Monday 17 October 2016

One girl under 15 married every seven seconds

Hello everyone,

October the 11 was the International Day of the Girl and at this occasion, the organisation Save the Children issued a report about child marriage that affects millions of adolescents in the world.
According to Girls not Brides, an other organisation, 15 million girls are married before the age of 18 every year.
Do you feel concerned about it ? What is your opinion about child marriage ?

Hear are links to more complete articles:
article from "Save the Children"
website of "Girls not Brides"


  1. There are a lot of countries where woman can not choose their husband and are oft married whith old man (for mony) who trates them as slave and violate them. In this kind of land, men consider this situation as a cultural tradition. Most of the time they doesn't consider that women are their equals and as it's consider as normal to have a petz, they have one or more women. It can concern women of more or less of 18 years and I think that it is also grave in a case as in the other one.
    There is an other situation which concern Young girl who "finde love". I think that it's very to Young to be married because they are oft still by their parents and are dependant. They have no life expériences concerning life, job...


  2. First of all, I wanted to say that I feel really concerned by this subject.
    Indeed, in France that is rarely happening because child marriage are caused by misery most of time and so I believe that to stop that we have to start with the fight of social inequalities. To my mind, we have to fight against these kind of marriage, child wouldn't have to be married like adults but live their childhood. These associations can make people realize that it is not only an isolate case but for certain country it is everyday life.
    To sum up I hope very hard that someday we will stop talking about things like that because it would simply disapear.

  3. Hello!
    I think unfortunately that some countries still practice arranged marriage.
    This is very serious because before 18 (or 21) girls are minor and Under the control of parents... Parents decided their future and women are still too young to realize...
    it's too bad to be married before 18,as for me this gache youth, the professional career of women who are forced to leave their family,to go with a stranger and have children with him ... I don't understand how this practice is not allowed, because it often ends evil: suicide, arguments, physical or moral violence ...

  4. In my opinion, we all should feel concerned about child marriage. We are lucky to live in France, because fortunately they are rare. But if we were born in another country, and especially a poor one, there are many chances that some of us would already be married. It's an important problem because it means that in some countries girls are not free, and that there's no gender equality whereas today our world should be evolved enough to let women have the same rights than men.
    Girls can't marry who they love, their parents choose they future for them and to my mind it's simply unfair and terrible. I hope that I will have the possibility to help these unlucky girls.

  5. First of all, child marriage is always abusive: a little girl can not consent to marriage because most of the time she does not even understand what it actually means. There should not be any hesitation on the subject.

    We have to give every girl a chance to study and stop the families who consider their daughters as burdens they have to get rid of. They have to live their life freely and marry later, whenever they want with whoever they want. This way, they will aquire enough knowledge to choose their jobs and acquire financial equality, which will lead to respect in an hypothetical household.
    Furthermore, pregnancy before the age of 16 is very dangerous for the mother and the child as well, and forces young girls to take care of huge responsabilities when they are not even supposed to be out of school.

    Countries have to forbid child marriage and to check if weddings are consensual. They also have to make strict laws about rape and to give victims a way to report their agressor, even if it is their husband.

    To sum everything up, child marriage is still an issue for 15 millions of girls everyday. It has to be taken seriously before long, as well as child labour in sweatshops and child soldiers.

    Coline Chataing 1ère S4

  6. Hi everybody !
    I put myself in the shoes of these girls who are married before the appropriate age and of course, I feel very concerned about it ! I feel like saying that girl's rights are human rights and anybody in the world can contredict that .In plenty of countries , child marriage is considered like a "traditional culture " ... I think that if this type of culture is allowed , girls who are conserned must give their aggreement . Unless in this case , it would be slavery for them ! However , We are in the 21 th century and people continue to behave as people of the Era . I hope the countries get motivated to stop definitly this inhuman things for the next years .

    Patricia Petrea 1S4

  7. Hello !

    In the first place, I think that this practise must be forbidden, It is not normal that in 2016 some children are treated like that. Secondly It can concern children under 16 and it is just disgusting. Moreover I feel concerned about that because I am a girl so that I'm lucky to live in France. To my mind, we have to fight against these kind of marriage, children wouldn't have to be married like adults but live their childhood. To finish I think that we must condamned all the country who accept that !

