help him in his future
a lot of teacher-> a lot of teacheres
understanding from-> understanding of
*a lot of teachers
DeleteI agree with this statement, in fact there are things in life that we cannot learn in class, school prepares us for our professional life but in terms of our maturity, our ideals or our ways of doing things, it is our parents who teach us.
ReplyDeleteIf I have a relationship with someone, for example, it is my parents who will be able to help me (if I want to) because they have experience and can understand me.
To go further, the teaching at school stops where my private life begins, so I learn few about what could be helpful in my daily life.
Hi everybody!
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, parents are the best teachers. Parents teach us everything since we were baby. They know us better than anyone else. That's the difference with a school teacher for example, they don't know us. Parents can use our strengths and weaknesses to improve in some areas. They know what is good for us. They teach us to walk, talk, and have good manners. Moreover, we learn every day unconsciously by watching them do. Our parents love us so we can trust them to see us succeed and how they will help us
Sorry, I made a mistake:
DeleteTo improve us
Hi everyone, I hope you are well:
ReplyDeleteTo my mind, I think parents are the best teachers. It is necessary to recognize that not only they are the first teachers, but most importing.
First, they are the best teachers because they educate their children. The base of any education is bound to the communication. For it, it is necessary to know how to say and hear, and it is the parents who encourage the dialogue with their children.
Secondly, they are all the time in the side of their children. Of this fact, they teach all the bases to their children. How to behave in public, in community, how to eat, how to speak, how to get dressed, how to become autonomous etc.
So, parents are the best teachers.
Pamela TES3
Sorry everyone I made some mistakes :
DeleteIt's not "They bring up their children and it is the parents encourage dialogue with their children" but "They bring up their children and the parents encourage dialogue with their children"
It's not "they are all the time in the side of their children" but "they are always on their children's side".
Thank you.
Reply Pamela TES3
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteHi all !
ReplyDeleteI totally agree on the fact that our parents are the best teachers.
According to me, our parents put us at the world, thus it are the ones who know us best and who can advise us at best according to our character. Furthermore, they already have a lot of experience contrary to us, young teenagers. They are adults, they are responsible and they know what is best for us, they know us and love us that nobody, we are the fruit of their love.
A educated and informed child is before any a child taken care by his parents.
To finish, they are they who inculcates us our values and our principles, everything rests on them !
Hello everybody,
ReplyDeleteI'm convinced that parents are the best teachers in life. First of all, parents teach us through years the values of life. They teach us to walk, to talk, to have a proper behavior before we face the real hard life. Our parents are the first pillars of socialization because they are the origin of our development and our education. Secondly, parents transmit us their knowledge so that we succeed in life. In fact, they love us and they want a beautiful future for us. Furthermore, a parent teaches to his child different emotions and feelings in order to support better life: for instance frustration, love, envy, anger, sadness, happiness... To conclude, parents encourage, congratulate and support their child whatever happens which is in my opinion a very important quality of teaching.
Thanks for reading me,
Kolyn Préau TES3
Hello, sorry I made some mistakes :
ReplyDelete- "I totally agree", instead of : "I agree with"
- "According to me", instead of "In my opinion"
- "that nobody", instead of : "like nobody"
To finish, the penultimate sentence is incorrect, so, I wanted to say that children need to be educated by parents.
Hello, everyone!
ReplyDeleteIt is true to say that parents are the best teachers, because when we were kids, we liked to do like the adults, like "playing house". And the only references that we had are our parents or grand parents, it's a sort of mimicry. We repoduced what we saw or listened to. If parents tend to be caring and gentle, their child will have the same comportment, on the contrary, if the parents are mean, the wild will be mean. It's like "As above so below", within the generations.
Also, the parents are the first ones to take care of our education, they are putting the base of our knowledge's foundation, like the walk's learning, they also help us to developp our creativity, by buying us toys and letting us draw.
So do I really agree with this fact, it's true, our parents are the best teachers.
