Monday, 21 March 2022


It's been a week since we don't need the sanitary pass and to put on a mask anymore. How do you feel about it? Do you feel freer or do you feel less secure?


  1. Since the 14th march we removed the masks in school and outside and we don’t need the sanitary pass I definitely feel free and i’m really happy about it, we can finally breath normally and hear everybody. Personally I was waiting for it since it started and I couldn’t believe that we were finally going to be free. I think this is a sign that all of this covid situation is ending and i’m very happy about it.

  2. First of all since March 14 we are allowed to go to public spaces without a mask.
    I'm very happy with it, it's much better to go to school without a mask, especially when you have to speak in front of the class. It's better to see people's faces and their expressions when talking with them. Besides, I'm glad I don't have a mask for the exams.
    However, I hope the virus will not spread due to the end of restrictions.
    To conclude, I think it's better for students to study without a mask because we are more focused.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. In France, this Monday, March 14, the government announced that wearing a mask against the Covid is no longer compulsory in public places indoors and the health pass is no longer recommended to go to restaurants, cinemas...
    I'm very happy that we can no longer put on masks in the places we go to daily like school and no longer use the health pass to go to restaurants, cinemas, theatres.... It's a good decision from the french government because we feel like we are living again as before, a normal life without restrictions, which most of us had forgotten. I feel like I'm free!
    However, I continue to be careful because the covid, circulates and is always present. Barrier gestures are not to be neglected because it is thanks to this that we will be able to avoid the spread of the virus and that we can appreciate this beginning of life like 2 years ago.

  5. Hello then to begin since the restriction of the mask I feel free because I have nothing more on the face, I have the impression that I can "breathe". We rediscover the faces of our comrades, that makes weird. We live normally again. But on the other hand I have the impression to be also less in security because the gestures barriers are less and less respected. It's a way to increase the disease. The fact of removing the mask from one day to the next I find it strange, it is not safe.
    To conclude, the restriction of masks is a psychological good for the people because they are free. But it is necessary to continue to be careful with the people at risk.

    1. Hello since/ on my face/ I feel that I can/ which is weird/ However, I feel that I am not safe/ This it increases the risk of catching the disease/ Removing / for people

  6. First of all, no longer wearing a mask in public places and high school makes me feel weird since we had worn it for 2 years non-stop. I think I am freer but more able to catch the virus since the pandemic has not stopped. I feel like we forget that it is still around and that we are more easily exposed to the virus. However, it is easier to communicate without but I still remain vigilant because of the evolution of its spread in China which, moreover, has confined a city of 9 million inhabitants due to the peak of Covid cases.

  7. French government's action to end most of Covid-19 restrictions is extremely relieving as life has finally started to become normal. So, we can now meet people just like before, we don't have to wear masks anymore in closed spaces and we don't need to worry about sanitary passes. All these facts make me feel freer because I don't have to follow the same particular rules everyday to go out and especially to go to school. But, I hope that we all stay safe and that the situation stays the same in order to avoid any further restrictions.

  8. It has been two years since the covid pandemic started, I think that on the 14 of March many people felt relieved. We have been through such a long and frightening period, I think that giving us the ability to start getting back to the lifestyle we had before covid gives us hope. But I think that we still have to keep being careful in crowded closed places like common transports.

    1. Sorry I made a mistake:
      -crowded and closed

  9. Hi,
    Since March 14th, as I said, we no longer need to wear a mask outside and in closed buildings. However, we still need to wear one while taking public transport. I'm really happy to take off the mask because it is going to be summer soon so we won't sweat in it like past summer. Additionally, now that the sanitary pass is no longer needed, it is going to make it way easier to hang out with your friends or relatives. For example, we don't have to wait outside a restaurant or fast food so that an employee can verify our pass in order to be allowed to eat there. Furthermore, taking off the mask truly shows that France has never been safer after the pandemic so I find it more reassuring than stressing actually. Things are getting better and people are happy about it so I am happy with it too.

  10. We spent 2 weird years because of COVID-19,and one of the biggest changes we suffered from was the fact that we were forced to wear the mask. Obviously it was meant to protect everyone including ourselves and our family, so it wasn't to bully us, yet it was really disturbing to live with.
    Today, since March 14th, this obligation no longer remain, and I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I feel relieved because it is reassuring to see everybody's faces again, and also because sometimes it was annoying having to wear this mask all day long, especially when I sneezed in it. On the other hand, it didn't escape me that with decision was political : Macron wanted the French people to feel happy so that they would vote for him. We can't forget that the virus is still out there, contaminating hundreds of people, and also how badly handled it was by the government. My definitive opinion would be that I am glad the mask is not mandatory anymore, but I still try not to be in contact with too much people, and be careful, putting on my mask when I feel like I need it. When it comes to the sanitary pass, I am glad it is removed since it generated discrimination towards people who didn't want to get the vaccine.
    As a conclusion, I would say that even though our life is starting to feel normal again, we musn't forget that COVID-19 is not over and that we still have to be careful in order to protect everyone.