    Clara Latella 1S4

  8. Hello everybody !!
    As far as I'm concerned, I strongly disagree with child marriage for several reasons :
    First of all, very young people are seldom fully developed psychologically and go into marriage unprepared, whereas, marriage requires a lot of understanding and tolerance.
    Moreover, when marring young you often face financial insecurity because you are not well settled in your job.
    Finally, in this kind of mariage there is often a lack of compatibility between the girl and the boy because when they get married they do not even know their partner's preferences.
    These are the reasons why child mariage often fails.

  9. Hello,

    First of all, I think that we, Europeans, aren't directly concerned with child marriage, because this kind of relationship has disappeared and has been abolished in most Western countries of the world. However, as you said before, Coline, millions of children and particularly adolescent women are affected by this plight. It often happens in under developed countries. Indeed, it's a shame that girls suffer from it.
    To resolve this issue, humanitarian organisations such as UNICEF or any others should be interested in helping these girls and setting them free. This unequal treatment should be eradicated.

    Amaury Augier

  10. I'm glad you brought this issue up because I think we have to speak out about crazy things that happen around the world. In my opinion child mariages can ruin a life and I completely disagree with that because everyone has the right to choose their partner for life. A lot of these girls don't have the right to education because in the majority of these countries woman are raised to be housewives and just serve men and raise children. We must remember that a forced mariage thus forced sex is considered rape! Yet 2% of daughters of immigrants to France have suffered physical and psychological violence because they were forced to marry against their will. More then 700 million woman worldwide were married before their 18th birthday and 250 million of them were married even younger: before 15! Luckily there is a convention of instanbul that voted a law to protect women against this act. However we must find a way to enforce it. Woman have come a long way but we still have a long road ahead of us !

    Lisa Mannoni

  11. As Chloe said, in many countries, there are women who can not choose their husbands and who are abused by them. Most of the time, the marriage of young girls is happening in poor countries, who are in misery and where there are many inequalities. Fortunately, this situation is not present or almost not present in France. Personally, I'm against this situation. I think it's really too young to marry at age 18 or Under 18. At this age there is not necessarily 'the love of our life'. We think about our studies, our future work, our friends, but not to marry. Nevertheless, I am happy to know that there are associations in order to combat these marriages. These girls deserve to have the choice to marry at the age they want and choose the men in their lives.

  12. Hi everyone,
    This subject should make all of us think about it seriously.
    As for me, I really feel concerned about child marriage although I am not directly affected.
    In under developed countries, women are still considered as inferior as men and consequently, women's opinion is not taken in consideration. I can't stand this conception of the women's power and therefore, child marriage either.
    Young girls are vulnerable and are not able to consent to marriage yet. Unfortunately, this case still exists in too many countries and humanitarian organisations as Amaury said such as UNICEF but I rather think about ONU must work on that issue to eradicate it forever.

    Last but not least, it is important to be aware of what happens in other parts of the earth. One should not forget that the world doesn't revolve around us and we should rather extend our thoughts beyond our own interest.

    MORONI Marie 1s4

  13. Hello everybody !!!
    Firstly, as for me, in some countries girls aren’t free for nothing. Indeed, they can’t choose their husband, they aren’t educated and must stay at home to take care of the children and the house. So, I feel conserned about this phenomenom and I think everybody is, even if in France, most of the girls can fortunately marry the man they love.
    Then, I am nevertheless surprised of the number of children married in seven seconds all around the world. It is an enormous number ! At this point in time I’m schocked and I feel like it isn’t normal to do this kind of thing with feellings and relationships. However, to my mind, those cases are mainly situated in poor country because the parents wanted the girl to leave home, maybe to have a better life and on the other hand it can be a strange tradition from the ancesters. By the way, that reminds me that in the XVIth an XVIIth century, in France, it was the parents who married their child with the one they wanted, it was very usual. In those centuries, by contrast to nowadays, it was more rich people who did this kind of actions.
    So, to make it short, I really feel conserned about this topic because I find this cruel for a girl not to be free even to choose the person with who their are maybe going to spend the rest of her life. Furthermore, I think that girls and women in general must have the same rights as men in al the countries, which isn’t the case at this time.