Jeanne L.D. TS3
ReplyDeleteI agree with this statement, indeed the parents are the best teachers. Parents are usually the most involved in the development and education of their children. They teach us to talk, to walk, to behave well,they help us evolve and succeed. They show us the good example and sometimes also the one not to follow.
To finish, for us, these are the first examples to follow.
Manon Brun TES3
Hi everyone !
ReplyDeleteTo begin with, I think that education is something that, as parents, should not be taken lightly. It will train future citizens and every detail can have consequences, more or less well.
Even if I'm not a parent, but as a grown-up child, I have my own opinion on the question.
I think that the things we learn at home, with our parents, and the things we learn at school with our teachers are totally different, but they complement each other.
A teacher usually has best knowledge in some subjects than a parent necessarily has. In addition, he has been trained to teach others and probably better learning methods . Finally he is supposed to have an objective opinion about the student that the student does not necessarily have with his parents.
In opposition,, what a child learns with his or her parents is part of the family's interests, in other words that two families do not teach their children the same thing. Moreover, the context of the home and that of the school have nothing to do with it, one is more official and regulated than the other.
With his parents, the child find a certain freedom in terms of subjects, time, etc.
So school allows us to acquire very useful standard skills, while parents allow us to broaden our knowledge in certain specific subjects.
I made a mistake :
Delete- But they are complementary (l.5)
In my opinion, parents can be better teachers than teachers themselves, for raising their children and making them better persons.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, parents raise their children to be good people, they don't have all the knowledge which teachers have, but parents know their child since their birth so I think they know what is good or not for their child, unlike the teachers who know nothing about them.
Eventually, being a good person is coming in handy to study, so the children can understand and respect their teachers, but also, they will not go against what their parents have said…
In the end, parents are better teachers than teachers themselves, because they have raised their children and made them understand things that teachers can’t do.
Emilie Lacroix, 1°S1
DeleteSorry but I made some mistakes:
-" raise their..."
-" make..."
-"...their child... since his birth..."
-"...comes in handy..."
-"...what their parents said...".
Hello everybody,
ReplyDeleteI fully agree with this statement : parents are the best teachers.
First of all, they are the persons who followed us from birth and who know us perfectly. They dedicate their time in our education, they want us to be good persons and to own fundamental values of life.
Indeed, they teach us how to talk, to walk, to have reactions and emotions when we were child. They are our example so we just try to act like them because we consider that is what we have to do, because they are right. And then, they stay by our side when we grow up and teach us all important things we should know, like the respect or the gratitude. When we desobey or disagree with them, they do not hesitate to repeat us again and again, like for a thousand times that we are doing wrong and try to convice us that we should listen to them because all they want is our happiness.
Nobody can care about us as much as our parents, they have the capacity to see through us, they know when we are sad, when we are not going well at all and morover they know our weakness. They encourage us to give the best of ourselves, to evolve, to achieve our goal.
Hey! I'm sorry I did some mistakes:
Delete-persons who raise us and not persons who followed us from birth
-respect and gratefulness instead of the respect and the gratitude
-disobey and not desobey
-to repeat to us and not to repeat us
My opinion is very tempered because on the one hand: they are right to suggest that parents are the best teachers because they learn the most important things in life and those from the earliest age, these things will stay for a lifetime. I am talking here about how to speak or the values instilled in children such as loving others for example. But there is also the behaviour you have to adopt towards others, so respect among other things: to not scream; hit etc... They also learn to differentiate between good and evil, but it should not be forgotten that each vision of life is very relative and depends on each person. For example, some people are vegetarians because they find the concept of killing animals disgusting while it does not bother others at all. I'm telling that because some parents are very bad at their role as educators because of their visions of life and their absurd ideologies such as racism or xenophobia and are not good role models for their children so they are not good teachers of life.
