Saturday 7 January 2017

His/her first mobile phone

Last time, during the newscast, the presenter asked the question : At what age can one have his/her first mobile phone or smartphone?
It seems that the average is 12/13 years.

  • In your opinion, at what age can we have a mobile phone or a smartphone?
  • At what age did you have yours?


  1. Nowadays, more than 97% of the world's population have a mobile phone or a smartphone. This number is logic seeing the era of progress we are living in, but still, another study shows that about 80% of the children of 3 years and more have access to different types of connected technology, included smartphones. And according to numerous scientists, these technologies could be a real risk four our health and could provoc cancers and other illnesses like this. So, to reduce as possible the main dangers for young people, what might be the most adapted age for someone to possess a mobile or smartphone? the answer surely depends on each person, and his state of mind.

    But in my opinion, the age most suitable to have access to these devices should be the moment in our life where we want to become more independant and not depend on anybody like our parents for instance. Phones should be given to people who are mature enough to understand the risks and take precautions, as much as understand how to correctly use it. Indeed, when we think about the threats that it can generate, like cyber bullying, or accidents caused by the inattention in real life, we understand that it is really important, as parents, to decide properly at what age our children should be given a phone.
    Also, I must admit that phones are pretty usefull and even necessary in our time, which is a really conneted one. If, nowadays, you don't have a phone, firstly tou are not considered as "fashionable", but you also don't have access to the benefits of this internet society like the access of "real-time" informations, and so on.

    To conclude, I had my very first phone at 12 years old, and I even think it was too soon to have one because I didn't really needed it at that time. Now I am more aware of the dangers and of the reasons why I need it, and mostly why I want it.


  2. I think, that there isn’t of age to have of telephone. Because the young person of now have a society much advanced than of our parents and even our. Personally, I had my first mobile-phone in six years old. Because I left in holiday camp summer during two weeks to have news of my parents. If not I reality used my smartphone at la back to school at the college. I left and returned by bus in the college so I began to prevent ma mother, to reassure her. However, the teenagers today, have a phone but they use it not as us (my generation). The young people sixth have the smartphones because they are connected on the social networks or to play. Now the phone have lost its principal capacity which is normally ‘’the telephone call’’.
    Tran Loan TS1

  3. Everybody has a mobile phone , but at what age can we have a mobile phone or a smartphones ?

    Firstly , majority of young people are dependent on their mobile phone. Before buying them a telephone it would be necessary to teach them to not be addicted to mobile phone , so it depends on the maturity of the child.

    Secondly ,There is an age for everything for example an adulte need to have a smartphones because of his work but a child who are ten years old doesn’t need a smartphone.

    To conclude I think that at fourteen or fifteen years old it is a normal age to have one of it , but the child need to be mature.

  4. hi !
    in my opinion, i think that one can have a phone if they go alone to school or somewhere else, like, without its parents or someone else. He don't have to have like one of those latest smartphones that ruins the brain but just a mobile phone that just phone.
    for my experience, my mom gave me my first mobile phone in "sixième" when I started go alone to school. I think that before this point, he don't need it so it's useless having a mobile or a smartphone.

  5. hi !
    in my opinion, i think that one can have a phone if they go alone to school or somewhere else, like, without its parents or someone else. He don't have to have like one of those latest smartphones that ruins the brain but just a mobile phone that just phone.
    for my experience, my mom gave me my first mobile phone in "sixième" when I started go alone to school. I think that before this point, he don't need it so it's useless having a mobile or a smartphone.


  6. I think,don't have age for had a phone, however it should not be too early because of our more and more children have mobile phones early, which is not Not good because the children do not take advantage of their infancy because they just focus on their phone and not on the games of their age.
    diana alves freital 1LL
    I had my first phone at age 11 when I returned to college.However I did not use it much and I used it just to call my parents when I had a problem at school

  7. Hello everyone !
    First of all , there isn't a right/wrong age to have the first mobile phone . It depends if you have to use it . For example , a young student of 13 years old who is always with his parents and goes nowhere alone doesn't need a phone . However , a student of 11 years old who goes alone to his activities everyday and goes back from school by bus needs a phone .
    As for me , my parents gave me my first mobile phone when I was only nine years old because I had to go alone to my sports activities . Nevertheless , it was just a phone ( there weren't any others settings that exist now on smartphones ) in order to call my parents in case of emergency .
    To conclude , I realize now that nine years old is a little bit too young to have a phone but I had to have it .
    Lena Szepetowski , 1S4