    Claire Bouthiba 1S6

  14. Of course, I feel concerned about this topic given that we are french girls, free persons who generally can emancipate themselves quickly.
    We live in a country with rights, how lucky we are! Right to vote, right to education and health, right to strike. It’s a good place where the marriage is a choice. A country where women can say “no” and share their opinions.
    So, It’s hard to say that we are kind of exception, just one part of the world. Every teenager should be free to enjoy his childhood. The marriage is just absurd for a minor/a child. It’s unreason and madness. Bullied children for family business.
    Fortunately, these associations: “Save the Children” and “Girls not Brides” exist to remind us the misery of the world, because for me, marriage before the age of 18, non-consensual; is a king of misery. Human rights are violated while the struggle for human rights should concerned everybody.
    Last but not least, I have a dream, that one day marriage will be a grown-up thing and not something else while children will run everywhere to be part of a better world.

  15. Of course, I feel concerned about this topic given that we are French girls, free persons who generally can emancipate themselves quickly.
    We live in a country with rights, how lucky we are! Right to vote, right to education and health, right to strike. It’s a good place where the marriage is a choice. A country where women can say “no” and share their opinions.
    So, It’s hard to say that we are kind of exception, just one part of the world. Every teenager should be free to enjoy his childhood. The marriage is just absurd for a minor/a child. It’s unreason and madness. Bullied children for family business.
    Fortunately, these associations: “Save the Children” and “Girls not Brides” exist to remind us the misery of the world, because for me, marriage before the age of 18, non-consensual; is a king of misery. Human rights are violated while the struggle for human rights should concerned everybody.
    Last but not least, I have a dream, that one day marriage will be a grown-up thing and not something else while children will run everywhere to be part of a better world.

  16. Unfortunately, arranged marriages of young girls are still very frequent in some poor countries.
    First and foremost, as a feminist, I feel really concerned about this subject. Indeed, I think that even before the age of 18, while parents do have influence on our lives, we should be able to decide what we want and do not want to do.

    Furthermore marriage should be driven by attraction and love and this is not a decision that parents should take. In arranged marriage, parents are making decisions without asking their child, whether she want’s to marry.
    Indeed, the girl has no influence on her life and she is condemned to marry a guy, whom she may not even know and with whom she has to spend the rest of her life. Isn’t it ironic to think that marriage should be the best day of your life?

    I can’t help thinking that this is one of the worst things that still exists in this world and we should strongly fight this form of suppression.


  17. I'm really concerned with this issue. If these underage girls are getting married, it often means that instead of obeying their parents, they now have to obey their new husbanc, which leads to them never having any independence or control over their own lives.
    These marriages are often arranged by the families without the consent of the girl, who can't do anything about it. I also heard of some cases where the girls were sold, which is completely awful on so many levels. Fortunately, some brides run away from their families, but I don't know whether or not they can have a good life on a financial level.
    Furthermore, I think this issue is caused by a lack of respect towards women in general. In some cases, it's because of the fact that in some parts of the world, women aren't properly educated and therefore can't have a job so the only thing they can do is get married.
    It's important to support those girls and I believe that we should also teach everybody respect towards their fellow human beings. Women should be in charge of their own destinies and getting married at such a young age is never a good idea.
    KIM Youmi 1L1

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  20. It seems to me that this kind of problem is serious even if we're french and, fortunately, the vast majority is free to do what he wants concerning marriage.
    As regards others countries, we mst by no means say it's the same as France.
    Indeed, because of a cultural tradition, some young girls, sometimes minor or child, are forced to get married. It's ashamed due to we're in 2016, the world is supposed to be evolved, a child is supposed to enjoy her childhood and marriage should be adults-only.
    Not to mention associations which fight against this problem like "save the children" and "girls not brides", they're essential and the way for an egalitarian world is still long.