ReplyDeleteThat's why on the other hand I disagree with this statement because to my mind teachers at school are very useful in helping each person to build a completely personal way of thinking, they also help to open our eyes to some rather sensitive subjects such as media manipulation, they bring us a knowledge, on the history of our country for example, that some parents might not have. Last but not least they prepare us for the future in the society and teach us to become self-sufficient because, whether we like it or not, one day we will have to manage on our own.
What I mean is that parents show us how to react on specific occasions, they give us a basis for living such as cooking, and also transmit their knowledge, but there is also a minority of bad parents that's why we need other people to teach and to give elements in order to build ourselves as a person.
To conclude, we must not generalize because some parents are not good teachers, but it is true that we owe them a lot for what we are today.
Amira INES
Sorry, I made some mistakes:
Delete-They teach
-I'm saying that
/Hello !
ReplyDeleteThe learning process continues all the life of a person.
But, one of the most important part (what the sociologist call the primary socialisation) is located in childhood and parents play a big rôle in ths process.
Primary socialisation is composed by 4 things : family, school, media and colleague.
Teachers and colleague are outside of home and the child see them for a specified time.
It is the contrary of the parents, because they are with their children the most big part of time and they control the access of the child to the information (media).
So, we cansay that the parents play a big rôle in the construction of the personnality of their child.
But each is able to judge that his parents are the best teachers or not…
A person can change in adulthood, it is not beacuse their parents are passionated by films that she is also passionated by films and when a person grow the impact of media and others (like colleague, teachers and school) is amplify, because she pass less time with parents.
Hi everyone,
ReplyDeleteTo begin with, I agree with this following statement. And i'm going to explain why.
First of all, Parents accompany us through all our childhood and teach us how to act in society. It’s the most important part of our education because they follow us since we are born.
To my mind, a parent is like a model to his children. In fact, he needs to teach the right example to help his children to become good persons. Let's take an example, when a child is not good about himself then his parents will have to comfort him. But when a child doesn’t act right at school or in society then it will be his parents’ fault.
Second of all, our teachers play a role in our education too especially when we are in elementary school but not as important as our parents. Furthermore, when we grow up they have another role ! They have to teach us knowledge like maths, history, sciences and languages.
Lea B. TS3
Hi everybody
ReplyDeleteA lot of people think that school is the best way to raise children. In fact it’s not the only way and it’s not the best.
First of all, the education teaches us to have a good behaviour, count, read and share with everyone, also to be kind, respectuf with others. However when I think about it, our parents taught us all of that long before the education and the society.
Moreover, parents are with us since birth, they raise us, teach us the different behaviours to adopt according to different situations. When we were children, parents showed us the everyday rules like to give your sit in public transports to people who need it or to wait when the little man become green to cross the road.
Growing up, parents teach something else, to give an exemple: they help us with our homework until we’re independant. Parents encourage us when we have a bad grade, they say that we’ll do better the next time. They raise us to become a great person, humble and carefull.
To conclude I agree with the statement « Parents are the best teachers », parents teach us life which is the most important thing in this world.
Maha, 1S1
Sorry I made a mistake
DeleteIt’s respectful not respectuf of course
It’s « educate and » and not « the education »
Long before school and not « long before the education »
« Give your SEAT » not « give your sit »
It’s not « little man » it’s « the light »
« becomeS green » because it’s the light who becomeS green
« Next time » without « the »
ReplyDeleteI really think that parents are the best teachers because they have experience and want the best for us, they love us. From there, they give us the best advice as possible to succeed. So, they do not want us to be a shame for them. They want us to be polite, nice. Parents would like us to take care of ourselves and, above all, and to be happy and fulfilled. We can also say that school also serves us to grow but I do not think it can replace parents.
Juliette Brinon 1S3
ReplyDeleteI think parents are the best teachers because first of all, these are our examples. Indeed, we act like our parents because we love them, they are the most important people and because they represent what we would like to be. It is always, at the actions of our parents that we identify ourselves.
Then our parents are the first people we have seen and we have coasted. They have known us since ever, they know how we think and they know our personality. They will have the best advice according to our mood.