    1. Here is the correction:
      - "it was meant to protect everyone, including ourselves and our families" (not "our family")
      - "on the other hand, it didn't escape me that the decision may have been political" (not "that the decision was political")
      - ""but I still try not to be in contact with too many people" (not "too much people")
      - "we mustn't forget" (not "musn't")

  11. I'm so glad I'm not wearing a mask anymore, it's a rebirth to get back to some of the conditions of our old life. It feels so good to finally see the faces of our classmates and teachers. We have the freedom to choose whether we want to wear it or not and I think it's a good thing to let people choose.
    Unfortunately I fear like many others a rise in cases and this is already the case around me. I don't think it's specifically the mask that's to blame, I think people are paying less attention to barrier gestures.
    But I feel like we are starting to see the end of the pandemic.

  12. (Pauline Creisson)
    First of all, I think stop putting the mask on is a pretty good thing. Indeed, the virus still circulates and it is necessary to remain cautious but working at school without masks is a much more pleasant thing
    and facilitates the learning of languages in particular.
    In addition, masks are still required on public transports, for example, and it is always important to respect this rule. Personally, I do not feel any less safe, it is great to get back to normal, nevertheless we must pay attention to people at risk around us.

  13. I write this comment few weeks after all of this. But I think we feel freer and like covid doesn't exist anymore. I love this feeling but we have to be careful about the situation. Its like a new life because before mask and vaccinal pass were too disruptive.
    leo 106

  14. Obviously, this measure delights everyone (including me) because we no don't need the sanitary pass or to wear the mask anymore but we mustn't delude ourselves. Indeed, this measure was taken as part of the 2022 presidential campaign and I believe that if Macron is reelected, certain things will be re-imposed to us. Moreover, the Russian-Ukrainian war has taken so much attention lately that we almost forgot about Covid.
    Now, people seem to be so happy and free when it should be normal according to me if we really are in a "democratic Republic", but as the measures taken were a real affront to individual liberties, I understand their point of view.
    Until the elections are over, I can't say if I feel freer, but one thing is for sure, I won't feel more or less safe, because for me the biggest security problem is not related to the pandemic.

  15. Hello,
    First of all, I really feel better since we don't have to wear the mask anymore. I feel free, and above all it allows us to see other people's faces and to live like humans. It is much more pleasant to work. Most of us have been vaccinated, so I don't think there's really any risk. And if there is, fragile people can still put the mask on if they want to, so I think it's a good thing. I especially hope that we will never have to put it on again. I find that the mask makes us very tired, and it's nice to see that life is getting back to the way it was before.

    1. Sorry I made some mistakes :
      - It is much more pleasant without it

  16. Hello,
    I feel way freer since I have been allowed to take of a mask and to enter a retaurant without showing my pass. I don’t feel less secure because we haven’t heard from covid at the TV since the war in Ukraine has begun. Moreover, I don’t have a lot of case in my entourage (maybe because we test ourselves a lot less than before). Furthermore, I feel like that people already have forgotten about the covid and I understand them because, after almost two years living with this virus, we had lost hope to get back to the « normal » life. However, I noticed that some people -especially elderly- were even more terrified by the covid 19 since the reduction of sanitary measures and became therefore selfish and disrespectful. Finally, I think that this decision wasn’t took for the good reasons but I still approve it.

  17. The end of the mask and the vaccinal pass are good news for our liberty
    In fact, we can now breath without problem and we can see the people clearly. Also, the end of the vaccinal pass marks our liberty because we are free to go anywhere without restriction. I feel better and I’m glad that we are almost going back to a normal life and is especially good to take it off during this period because it’s starting to get hot and when it’s hot outside, the mask is unbearable.
    In conclusion, we are going back to a normal life without those restrictions and it’s better for everyone.

    Stephanie Belvedere 107

  18. On the 14th of March the government decided to lift the restrictive mesures that it had imposed. I am very pleased that we no longer have to wear a mask particularly at school. As a result I feel considerably freer because wearing a mask for hours was a bit suffocating. Moreover we communicate much better with our faces fully visible.
    As for the sanitary pass, I find that daily life is much easier without it.
    Nevertheless the Covid virus is still at large and even if I don’t feel unsafe I think it is important to continue to be vigilant and take precautions.

