Tuesday 4 October 2016

Discuss "Fiction" and "Non-fiction"

For example, biopic movies : 
We can speak about it in this case because it arise from the life of a particular person, they are thus supposed to represent the reality but not the total imagination of the director.  However, in these movies, the fiction hold an important place, indeed, actors are not generally people with whom the movie deals. So there is a contrast between the fiction and the non-fiction, furthermore, the movie is the work of a person, who very often did not know the person involved. The movie, although it is not the purpose has practically always the imprint of the director. We can thus notice that the reality is something that cannot be transmitted such as it is, whatever the domain: autobiographies, biopic movies...


  1. Fiction is a story based on imaginary facts rather than on real facts. However, the role of fiction is to create a real impression. We also have the case of science fiction in which events should represent a future more or less plausible.
    Now, let's talk about non-fiction.
    Non-fiction includes it, all written not under fiction. Several writings are considered as non-fiction : essays,encyclopedias, manuals, books on politics, pedagogy, psychology, history or science. On the literary point of view, we can take the example of an autobiography. In an autobiography, some writers represent as they are. But while others represent a bit like a fictionnal character : handsome, strong, intelligent...

  2. Hello !

    First of all “Fiction” refers to literature created from the imagination. Mysteries, science fiction, romance, fantasy, crime thrillers are all fiction genres. It's a good sensation when you are completely "in" the story; one of the famous science fiction movie is : Star wars.

    On the contrary, “Non-fiction” refers to literature based in fact. It is the broadest category of literature. For example there are biography, cooking, health, home decorating, languages, travel, religion, art and music, history, true crime, science and humor.

    To my mind, I prefer "non-fiction" because it's more interesting to learn new things than just read an imaginary strory.

    Clara Latella 1S4

  3. First and foremost, as for me, « fiction » refers to science and to imagination. Indeed, when you look at a scientific movie you are always impressed in front of the situation where heroes are. Moreover, fiction heroes usually have scientific or unreal powers that's why when you look at this kind of film you are taken in the story until the end. As for me, fiction is also a mean to show the technological and the scientific progress beacause to make a fiction, especially for movies, you must be able to make special effects, just like Americans are able to.
    Moreover, if you talk about fiction's book, you will also be transported but by your imagination only and not by your visual capacities.
    So, Harry potter, is , as for me, a very good example of fiction's hero because he can act like a magician and he saved the world from lord Voldemort, the evil. Furthermore, J.K.Rowling positionned this creation as a famous film and even as books.

    Secondly, to my mind, non-fiction is the fiction’s contrary because it is based on real facts and on reality. Indeed, non-fonction’s books are usually essays related to history or a specific biography that’ why everything is real is non-fiction. Furthermore, cooking book, essays, manuals or even encyclopedias are non-fiction books. To introduce some films, we can take, for instance, the movie called « Into the wild » which represents the search for happiness by independance and loneliness. All in this film is true and we can see at the end that it was based on true events.

    So, to conclude, in my opinion, if I had to choose between the both I will take the fiction’s book for pleasure and the non-fiction’s book for lessons and knowledge.

    Claire Bouthiba 1S6
