Thursday 9 March 2017

The famine in South Sudan

Famine has been declared in South Sudan and might be soon declared in Somalia.
Famines are big issues in the world and cause many deaths. Nowadays, famines are often caused by human's actions like wars.

What, in your opinion, should be done about it ?
Would you be ready to give money to help ? And how much ?


  1. Hi everyone!
    First of all, Sudan and Somalia are poor Africans countries. Famines are hard in these countries because of poverty and wars. For instance, a big famine that killed about six millions of people in URSS happened just before the Second World War. I guess famines are horrible because you cannot do something, you are not able to survive and moreover it creates conflicts between citizens ( they all fight to get food ). I think that we could send some food, maybe food that we don't eat anymore in supermarkets, in these countries to help them. However, the society decided not to give the food of supermarkets and to burn it! That in unacceptable ! Perhaps, some organisations could do it instead of France.
    In my opinion, we should also give money but not to much, just 1 or 2€ per person and thanks to this money, maybe one million of people could eat everyday. I would like to give money but I'm waiting for my eighteen years old. Nevertheless, my parents give each month to organisations to eradicate famines.
    To conclude, some things should be done and we have to get involved, all of us to have a real result.
    Lena szepetowski,1S4

  2. Hello !

    - First of all, famine is a widespread scarcity of food caused by several factors including crop failure, population imbalance or government policies. This phenomenon is usually accompanied by regional malnutrition and increased mortality. - Concerning in south Sudan it is just disgusting that many people lack of food and in America major people are obese, it is very paradoxal. In my opinion we must stop these wars but it is easier to said than to do and like Lena said we can also send food and water to help these populations in need. As for me, I am ready to give money but I hope that this money will be only for the Sudan's population and not for some malicious people. If everybody in the world gave 1€, Hunger will instantly disappear ! So together we must fight against these inequalities !!

    Clara Latella 1S4

  3. Hi !

    As Clara said, I find disgusting how some people starve while so many men and women around the world suffer from diabetes or obesity. However, we should send money to help them develop a new agriculture rather than sending them food, it is more durable !
    I think I would be able to give about 10euros, and it would be great if everyone could do so, but I know it can be hard for some people to give some money away.

    To sum everything up, I hope that in the years to come, Humanity will learn how to overcome world hunger !!

  4. Hi everyone,
    South Soudan and Somalia are poor countries in Africa continent. We can suppose that the poverty in these countries causes the famine. As far as I'm concerned I feel very bad for us and nowdays it is irresponsible and horrible that the famine still exist in this world . The United States is one of the most fat population in the word and it is absolutely funny to see that American people eat more than they need whereas African people are dying of bad nutrition . So the solution for the end of the famine is simple : Countries like France United States China England and many others can give a part of the food and save thousands of African lives. I think the humanity is very selfish because we have food for everyone in this planet . To conclude , we live in a world full of stupid people who don't know the value of each things and it's is shameful .

  5. Starvation in the world is one the most important issue of the United Nations. The problem is that food is inequality deal in the world. There is also environmental conditions which can increase famine. However solidarity in the world is powerful and can sometimes save people. Somalian people can't feed themselves because of heat and the arid floor. That's why solidarity must increase in this period to save this people because starvation is the worst thing that can happen to a country, more than wars

  6. Hello everybody ! Famine has plagued several parts of South Sudan, ravaged by the war for more than three years, and food security for half of the population could be threatened by July, the Saudi government said on Monday (February 20th). The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) chief economist Arif Husain said last week that in an interview with Reuters over the next six months more than 20 million people were at risk of dying Of hunger in four separate famines: in South Sudan, Yemen, Northeast Nigeria and Somalia. According to him, Yemen, currently considered an "emergency", could be declared a famine within three months. Fighting in Yemen, northeastern Nigeria and southern Sudan has devastated several regions and raised prices. In eastern Africa, drought has ruined traditional agriculture

  7. For your record, yes, famine has been declared in Somalia. The ONU say that it may be the biggest human crisis since 1945. I really want everybody to take 2 minutes to watch this video, and I have really no more word to add. I truly like this man, it's Jerome Jarre for those who know him.

  8. Hello,
    First of all, the Soudan and Somalia are part of the poorest populations of the world. I think that this problem is also because of the fact that the riches is unequal distribution.I think that the United Nations should play much more for these populations
    Of this fact I am ready gave some money to help these populations, for the sum I do not know exactly but I can give it regularly.

