Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Youth Matters

We are preparing a special edition of our magazine dedicated to the problems that affect young people in different countries today, in particular, those relating to work, education, or the environment. Write an article about the most important aspects of one of these issues facing young people today in your country.


  1. Hello
    In this article, I will tell you about the problems that today's young people in France have with work.
    First of all, young people are very involved in their work or homework, because they want to have good marks to succeed after high school, which shows a very good example for the next generations. Which is really good but the fact and that many of them strive to learn and have good grades but do not succeed, because on one side there is stress and on the other there is fear forget.
    On the other hand, some young people do not want to make any more effort to work because they are demoralizing, they can not stand the fact of failing so they stop, which is really a shame because we have to get up after each defeat to make even better. After that there are those who do absolutely nothing, because their future is already registered and they do not need to make efforts in their work.
    There is also a cause for which young people work less is the telephone and social networks, which has a great impact on them.

    1. I made some mistakes: fear forget is fear of forgetting, they are demoralizing is they are demoralized, a shame is ashame and even better is to do better or to do even better.

  2. Hello everybody !

    Young people and work

    In France, more and more teenagers are studying hard to obtain diplomas and then a great work. However, nowadays less and less jobs are available for them.

    What are the different aspects of the problem of finding a work in France ?

    The issue also directly steams from the fact that there are not enough places for everybody in classrooms and at university. Indeed, the demographic boom lead to more babies and so later to more students.

    To begin with, actually, lots of students are studying hard since College to get excellent grades and have the School or the University they want and they think will enable them to pass their exams. However, here an enormous problem is set. Indeed, even if the students are brilliant, some of them won’t get their schools and so wouldn’t realise their dreams because of the lack of places in schools. It’s a shame because some schools also make drawing lots to decide between candidates. So the first barrier is dressed very early and concerns the studies. Therefore, if you don’t have the diploma you cannot find a job in the area of your choice.
    On another hand, the students who passed all the diplomas they had to and even more can’t find jobs in the real and active life because there is too much demands. Employees will choose the bests only. Here is another selection. Moreover, one should not forget that the teenager who studied hard, passed his exams to finally have no job must reorientate himself to find another job, maybe less paid, to make ends meet.
    In addition, some people think this important lack of jobs is mostly due to emigration, other thinks it might be link to the crisis. To that, this situation is also due to the fact that big firms are decentralize in other countries such as China and Romania where the labor cost is much lower, so much advantageous for them. Consequently, there are less places to propose to French people.
    Nevertheless, what stays shocking here is that for instance, we need more and more doctors to cure people. However, the exam, which is a real competition, is harder each year so less and less students pass it, so less and less doctors will be formed.
    So to put it all in a nutshell, the issue of work is a huge threat for our society and is becoming more and more important nowadays with decentralization and labor laws.

  3. Hi everyone !

    Nowadays it's really hard for students to accomplish what they want because the competition is really high and grades are really important so they try their hard to reach the best grades that they can have which can be sometimes very stressful but it's a good thing because It makes the student get confronted to the life very quickly. But young students are sometimes obliged two choose what they want to do for the future when they are 17 or 16. After finishing university or even starting university when students find a job in companies that can respond to what they stutied they realize that it's not what they want to do for life so they change lanes. Also now when the student just finished and got his diploma from college it's really hard for him to find a job because everyone already have their places in most of the companies for may years.

    So I think that young people and students are really creative and they are the futur generation but maybe they should find their place in the world of work.

    Borchikova Mélissa 1ES1

    1. Hi !
      I made some mistakes so it is :
      - they try very hard
      -to life
      -to choose
      -Nowadays it is difficult for students urth degree to get a job
      -everybody/everyone has
      -future generation
      Thank you. Bye !

  4. Hello everybody !

    Youth employment in France, still an issue.
    It is becoming more and more difficult for young people to find a job and to be integrated on the national labour market.
    But paradoxically, integration is done thanks to the labour market. For the young people,  getting a job is the way to become an adult. With a job, you can have projects, leave your parents, get your own home. 
    Sociologically speaking, it is a critical stage in order to become an adult.  
    Young job seekers do not manage to get a steady job. According to some national statistics, 49 % of the 15-24 years old have a temporary job (fixed term contract or apprenticeship) compared to only 12 % for the rest of the labour force !
    In  such conditions, when you are young, everything is difficult. You do not find an appartment, you cannot go on holiday because you have to think about when your current contract will come to an end
    The government tries to work on this issue and recently has  highlighted again the need to improve youth employment but there is still a lot to do to solve this issue.

  5. Hello !

    - The younger generation is our future, we have to help them so that they can accomplish all their projects.

    - So we will ask us what are the different problems in the education system in France?

    - First of all, for many years parents placing pressure on children in order to obtain a good job from them and unfortunately many are stressed.
    - For instance, in Germany, student have to choose their future at the age of 12years old. It is quite young but thanks to that they don't waste time and discover directly he professional world. On the contrary, in France we decide our future at 17 years old but It is difficult to know exactly what we want to do.