  8. Technology is huge part of our generation I'm not judging because I'm a random teenager I use my phone a lot for a lot things which is not a good thing because It prevents us from thinking it's just easier so we directly use it for anything but that's another thing I had my first phone quite young actually but that's because I was coming back from school alone when I used to live in Paris I think I was 12. However I was really using it for emergency or when I had to call my parents unlike 12 years old teenagers now.I always see young people with really recent phone I'm not judging them because they have one but mostly because it's really recent I had a pretty phone at their age they could have another one more affordable because I don't find it normal when 12 year old girl has the new iPhone when I had a little Nokia at her age.So to me they can have a phone at 12/13 years old but not necessarily the new phone.

  9. HI,
    I totally agree about what's Lamia says about the years for have a mobile phone.
    In my opinion we can have a mobile phone at 12/13 years old but I had my first phone when I was quite won because I was coming back from school alone. However we can have a smartphone when we are adult because some people use it for their work, but some people don't need to have a smartphone, for exemple my mum contents herself with a nokia.

  10. hello everybody!
    To start with, I would like to say that nowadays everybody has a mobile phone. To my mind, a child can have a mobile phone when he is a little bit independant like go to school alone and when he understands the risks like cyber bullying.
    I was 12 when I had my first mobile phone because I went to school alone, it was just to call my parents.
    To finish I think that 12 is a good age to have a mobile phone but not to become addicted.

  11. I find it very reductive to base oneself on an age, as for me it is really a personal question; It can depend on the maturity of the child, the type of telephone (there is a difference between an Iphone and a small telephone used only to call and send SMS) and especially its situation: I remember that my parents gave my first telephone at 11 \ 12 years old because I started to move alone, to go to school for example, and that I had to inform them if teachers were absent ...
    However I think buying a phone from a child to please him when he doesn't need it is useless, and also that before 9 years it's usually a bit early.

  12. hello!
    To my mind having a smartphone too early is very bad because the new generation no longer benefits of their lifes, they doesn't understand anymore how much friends and family are important so they stay on their smartphones all days long and this is a very bad thing. But this is also complicate for me to juge because I had my first phone at 11 years old but I don't remember me using it too much. But our generation and furthermore the one after us is based on new technologies so to prevent that parents must give a phone to their children at the age of 13. With this method I hope children are going to fully live their lifes in the reality world.

  13. I think, that there is no age to have a phone but rather circumstances. If you should come back alone when you finish school, you should have a phone not necessary a smartphone because you can have trouble like racket. I had my first phone I was 13 because I used to come back late from school and my parents didn't work in Nice. It's not a criticism but I don't understand teenager who are 12-13 years old and have the latest smartphone. It seems to me quite soon to have expensive thing like that, I meen smartphone are real budget but people are free to make what they want.

  14. Hello everyone !
    As Irina said earlier, there are more and more surveys on mobile phones. This effervescence mostly appeared in the 2000s when phones began to be more accessible. The phenomenon has especially influenced the younger generations who could communicate more easily. Thus teenagers could now have more regular ease to communicate then the phenomenon is gradually extended to other generation.
    But actually in 2017, there is a great controversy about the age of young children who have a mobile, is that too early?

    Personally I remember to have my first phone there have ten years ago when I was 8 years old. Actually this is very young but when my parents are separated they found it it was necessary. At that time the mobile phone were not "touch", so it was very easy to use for me.
    I think all the controversy related to children having a phone is especially related to the new technology.
    The phone are no longer intended to only call, they mainly serve to go on social networks. What is so scary is not that young people have a phone too early, it's how they will use it?
    If the mobile phone were just to call I would say that there is no problem, everyone can have one. But the arrival of Internet on the mobile has changed our perception and today portable is no longer synonymous of calling but rather going on the internet.
    Indeed now there are only smartphones, phones that have a multitude of tasks. There is more chance that a child want a smartphone to play and go on the networks than to call.
    With all its factors into account I would say that yes finally there is an age to have a smartphone. 12 years seems good enough to be able to have one.