  21. Hello !
    This affirmation “One girl under 15 married every seven seconds” is maddening. Nowadays, I hardly believe that such absurdities are possible ! I obviously preocupate by that, and everyone should be. The simple fact to force a woman (or a man) to married is a incense act but when it's for children, it's more serious ! Many people are not aware or close their eyes. It's hard to do something for move things but we have to. It is important to organize international days like October 11, to remember and to mobilize as many people as possible.

    ROUANET Flavie TS3

    1. Hi Flavie,
      I'm afraid the affirmation “One girl under 15 married every seven seconds” is quite true, even if it is difficult to accept.
      I am happy to learn that I am not the only one deeply shocked by this data.

  22. Hello everyone,
    To my mind this subject is really important, we have maybe not this kind of problem in France but it doesn't mean that this isn't a problem all around the world.
    This girl who are married can not have a really childhood, they are often marry to man they don't love. They aren't educated, they have to stay at home to take care of the house and after of the children instead of hang out and do some thing esle.
    I think it's a shame to let those thing happened, and we should as much as we can to help this girl who deserve better.

    Poirée Eléa 1s2

  23. Hello!
    In my opinion it is quite revolting that girls under 18 are getting married and furthermore that girls under 15 are getting married too. I believe that it is great to have an age below wich girls (and children generally) cannot get married to somebody because below a certain age we are children and we cannot decide what is good or not for us. That is why our parents are responsible of us, but what will happend when our parents will need money and will want to marry us? Might they have the right to do that when we are 11 or 13? Of course not. That is why a legal age for getting married is needed.

    Those arranged marriages are not fair. Arranged marriages are generally not fair. A bride should choose who she wants to marry, even if she is young, to have a love marriage. I'm not saying that children should get married, but that love marriage could be a bit easier to live than a matchmaking. Children matchmakings are very often made for money or to perpetuate a tradition. Parents use their authority to make the girl marry an old men (this is the most common case). That already happened in history with famous families, for examples the Borgia with Lucrezia. She married Giovanni Sforza when she was 13 and he was 23. That was 'only' 10 years difference, but it is already too much for a very young girl. She got rid of him four years later because she claimed that he was impotent. She has been able to be 'free' again, but not every girl can do that.

    I would like to conclude saying that marrying young girl is (and has to be) illegal in France ans most countries all around the world. I agree with this interdiction. I am 15 and I cannot imagine getting married tomorrow to somebody I do not know, just for money. I cannot imagine having kids at 16 and breading them, taking care of them and being a housewife.

    Alice MALET TS1

  24. Hi everyone !
    It seems like you're quite interested by this subject.
    Just to say, this is a discussion, so please feel free to answer to each over.
    Oh, and you don't have to write long paragraphs with a lot of arguments and everything. Just explain what you think with your own words.

  25. Hello everybody !!
    After reading this text, it was incumbent on me to write back. Too often, children who are getting married while they are 15 years old are being forced into marital arrangements. Either for some money or to perpetue the tradition.

    Let us take a concrete example: Nasoin Akhter has been married at the age of 15 to a 32 years old man. Besides, it was in Bangladesh.
    To the best my knowledge, forced mariage was abolished in 1929 and the legal age of marriage is now 18 years old in this country. Therefore 29% of the women who lived in Bangladesh are getting married below 15 years old ! In the same way 2% women are getting married below 11 years old !!!
    I cannot help thinking that such situations are present everywhere in the world and even in England.
    We must also take into account that those women are going to get married, have children and be even beaten.

    In my opinion politicians should create a law to protect the minors. I know that it exists but it is not very efficient. According to ONU, there are 14.200 Millions of forced marriages all around the world. That means 39 thousands everyday.

    Furthermore, in poor contries, parents need money and sell their daughters a birth. Often married to old people, they have no choice.
    I cannot help thinking how I would react if I lived in such a place. Because of my character I think that I would leave this place but unfortunatly not everybody can do it. They are too poor to flee...