  19. Hi,

    I know I am late - the decision was enforced a month ago (I admit that is a little more than a week)- yet I think it's interesting in hindsight to tackle the fears that some had concerning this measure. It happens that even though the masks have been taken off, the virus does not become more widespread. The government has even stated that it was « the right decision » and the credibility of this statement may be asserted by the fact that it is unnecessary to reinforce the measures. Then, I may be less fearful and apprehensive about this decision than I used to be. However, we know from experience that we should not underestimate the dangerousness of SARS-CoV-2.
    Finally, I would say that I feel a lot better (freer I don't know), and I can breathe more comfortably. Last but not least, I can feel the cool breath of the breeze on my cheeks.

    Florian Crahès, T2.

  20. To begin with, I think it's a war for our own freedom.
    I think we need to get back to normal life and stop putting on the mask because the epidemic is almost over and it's been well controlled by Macron. He shouldn't have put on a health pass but he did well to take it off. I'm totally comfortable in class and I can take a breath without any problem, I think we've regained some of our freedom.

  21. Since it is not obligated to put a mask on, I feel like I have more freedom and I can breathe with a full chest. It was really difficult for me to live with a mask on and especially study in school for 10 hours straight in a mask. Even if covid didn't fully disappear, looks like there are fewer covid cases if we compare the times when the masks were mandatory. It feels like we can live again a normal life and I enjoy this feeling of freedom. Seeing my classmates without their masks brought me joy and made me less self-conscious because I can finally understand better what everyone says and what emotions they have. Consequently, it was really relieving for me and it made me extremely happy to live a life that I used to live back in the time.

  22. We have been wearing masks for around two years and we got used that our faces are not seen by anybody. Not wearing masks has become for us something special. Before, we were getting used to closing our faces, however now we are getting used to that everyone sees our faces.

    I have been waiting for this for such a long time. I wished to get back to a normal life. When I had the mask on, I often had headaches, that's why the decision to refuse from masks made me twice happy. Probably, this was made because of political strategy and after presidential election, they will return masks on our faces. In this case, I will be very disappointed.

    Without a mask, I feel free and can breathe normally. I hope, the situation with coronavirus won't get worse and all of us will have a free and amazing summer.

  23. I think like everyone else being in class without a mask is life changing. It is definitely better to study like this and also more pleasant to see my classmates facial expressions. I can finally breathe and I also feel free! I thought that covid would last forever but now I think that we should start living with it and not fighting it.

  24. Since 14th March we are not obliged to wear masks anymore except for public transport and hospitals.
    For more than two years it has become an integral part of our lives protecting us from the virus. We are so used to it that we could not imagine our lives without masks. It has become our habit despite the uncomfortable it brought (difficulties in breathing, speaking or even skin problems for certain). That’s why I’m so happy to remove them today. I feel free and I can fully enjoy life as I did before.
    However, the virus still hasn't gone away. That’s why we should remain vigilant and take care of our health as well as that of others.

    Luzanova Karyna 104

  25. Hey,
    Since May 14, 2021, the mask is no longer compulsory at school, in shops, etc., but it is still compulsory in public transport and hospitals.
    Today it’s been over a month since we've been wearing the mask and that's a very good thing. At first I thought a lot of people were going to keep it but when I got to class I realized it was only a few people. I am very happy to feel free again. It's much better not to have the mask because we can breathe better, see other people's expressions. We also hear much better what people are saying since the mask doesn't bother them. It was quite weird to see people without a mask at first, but now that I'm used to it I find it very good.
    However, I understand people who continue to wear the mask. I know some of them. They do this to not catch the Covid and pass it on to their loved ones, who are often fragile.
    To conclude, no longer wearing a mask is very good but we must still be careful with Covid-19 by respecting barrier gestures. I hope that soon we won't have to wear masks on public transport because I'm not used to wearing it anymore and it bothers me every morning and evening when I take the tram.

  26. Hi !
    I am very happy to have heard these new relief that the government is putting in place, and I think it was time to live normal life again because the covid is no more viral than before and the cases are not increasing compared at last. I think people should be free and breathe again while taking a minimum distance from people.

  27. Carla SAPPIA T06
    It's been a week since we don't need the sanitary pass and to put on a mask
    anymore. How do you feel about it? Do you feel freer or do you feel less
    Personally I don't know what to think about it yet, as I don't feel comfortable
    not wearing it in some places. But maybe I have a feeling of freedom since
    summer is coming and with the heat the mask is really not bearable. But in
    the end I think people are used to it because sometimes when I don't wear
    the mask I feel like I'm being looked at more like I'm doing something wrong.