In addition, they have seen us grow and mature, they want our good and the best for us. Finally, parents are the emotional pillar of children.
Secondly, I think parents may not be good teachers. Indeed, they can give us advice, but maybe they will not be useful because the parents do not have a very critical mind towards their child.
Then some parents want to fill their children, so they leave education and accept their whims.
On the other hand, others maintain a "friendly" relationship with their children, so they may have to forget about education. These parents start to educate when it becomes necessary, even indispensable, which tends to be useless because their children will not listen.
In conclusion, my opinion is mixed, I think that parents can be good teacher but not in all areas
Hello, sorry I made some mistakes
Deleteat the actions= from the actions
I think that depending on the ages and periods we go through in our lives, we can consider our parents as those from whom we can learn best, but also as those from whom we no longer want to learn anything. When we are small, our parents are role models, all our first learning in life comes from them. Then with time we learn to do without them... or even to rebel and no longer be able to bear what they want to transmit to us. But deep down, we all need our parents to teach us how to deal with situations that seem unmanageable.
ReplyDeleteMathilde BESCOND 1S1
Hello, to begin, I think there are different types of teachers. For example, teachers in school teach us different subjects, they teach us about the general culture to develop our intelligence and to be able to have a job later. However parents are a different story, parents teach us how to live. They teach us principles, values, religion for some, traditions etc.
ReplyDeleteParents are indeed the best teachers that can exist, they tell us all that is best in life, all that can make us happy, and they are the only ones who try to make us the best. Best people possible.
Zata 1S1
I think that parents have a major role in bringing up children. Indeed, since we were baby, our parents teach us. They teach us to know right from wrong, the politeness, and the rudiments of life. They teach us to speak, eat, walk etc. They teach us an important stage in our life, and contribute to the construction of our personal identity, our values and principles. They defines us simply.
ReplyDeleteAnnett TES3
Hi, I'm sorry I made a mistake :
DeleteIt's not "in our life" but "in our lives".
Hello everyone ,
ReplyDeleteI totally agree that our parents are our best teachers . Personally for me , my parents have taught me a lot since my childhood . This is different with teachers at school who prepare us for our professional life.
But in terms of maturity and advice , our parents teach us because they gave birth to us , so are the ones who know us the best who can advice us .
Florica Andreea 1S1
ReplyDelete"Parents are the best teachers"
On the one hand, parents are the persons who raise children, the people who have the responsability of teaching children all the foundations of life, how to act in society, how to speak, eat, walk... Their teaching is necessary to children. Without parents our lives can't be what it looks like today, without their love, and without their help how can a child eat or sleep in a safe place? The role of parents is to teach their children all they know, to help their children during their growth.
On the other hand, it's essential to go to school, to learn independence, how to socialize, and to discover new things, make new experiences. Moreover parents don't know everything, that's why children need teachers at school.
To conclude, to have the perfect education, children have to learn things from their parents, and from teachers at school, from friends... etc. It's essential.
Thaïs Genoux 1S1
Hello everyone,
ReplyDeleteParents teach their children a lot every day, no matter if they are kids, teenagers or adults. Parents teach them how to live in society since they were born. Their role is really important in a child’s education. We can ask ourselves if parents are the best teachers.
First, parents teach their children how to walk and how to speak but also how to behave with others. We learn from them before we learn from society because they are the ones teaching us how to interact with others which is important to live in society. Parents teach us the most important things when we’re young like the ability to feed oneself, then they teach us how to pay bills, or for some, how to drive.
However, some things can’t be taught by parents because they can only be experienced, and experiences are personal. As an example, parents can give advice about love and sexuality, but they can’t really teach that.
To my mind parents’ role is really important, but they can’t teach everything because they don’t know everything. Sometimes, one has to learn from someone else.
Thelma D. TS3
(190 Words)
Hello everybody, I'm sorry I didn't correct my mistake until today.
ReplyDeleteI wrote "the ability to feed oneself", but it is "the ability to feed ourselves"
Thanks for reading