    I did like to conclude by saying that nobody has the right to force someone to get married and that it is immoral to get married at 15 years old.
    It is a fight that we pledge to continue.

    Sélèna DOCEUL TS1

  26. Hello everybody !

    First of all , young ladies have to marry in some countries because of the tradition and their parents . They haven't got the choice . Furthermore , sometimes that's under eighteen's girls .

    As far as I am concerned , i strongly disagree with these weddings because every girls should study and marry men because they love them . I feel concerned because in under developed countries I would have to marry now although I'm young .
    Nevertheless , I'm not directly concerned because I live in France but that's why I can do something for these girls such as help in associations ( UNICEF like Amaury and Marie have already said ) in order to change minds in their countries . Moreover , men still think that they are superiors than women and that's unacceptable ! That's why young women have not the same rights on marriage in these countries .

    All in all , I'd like to help young ladies who must marry a man even if they are fourteen or fifteen and change minds . For example , we should all watch " Mustang " which is a film , a fiction , telling a story of a Turkish family . Girls must marry men while they are only fourteen years old . One should not forget that these awful things happen in the world at the moment .

    Lena szepetowski , 1S4

  27. I feel concerned by this because I am a minor girl. I'm against the marriage of minors, even if they are willing, teenagers are not mature enough to understand the meaning of the word marriage. The worst is still when children are forced, this happens more often to girls with older men in some countries. They don't have the same lifestyle as in other countries but every child should be able to enjoy his youth in freedom.

    Martins Joana TS3

  28. I think this a very serious and concerning matter and we should all try and do something to stop it. 15 is no age for someone to get married and not only are this girls are beibg married at 15 but they forced to do so .

  29. Hello everybody !
    Of course I am concerned about the teen's marriage.
    First of all as a teenager I feel that a marriage is a verry big deal, in fact, it is a responsability that most of adult can't handle nowadays so for a child it's impossible !
    Most of the time children disagree, and this marriage are for interrest.
    In Europe it's not verry current but in some countries it happens every day and it's not even a taboo !
    Children are forced beacuse of the parent's poverty or because they hope that their future will be different.

    In occidental countries, as I said before, some people don't even know this problem. That's why an American journalist realised this video where a young girl and an old man take photo for their weidding.
    I invite you to see this very interresting video to see people's reaction.

    Hana AYED 1ES2

  30. There are a lot of countries where girls can't choose their husband. Usually men are older than girl. I totally against about it ! Even if in some countries it's because of the tradition and their parents like lena said, it's not a reason ! Girl have the right to marry when she want and with who she want and nobody have th right to choose for them. By lucky I live in France but it's not because we are no touch by it that we have to forget it.

    Lola Gervais 1°S6

    1. Hi everybody,

      I think that early marriage is a very big issue all over the world. The girls are not only forced to get married but they are also obliged to have sexual intercourses with their "husband", they can even be raped by them, which can lead to severe wounds or of course to pregnancies. These pregnancies can be really dangerous for young girls, and some of them die while giving birth.
      I think that wedding is a very important thing in one's life and it needs a big commitment and of course love between the two spouses.
      It also raises the issue of freedom of choice!
      Some NGOs are devoted to this cause because it's related to women's rights. All of us should fight against it.

      Talking about it is already fighting against it.

      Tiphaine PERSE TS1

  31. As a sixteen-year-old girl I feel totally concerned. Luckily I am French and I have a family which will never force me to marry me to a foreigner. When I saw this article I wondered what would have happened if I had not been born in France and if I had another family.
    As far as I am concerned the marriage is something very important. That is not something we do with the aim of having fun. We have to reflect about it and to be ready to assume the responsibilities engendered by the marriage. The marriage is the union of two people who love each other. That concerns adults.
    All the women should have the right to choose to whom they want to get married especially the girls. Firstly the girls are not happy. They are often with old men who do not respect them and use them. These girls are considered objects, exchanged for some money. No one cares of what they really want. They are too young and do not even think of getting married. Most want to realize some dream : to study, to travel... and if one day they dreamed to get married to the affectionate and thoughful man they would have chosen, this dream is destroyed and will never come true.
    We also HAVE to fight ! These marriages are inadmissible. Children should take advantage of their childhood and should not be confronted with this kind of thing who concern adults. Nothing good ever takes out arranged situations.

