Thursday 15 November 2018

We read "The Consultant" in class. After reading this book show that books are important


  1. Hi everyone !

    Rupert Morgan's book "The Consultant" is about employers of a company who go to a seminar on a tropical island, but that even goes wrong. This book shows books may be important.

    First, some authors use books to develop their ideas about a fact, an event or a society. They use their writing skills to spread a message to the readers. Also, some authors are engaged, they show their opinions and try to change people's mind.
    Moreover, books can improve our imagination. While reading, we will imagine how the characters look like or where they are located. Indeed reading is helpful for artistic activities.
    To continue, by reading books, we can have our own point of view about a fact : it can be the same as the author but it can be different too. At least, people are going to ask questions about a fact, and they may react if they are against it. For example in "the Consultant" Rupert Morgan talks indirectly about dictatorship and abusive powers. It may provoke reactions from people who live in a dictatorial country, and change the future of their State.

    To conclude, I think this book shows that books are important as it can change people's mind and develop their reflexion.

  2. Hello everybody !

    The "Consultant" written by Rupert Morgan is a satire of business and capitalism. We can say that this book shows that books are important.

    In the first place, the author exposes his point of view. In fact, he criticizes a society where people don't care about each other. We can agree or disagree with him but he makes us reflect.
    Secondly, through a fictional text we find somber truths. For example, dictatorship is mentioned with the character of Nick and democracy is described at the beginning of the text. So different forms of power are indirectly named. We can put them in relation with our present society where some country are facing dictatorships, other are democratic.
    Finally, we can say that this book shows that books are important because it makes us think about our current society where there are different forms of power, no egalitarian. We can thus become aware of it through a fictional text and act to try to change an to improve our society.

  3. Hello !

    Last holidays we read a book by Rupert Morgan witch showed the negative points of our society but with humour. That's why we are going to see why reading books are important.

    First everyone need to read, it teaches us new words from our own language and some vocabulary when it's a foreign language, for exemple in English.

    Secondly reading some books are important because it can explain us some new things about a society, a culture, famous people, or about a country. All these new things can be used in our daily lives. Books teache us more than TV show.

    Third books develops our imagination. There is no pictures in it, or a few, also we need to imagine the character's aspect and the space where they are. Even more when it's a science fiction book we need to visualize all what the author has imagined it could be very intresting.

    To sum up reading books are very important and necessery for our culture, to learn new languages and for our personal development. Everybody needs to find what types of books the like and begin to read.

    Enjoy your reanding !

    Clara Porcier--bertels TES3

  4. Books are one of the solution if we want to express ourselves and share our points of view, they can either have a small impact or a huge impact in our society. It is obvious that the level of the impact totally depends on the topic that is addressed inside the book and the talent of the author. As books give different ideas, people can easily learn new things so that they can improve their culture or their judgment, this permite or society to constantly evolve in a good way.
    To give an example I will use the book that we recently read : "The consultant". This book perfectly illustrate what I just advanced because the author Rupert Morgan develops a different way to look at capitalism and management. Indeed the story of the book criticizes the jof of manager that consists to give advice and at the same time it criticizes our society. After reading this book we discover the negative effects of this job and capitalism, in other world we just become aware of the limits.
    This shows that books are important in our society and our lives.

    1. sorry I made mistakes :
      -the Consultant illustrates
      -the book criticizes the manager's job which consists in giving

  5. Hello ! I made some mistakes and here is the corrected version :

    Last holidays we read a book by Rupert Morgan which showed the negative points of our society but with humour. That's why we are going to see why reading books are important.

    First everyone needs to read, it teaches us new words from our own language and some vocabulary when it's a foreign language, for example in English.

    Secondly reading some books are important because it can explain to us some new things about a society, a culture, famous people, or about a country. All these new things can be used in our daily lives. Books teach us more than TV show.

    Third books develops our imagination. There is no pictures in it, or a few, also we need to imagine the character's aspect and the space where they are. Even more when it's a science fiction book we need to visualize all what the author has imagined it could be very intresting.

    To sum up reading books are very important and necessery for our culture, to learn new languages and for our personal development. Everybody needs to find what types of books you like and begin to read.

    Enjoy your reanding !

    Clara Porcier--bertels TES3

  6. Hello,

    The consultant written by Rupert Morgan is about consultants on an island who try to survive after a technical problem and the hotel fire.

    Reading books is essential because it allows the brain to function, because the brain needs exercise to stimulate.
    Furthermore, reading can acquire new knowledge and allows an expansion of its vocabulary especially when we read foreign language books.
    In addition, reading books allows you to work on your memory and improve your concentration.

    To conclude, reading is a good way of intellectual stimulation.

    Camille DAHMOUNI TS5
    88 words

    1. Hello, sorry I made some mistakes:

      The consultant= The Consultant
      allows an expansion of its vocabulary= to enrich one's vocabulary

  7. The books were invented long time ago. Since antic times, books are of paramount importance for humans, they allow the transfer of knowledge from one century to another. Nowadays, they are too ! Student use it to study more than Internet.

    First, books enable us to not forget scientific studies, writer mindset, opinions... In general, it contributes to inform civilization of the past events and build up the historical data. For example thanks to be the books, we are nowadays able to understand why the World War I and the World War II started their causes and consequences. We learnt the history of the Pelegrín father who came in America to build The USA too. In addition, books educate us. Reading teach us orthography, vocabulary, sentences and culture. Books are crucial for kids, who have to learn their langage. Furthermore, author use books to spread their ideas. Indeed, without books, we would not know famous people like Charles Dickens and Shakespeare. Finally, we can remember that in the past, the organisation which burnt and destroy books were leading to dictatorship and violences like the Inquisition and the third Reich.

    To conclude, I hope that books will never disappear. It’s the witnesses of human life on Earth. Maybe, in 1 billion year, strange people will find our books. Thanks to them and provided they can read our language, they will be able to understand Human life on Earth, the madness and the genius.

  8. From time to time people have wondered why reading is important. Reading is important for a variety of reasons.  
    Reading is fundamental to functioning in today's society. There are many adults who cannot read well enough to understand the instructions on a medicine bottle. That is a scary thought especially for their children. Filling out applications becomes impossible without help. Day-to-day activities that many people take for granted become a source of frustration, anger and fear.
    Reading is a vital skill in finding a good job. Many well-paying jobs require reading as a part of job performance. There are reports and memos which must be read and responded to. A person is limited in what they can accomplish without good reading and comprehension skills.
    Reading is important because it develops the mind. The mind is a muscle. It needs exercise. Understanding the written word is one way the mind grows in its ability. Teaching young children to read helps them develop their language skills. It also helps them learn to listen. 
    Finally, Reading is important because words - spoken and written are the building blocks of life. You are, right now, the result of words that you have heard or read AND believed about yourself. What you become in the future will depend on the words you believe about yourself now. People, families, relationships, and even nations are built from words. Think about it.
    midassi hadil ts5
    234 words