    Camille Goletto TL1

  15. Nowadays the phones are used by a lots of teenagers. In my opinion a smartphone is useful when we start to go at school alone or live our life alone. So in my opinion we can have a smartphone when we are 12 if do things without our parents to inform them of where we are and what we do. Personally I got a phone when I was 12 but I had a smartphone when I was 14.
    Salomé Courtecuisse 1S4

  16. Hello !

    - To begin with I saw an interessant article in The New York Times who said that not long ago, many parents wondered at what age they should give their child full access to the car keys. Nowadays, parents face a trickier question : At what age should a child own a smartphone?
    - To my mind when you hand your children cell phones, you're giving them powerful communication and media-production tools so it is important to think about the best age. Indeed it is all about maturity if the child know when he must stop uses phones or play games it is perfect but in the contrary if the child is irresponsable, it is not a good idea to have a phone.
    - As for me my parents gave me my first mobile phone ( like Garance ) when I started to go in primary school alone ( 12 years old ), it is perfect at this moment because before it isn't very useful.

    Clara Latella 1S4

  17. Nowadays, it is true that practically everyone has a mobile phone. I find that smartphones look like mini PCs that we can take with us wherever we want. It is difficult to give a precise age to have his first mobile phone, especially in our time. Today, young people have a phone early enough and are very early on social networks. As Camille said, today mobiles phones benefit from the Internet and many games; which can be one of the reasons why parents don't want to give their children a smartphone very early. I think 12 years should be the minimum age to get one. Indeed, at this age there is college, and the mobile phone can allow to discuss with his friends. Personally, I had my first mobile phone at the age of 12 years.As soon as I got it I found it great, because you could talk with friends, play games, etc. Nevertheless, I think there's a time for everything; a time for homework, a time to spend time on his phone. The big problem for teenagers is that we tend to spend too much time on our phone. I think you must have noticed, but we tend to use our phone even in the presence of our friends! I am not saying that the mobile phone is not good, not at all, but sometimes it would be necessary to live more the present moment.

  18. Hi,
    To begin with, I had my first phone at 12 and I think phones are importante for your safety and your sociability. But in my opinion, the age most suitable to have access to these devices should be the moment in our life where we want to become more independant and not depend on anybody like our parents for instance. Phones should be given to people who are mature enough to understand the risks and take precautions with. But with phone you are exposed to cyber bullying or a lot of people in the street walk the eyes on their phones without any look on the real world. Moreover a lot of people are too materialists and always want the lastest IPhone.
    To finish phones are important but must be use with intelligence...

    Jacques Krzymuski 1s4

  19. The telephone is a wonderful invention and very useful but it also has many disadvantages. Indeed, many people are addicted to it or use it in order to put others in uncomfortable situations and sometimes embarrassing.

    I had my phone at my 12th birthday. I don’t think it's early or late. In fact, I think there's no age to have a phone. I think rather that it's a matter of reaching a certain maturity and not a simple "number". As I said, a phone can be dangerous. To be able to have one, you have to know how to use it and be mature enough to know what to do and not to do.

    Louise Azinheirinha, 1L.

  20. Hy,
    I think that to have a phone it takes minimum to be 14 years old because it is too early, and the phone is the main cause of problems (for example: social networks). More and more children have phones growing earlier and I find it completely silly. I had my first phone at 14 and it was very good like that. I think you must have a minimum of maturity to have a phone. Giving a phone to a young child will make him less sociable.

  21. First of all I do not think that having a phone when we are still growing is something really good.... Because first our brain grows until our twenty's and it has been proved that radiations that the phones can send to our brains are bad for the growth of this one and it would be a shame if we all ended up being stupid because of a phone... No seriously I really believe it is bad for us. Now we live in a world, in a society that isn't a zero risk world. So because of that my mom bought me my first phone when arrived i sixième because i had to go and to come back alone from school and I live a bit far away... So it was more to reassure my parents than anything else! Now you might say "yeah but how did people do when there were no phones?" well I am going to tell you that first I don't really know..... And that there were probably more problems with kids never coming back home or so! But who am I to say so? Anyway.. If it was possible I would like that none of us have phones... But I have to admit that despite the danger of it, I enjoy having a smartphone.

  22. Hi, everybody !

    I had my first phone at the age of13.
    To my mind, it's a dificult question it really depends on the situation of the fami,ly and the behavior of the child.
    For example if the parents are separated it could be easier for children if they can call the other parent without help in case of bad relation between his parents. Nevertheles;, if the child isn't responsible and spend all his time in his mobile it's not a good idea because he would live in his own world and would have dificulties to live in society. Unluckily many young people have this use.
    For me twelve or thirteen years old is a good age in generale..

  23. Hello everyone !
    To my mind, having a cell phone doesn't depend on the age but on the use you have of your phone. I had my first cell phone at the age of 10 when I started middle school because I had to go and come back from school alone by bus. I used it only to contact my parents and my sisters or sometimes my friends. I think having a phone when you start being independant is a good thing but you should have a phone with no access to internet in order to not be distracted. So usually, at the age of 12 it is a good thing.