    First of all, Sudan and Somalia are poor Africans countries. Famines are hard in these countries because of poverty and wars caused by several factors including crop failure, population imbalance or government policies. For instance, a big famine that killed about six millions of people in URSS happened just before the Second World War. We can suppose that the poverty in these countries causes the famine. This phenomenon is usually accompanied by regional malnutrition and increased mortality. I find disgusting how some people starve while so many men and women around the world suffer from diabetes or obesity, it is very paradoxal. As for me, I am ready to give money but I hope that this money will be only for the Sudan's population and not for some malicious people. I think I would be able to give about 10euros, and it would be great if everyone could do so, but I know it can be hard for some people to give some money away. I think the humanity is very selfish because we have food for everyone in this planet .
    To sum up, we live in a world full of stupid people who don't know the value of each things and it's is shameful . I hope that in the years to come, Humanity will learn how to overcome world hunger.

  10. I think that with terrorism and pollution, famine is one of the major issues of our century. I find it terrible that the famine is still present on this planet and I admire the courage of the associations fighting against,all volunteers,donors and of course medical personnel, they are remarkable. It's very difficult to act without being on the ground, but in my opinion there should be even more preventions and articles in the media: television, newspapers, social networks so that everyone realizes what is really going on there. To my mind,from a certain amount of money, high or even very high, millionaires and billionaires would be forced to choose an association to make donations. Bill Gates, the creator of Microsoft and Mark Zukenberg, that of Facebook regularly make donations (500 million euros lately against Charcot's disease). As for me it's not up to us, small students, to donate money, but in the future If I make a good living, I would like to give for these people...

  11. Hello !
    To begin with, famines are an extreme and general lack of food in a country or a large geographical area.
    Then, like you said, when there is a famine in a country, many people and especially children die. So, rich countries like France or USA should obviously do something to help Soudan and Somalia which are poor Africans countries. Indeed, we could send some food because we waste a lot and it's unacceptable to see that we throw away huge quantities of food and that people in Somalia and Soudan are dying !
    Finaly, as for me, I would be ready to send money to them because this situation makes me sad. If everybody gives like 10 euros we could be able to save many people.

    Eve Hanoune

  12. Hi !
    I don't know which way is the cheaper alternative between :
    - Sending them water and food, but it's not a temporary investment, of course one could argue that developping a heavy agriculture is a better solution but global warming has reached them yet.
    - Another option consists in welcoming them (all kind of people in this situation) in developed and emerging countries to ensure them a normal way of life. However, they are many people looking for a better life. In addition, work isn't available at the corner of the street.

  13. Hello everyone,

    As Eve said, I find disgusting how some people starve while so many men and women around the world eat too much and suffer of obesity. However, we should send money to help them develop a new agriculture rather than sending them food, it is more durable !
    I think I would be able to give about 10€ and it would be great if everyone could do so. Even if every worker in France give 1€, associations would earn millions of euros
    To conclude, I think it will get worst in the future because we will be too many humans for the food we would produce...

  14. Hi everyone,
    In my opinion, famine is a huge issue, but it seems that not a lot of people care. In country like France, we waste a lot of food every day, many suffer from obesity, and in poor countries like Africa, they don't have food and they are starving. I think it is horrible because they are dying and we do nothing for them. Like Eve said, if everybody gives 10 euros, it could save a lot of people. As far as I am concerned, I would be ready to help them.

  15. Hi everybody,
    To start with, I find it horrible that nowadays people can die because of a lack of food.
    We are leaving in a wealthy country where there is a lot of waste of food and where a lot of people are suffering from obesity.
    To my mind, I think there are two ways of helping them : first of all, wealthy countries could send poor African ones, such as south souden, food. Moreover, we could collect money and send it to them in order that they invest in agriculture technology to produce the food they need.
    As far as I'm concerned, if everybody was giving one euro, it would represent a big amount of money to send these poor countries.
    To conclude, sending south soudan food and many could help them eradicate the famine.
    Emilie Dossios 1°S4

  16. Hello everyone, I think famine in Soudan and in the rest of the world is a hudge problem, one of the biggest in the 21th century so far. I think that every individuals should be able to eat as much as they need. I think that giving money to association is one of the solution such as making reaserch to make a unpratical/steryl roof unsteryl.
    I would complitly give money to organisation, actually, my parents are monthly guving money to UNICEF, I think it's important and a good proof of humanity.

    hana ayed premier es 2

  17. Famine is a real problem in our world. We also might have to face it later in our life's if no solutions are found because humanity is expanding and we are more and more every year. So I think we should all be concerned by the problem and all the countries that are developed all around the world should give some money to these poor countries. It would be a crime in my opinion to let people starve when we could all give a few euros to help them.

    Oisin Maguire Mondoloni 1L
