Saturday 8 May 2021


 Due to the damage of the epidemic, more and more students are in depression and committing suicide. 
A week ago two BTS students, 19-year-old Leila and 21-year-old Kevin, committed suicide for fear of failure and stress. 
What do you think?

Friday 30 April 2021

Aboriginal children

 Aboriginal children forcibly removed from their families until 1970 take Australia to court. 

"They wiped out entire generations as if they never existed," says Heather, who was 9 when she was taken from her mother.

What do you think about that?

Monday 19 April 2021

Smoke-free state

 New Zealand plans to ban the sale of cigarettes to people born after 2004, because the country wants to become the first smoke-free state by 2025. 

What do you think?

Monday 12 April 2021

Watch and comment

Thursday 8 April 2021

Freedom (Liberties)

 Do you think there are limits to freedom of expression?

Wednesday 31 March 2021


 The president announced that schools will be closed for three weeks, Consequently, the spring break is advanced. 

What do you think?