  24. As for me, I had my first phone when I was 12 years old, like a lot of people I think. As we get older, it is a good thing to have a phone, to talk to our friends and to our parents when we aren't at home for example.
    To my mind, before this age, it is not necessary because we are not very independant. However, more and more children get phones before this age and I think it is too bad for them. Indeed, phones are bad for the health. Morever, I think they should enjoy their childhood rather than to surf on the internet.
    To conclude, 12 seems to be a great age to get a phone.

  25. Mobile phone are a good way to communicate, keep in touch with someone or to call for help in case of emergency. Nowadays nearly everyone has a phone even the children but some of them are maybe too young to have one.

    Some parents give their child a phone because he has to come home alone after school. It reassures them and also the kid because he knows he can reach anyone in case he has a problem. The child becomes morr independent and this is a good thing. Nevertheless some children use their mobile phones to play video games, spend hours talking with their friends or surf on Internet. They become addicted to technology too early and it gets worst when they grow up.

    I see things this way, parents should be careful and don't let their children spend too much time on their phones. There's no good age to have a phone, it depends on the child and his life situation. I personally got my first mobile phone when I was eleven because it was easier for me to reach my parents when needed. I used it at first only when I had to call them. However nowadays the social networks are accessible on phones so it's hard to leave them for only a few hours!

  26. Hi everyone,
    To start with, in my opinion, I think that the good age to give a phone to a child is when he starts to be independent, for instance going to school alone as clara said, from this conditions, it's absolutely necessary for a child to have a phone.
    In fact, it's really usefull including for the children's security. Parents always want to know where children and if they are alright...
    Futhermore, I think that it gives a lot of responsabilities to the child and it's a good way of getting use to them.
    As far as I'm concerned, I had my first phone at the age of 10 years old.
    Dossios Emilie 1S4

  27. Hi everybody !

    As far as I'm concerned, I got a phone as I turned 11. I think it is the right age because it is the time you start going to places by yourself. I have always loved being independant and as a child I always begged my parents to let me have a phone.

    13 years old is a bit late because at this age you are already quite mature in general but I think it dépends on the person.

    I think I would rather having a child with a phone who goes out to his friend or goes to his activities than seeing him watching TV at home!

    Coline Chataing 1S4

  28. Cell phones are nowadays something that almost everybody own and use everyday, but not everyone and especially the children can use it. Indeed, they have not the appropriate age. First because they have to discover the world by having fun outside to develop their imagination and to send their energy to sleep well when it will be time to go to bed, then because children don’t know the dangers of internet and are extremely naive. They could share their personal informations or photos to persons they don’t even know, and that on a douptful website. However some parents give to their kids electronic devices which look like and work as a smartphone but appropriate for children. Even if they are especially made for them and there is not real danger on this kind of devices, they make them independent to screen to soon.
    To my mind, the appropriate age to have a phone is twelve years old, at the same age of me. Children at this age enter into high school. They generally walk form their home to the high school alone, and are also allowed to hanging out with their friends. That is why it is necessary for them to have a cell phone to contact their parents if they have a problem. Moreover they are more mature and know the dangers of internet, they will not trust everything they see on the net and will not share their personal information either.

    Barbara 1es1

  29. Even if we are told about the harmful effects of the use of the telephone for the youngest, we should not forget that we live in an era that knows an important technological and digital boom and it would be stupid not to take advantage of it.

    Personally, I got my first phone when I was 11 years old and today, from an objective point of view, despite the fact that it caused me a lot of sleepless nights, I believe that nothing happens by chance. Indeed, I know that if I hadn't had it so young, I would never have fed my thirst for reading thanks to the numerous stories available in various applications, etc. and I would never have been able to continue writing even if it was very late at night. Today, I probably wouldn't have continued to read, I probably wouldn't have started to write and I wouldn't have maintained a certain personal culture without counting the various social networks which taught me a lot of things like tolerance, acceptance of others and of myself, maturity and engaging myself in various associations like those fighting against homophobia, racism, grossophobia, global warming, patriarchy, AIDS, etc.

    But if I had to decide one day at what age my child (if I have one) could have his first phone then I would choose around 14-16. Simply because I feel that I would be there to teach him everything that I was not taught at that age and that I had to learn on my own on the internet, even if of course he also has to learn some things on his own for the sake of his own personal development.
