Sunday, 11 November 2018

Dear Mr President by Pink

Do the words of this song have an impact on you ? Justify your answer


  1. Hello,
    Indeed these words have an impact on me because a lot of inequalities are put forward and it makes think.
    We immediately understand the message that she wants to transmit against the current society which for her, does not help the poor, as well as those who work hard and earn a minimum wage: "hard work", " minimum wage with a baby on the way"," building a bed out of cardboard box ".
    It's thanks to people who lead battles like Pink that one day nobody will be left out.
    Juliette Brinon

  2. The song “Dear Mr President” by Pink did have an impact on me because it is about of sad event such as the war in Irak.
    We can hear pink with a lovely voice who sing and denounce some girl who are left by their parents just because of their sexual orientation and she mostly denounce the effect of the war in Irak which are a lot of dead (adult and children) and the hard work to rebuild everything after this war. Pink wants with this song to make the President react.
    It really did touch my heart because I can’t imagine all the sadness of the children who are lonely ( this feeling is one of the worst ) and of the adult who work hard and i can’t figure it out how will I react after this war if it was me .

    Mathieu PUNZALAN

  3. The worlds of the song "Dear Mr President" by Pink had an impact on me and I am going to explain why.

    Firstly, how can I be indifferent to the inequalities denounced in this song ? Indeed, the song deals with numerous sensitive subjects in various areas : homeless personn, people died in the Irak war, abandoned children, gender discriminations, homophobia and poverty. Thus, if we are less sensitive at one particular subject, there are others subjects which can raise our awareness.

    From my point of view, the way that the song is presenting is interessing i.e the singer is talking to the President. When she is questioning the president, she speaks to him directly, in this way she catchs people's attention because it gives the impression that she is speaking to us and thus we consider the worlds of the song because we feel more involved.

    She also denounces the president's lies about the situation of the country for hide others negative aspects. She is blaming the president for poverty and misery. I am not totally agree with her because obviously, the governement is partly responsible because he establishes laws and carries messages trought his speech which can be a message of peace and equality or no. However, it's the population who elects the president so they choose him (it depends of the country). In addition, the president isn't responsible for all the misfortunes of the world.

    The song reminds me that some people on the other side of the world, live hard in the misery and try to survive. This song causes a self-questioning because I understand the chance I have to not be victim of these inequalities.

    Isabella Lebedeva TS3

  4. Hello!
    The words of this sogn have an impact on me, because it's, even for today though this song has been written in 2007, the actuality and it's true that some president uses from their political power to do as they want. They also are humans after all, like us. I would rather say that we are all humans and we have to get the same human's right. This song is a message of tolerance for everyone, for homophobic parents whom have a gay child. The fact that Pink is telling that during her song is king of fantastic and courageous, I'm totally fond of this beautiful song. I totally agree with Pink, we have to tell the people's feelings, the things that politicians can't hear.

    Jeanne L.D.

    1. Sorry everyone, I made mistakes:
      first line:
      -the song was written in 2007.
      second line:
      -it's true that some president use their political power to do as they want.
      fifth line:
      -The fact that Pink is saying that in her song is kind of fantastic and courageous

  5. The words of this song hasn't that much impact on me, because I'm not an american, so George W Bush wasn't my president.
    However, some of the problems mentioned in this song are worldwide, and I feel a little concerned.

    1. Sorry I didn't a mistake : I should have said "I'm not an American", instead of "I'm not an american"

  6. Hello,

    In my opinion, these word had a real impact on me because not only the American are concerned but also the whole world is.
    Letting the homeless living in bad conditions isn't the solution to come to a real achievement.
    These lyrics are not only for presidents all around the world but also for the population in the world who should fight against these presidents that are not well taking care of their countries.
    I respect all the presidents but sometimes when you have something to say like a critic you should definitely do it.


    1. Sorry, I made some mistakes, I should have written :
      -these words
      -allowing the homeless to live
      -who are not taking good care of their countries

  7. Hi,
    I recently discovered this song by Pink and I really like it. The first time I heard it, I immediately understood the messages she was trying to pass on.
    Pink sings about many debated issues such as parents who don’t accept their children because of their sexual orientation, homeless people on the street, poverty etc.
    I think it’s a really good idea talking about these kind of issues in a song. It allows the listeners to be more aware of the sorts of problems that are faced all around the world.
    Therefore this song had an impact on me and I would recommend everyone to listen to it.