    - As far as I am concerned, I hope I will found my way and be happy in my professional life.

    Clara L ts2

    1. I made some mistakes : "We ask ourselves" instead of "we will ask us" and "a good job FOR them".

  6. Hi everyone !

    First, I think our generation will face new problems in the society : for example, global warming is one of the main questions scientists are trying to resolve. A few states reunited to create an organisation (Cop21) in order to limitate pollution. Unfortunately, other countries prefer to accentuate their production and develop their economy, rather than pay attention to the environment. That's why the USA stopped cooperating with this organisation.
    To continue, global warming is the result of many years of industrialisation and intensive exploitation of Earth. It doesn't only conduce to the destruction of beautiful landscapes, but it can also affect our health : many people got asthma and other problems these recent years because of pollution. These problems can even provoke death. As a result, young people are exposed to a lot of risks because of pollution.
    Plus, lots of scientists fear that one day the air may be toxic, and that people will have to leave Earth. We know many science-fiction movies that use this subject, but what if it became real ? Younger generation would be destinated to an exil on another planet.
    Finally, global warming is destroying fauna and flora. Many animals are endangered species, or totally dissapeared. This is very dangerous for future generations, as some species are essential for the survival of the planet (the bees for example).
    To conclude global warming is very dangerous for our planet and for younger generations because of the impact it can have on our future : if we don't react human survival is lost, and young people have to face this problems and try to find a solution.

    Marie J. 1ES3

  7. Hello,

    Today's subject is going to be about environment. I would've done it for France's situation but honestly, this issue is somewhat the same anywhere in the world.
    We all know that our planet is special because it is survivable but through out the generations, us humans with our technology and our way of life have managed to destroy it day by day.
    Some people don't acknowledge this problem because they don't think it affects them because they are considered "important people" or because they're rich.
    But the truth is that we all live on the same planet, if it's dying for one of us, it's dying for all 7 billion of us.
    We could all take one moment to just think of it, think of what part we can play in changing the path our plane is headed to.

    Anne-rose AMAR T°s2

  8. First, we know many diverse problems in economic, the politics, and the environment, social and cultural. However, today we are going to speak environmental problems. In fact, the global warming is major problem because if we make nothing the state of the Earth risks to worsen. The global warming is an ecological phenomenon which appeared at the beginning of the XXth century and which is characterized by a rise of the temperature of the atmosphere and the oceanic surfaces at the world level. This phenomenon has multiple environmental, sanitary and economic consequences:
    - Global reduction in the number of days of snow, but without this phenomenon disappears.
    - Cast iron of the glaciers, the decrease even disappearance of the icecap in certain zones of the Arctic and Antarctica, the cast iron of the Arctic ice floe.
    - Ast iron of the permafrost, the emissions of methane and CO2.
    - Acidification of the oceans.
    - Increase of the air pollution.
    - Increase of allergies, due to the modifications of production of pollen.
    - Increase of the number of the big factors of mortality, as the diarrheic diseases, the malnutrition, the malaria or the dengue (migration of pests).
    - Migration of mass of the peoples undergoing the consequences of the global warming.

    As you can read it this phenomenon has many fatal consequences for the Human. To try to solve this problem the UNO has to create a group "GIEC". With the aim of synthesizing the scientific studies on the climate to understand this phenomenon. Since 1950, thanks to this group we were able to assert that the global warming is due to the increase of the greenhouse gases of anthropogenic origin.

    However, there is still time to act to avoid the worst as:
    - Favor the public transportation
    - Recycle the objects which we do not use any more
    - Buy second-hand
    - Repair objects
    - Do not buy disposable objects
    - Limit the paper consumption
    - Avoid the plastic unnecessary packaging’s (prefer bulk products)
    - Favor the renewable energies (solar energy, wind turbine, biomass, hydraulics, geothermal science)
    - Impose changes by the law (standards on the more ecological buildings, the transport of the goods by railroad way)
    - Tax greenhouse gas emissions

    To conclude, the global warming is a major problem in which we spank face.

    Pamela, 1ES3

  9. Hi everybody !

    To me, the most important issue affecting young people today is work. Indeed, as it is very difficult to find a valuable job that corresponds to your studies, you have to work very hard in high school to get very good marks to be able to attend the subject you want in college. And because young people know that they have to get very high degrees to have a chance to get a good and reliable job, it’s more and more difficult to be admitted in selective programs.
    Then, young people have a lot of pressure in high school and, for most of them, this is very difficult to cope with. Some very good pupils are so much stressed that they don’t want to go on a selective program after high school.
    To my mind, this is a shame because it is a waste of intellectual capacities.
    To conclude, the issue of work is certainly a very important threat nowadays and hopefuly it won’t discourage too many pupils.
    Dossios Emilie TS2