  8. Hello,
    The song « Dear Mr.President » has an impact on me because the singer raizes the problem of homeless and poverty. Even the song is addressed to the US President, we have the same problem in France and it makes me sad when she said « building a bed of cardboard box ». I realize that I am lucky to live in a flat with heaters and with a filled fridge.
    In brief, Pink tried to use hard words to get an impact from the President. That why I think It is normal for everyone to be shocked and to agree with her because we know how the world is hard, instead of the President like Pink said.
    marie espinosa 1es2

    1. Hi, sorry I made some mistakes:
      -That is why
      -How hard the world is
      -Even is the song
      -To get a reaction from the president
      marie espinosa 1es2

  9. Hello,

    The words of this song have an impact on me because Pink criticizes gay rights advocacy and perceived lack of empathy for poor and middle-class citizens. I think his song is indicative of many societal issues that the state does not care about. Pink tries to get them in message, she rebels and denounces the lack of action from the state. In my opinion, it's one of the most beautiful songs she's written.

    Camille DAHMOUNI TS5
    74 words

    1. Hello, sorry I made a mistake:
      Pink tries to get them= Pink tries to include them

    2. Hello, sorry I made a mistake:
      Pink tries to get them= Pink tries to include them

  10. Hello everyone!

    Personally, the lyrics of this song had an impact on me because what the singer is reporting, the situation of the homless people, the education system which is really bad in the USA etc, all that, is like a mirror of nowadays.
    I mean, actually, a lot of homeless people are sleeping in a "cardboard box" while it's too cold outside. A lot of issues which Pink is talking about didn't change since then, or it even get worse... .

    Nesrine, 1s1

    1. Hi everyone!
      Sorry, but I made some mistakes...
      Here is my correction :

      - the homeless (not "homeless PEOPLE")
      - boxes (not "box")
      - even though it is cold outside (and not "WHILE it's cold outside")

      Here it is! Hope you'll have a good day~
      Nesrine, 1s1

  11. Hi everyone,
    The lyrics of the song have an impact on me because what Pink said in the song is real and too present. Unfortunately the poverty reach too many persons
    In others words too many people live in the streets, they sleep in the cold ground, on very low temperature. To be honest I think that is sad and tragic.
    In addition she mentioned others problems like education and wars that also get to a lot of persons.

    Chaima Ben Hadj Khalifa

    1. Sorry I made some mistakes:
      -Unfortunately poverty
      -affects many people
      -other words
      -sleep on
      -other problems

  12. Hello,

    In my opinion, the lyrics of this song have a real impact on me.
    First,the lyrics are, for me, truly powerful and describe painfully situations very sad and tragic.
    Second, the questions asked by Pink are directed to the president but I think they are also for people to make them wondering and pondering their behaviour and gestures.
    Third, when I was listening to the song, I also listened to Pink's voice and I found two emotions in her voice that are mostly present in the song: her angst and sadness.
    It made me sad, for her and American citizens, and angry againts their president and his supposed superiority...
    In the end, the lyrics of "Dear Mr President" convey her emotions and accuse the absence of concern from the President towards the inegalities she had raised and to be honest, it is truly infuriating for me, knowing about people in need and there is no one to help them or to try and change something about it.

    Emilie Lacroix, 1°S 1

    1. Hi everyone,
      Sorry, I made some mistakes:

      -"...describe painful, sad and tragic situation..."
      -" make to wonder/ponder..."

      Emilie Lacroix, 1°S 1

  13. Hello,

    The first time I heard the song “Dear Mr. President” by Pink, I didn’t realize what it was really talking about but after I understood.
    To my mind Pink is such a great singer and she has so many things to say about the problems on earth. In her song, she is actually asking the president how he could let all the inequalities and not be ashamed of what’s going on in his country.

    Pink is trying to pass a message but not just to the president of the USA but to all the presidents of the world. Indeed, they have a job and they have to stop poverty increasing, racism, homophobes, inequalities between rich people and poor people.

    Finally, this song made me sad because this is so true, we live in an unfair world and not everyone has the chance to sleep in a bed or to eat his fill.

    Léa B. TS3