    RIBERA Aurore TS1

  32. Hi!
    Well of course I feel concerned about it. It's a sad truth and I know, a lot of girl are married but I'm very shocked by the number.
    Such marriages are forced and explained by traditions which are still applied, they haven't evolved yet.

    For the young girls it's horrible and tromatic,they are married generaly to a man older and stranger.They must leave their family.
    This fact is a sign of undevelopement where the women must be submitted.
    So instead of to go to school they take care of children and home. As a teenager living in a develop country I can imagined me married with children , a husband and a house

    To finish all all the littles girls play to be the bride while the girls of the same age are already married.

    Nina Tano TS3

  33. In my point of view, a girl can marry at the age when she reached self-awareness, and can act as a person aware of his actions, but most people do not always achieve these qualities before a certain age, or before they begin to lead their own life (life where the personality doesn’t need for assistance from the others for existence)
    In most civilized countries the age at which a girl could marry without parental consent or without the special permission of the court is 18 years (20-21 years in some countries such as Japan or Monaco) .But in many countries of Africa, Asia and the islands of the girls can join marriage at will or consent of parents much earlier, for example 15-17 years. I was even surprised when I learned that in Cambodia marriage may enter the girls of 13 years.
    I also believe that people should learn life better before you bind yourself to another person in marriage, which ideally should last until the end of their lives.

  34. Hi everybody,

    I think that early marriage is a very big issue all over the world. The girls are not only forced to get married but they are also obliged to have sexual intercourses with their "husband", they can even be raped by them, which can lead to severe wounds or of course to pregnancies. These pregnancies can be really dangerous for young girls, and some of them die while giving birth.
    I think that wedding is a very important thing in one's life and it needs a big commitment and of course love between the two spouses.
    It also raises the issue of freedom of choice!
    Some NGOs are devoted to this cause because it's related to women's rights. All of us should fight against it.

    Talking about it is already fighting against it.

    Tiphaine PERSE TS1

  35. I find it awful that some people can not choose when they can marry ... Often these people unfortunately do not choose and are forced by family or the religion of the family and do not choose their lover. In my opinion, love is not required but is chosen by the person who wants is freedom of expression, personally I will not see me marry at my age, I can not, I'm still like a baby in my head. Compared child marriage so I feel concern for indeed I am a girl and I love that no one forces me to do that I will feel disabuse and I think that after all child marriage should be prohibited even though it occupies some religions I find it so unhealthy and to my mind the wedding is very important for me because you married yourself once in your life. The child marriage is linked to women's rights, women have long struggled for their right and I think that many people are fighting and will continue to fight on this issue, I hope so.

    Marie Tassiers TL1

  36. Personally, I feel not concerned with child marriage because I’m not in this case, but it’s still something that touches me. Indeed, I find it shocking and incomprehensible. We have only one youth, we must take advantage before engaging in anything serious. In addition, everyone falls in love and everyone knows that feeling. I don’t see why some people should control the feelings of others then that is something uncontrollable and very important in everyone's life of us, whoever we are and wherever we live.

    Louise Azinheirinha, 1eL.

  37. hello everybody,

    I feel concerned about it because I am a girl and a teenager, even if, as amaury said, this kind of relationship doesn't exist in Europe.
    In some countries, girls are forced to get married. These little girls don't have any childhood. I think they should have the right to live their life how they want, and marry who they want and when they want.
    They shouldn't be forced to marry someone they don't even know.
    In my opinion, wedding is a very important step in everyone's life.
    Some organisations fight against that and defend the women's right and I think it is a good thing that some people react to this.

  38. To my mind, being married before 18 years old is quite outrageous and chocking especially without consent. It is a cultural phenomenon that we, europeans, don't understand because we've abolished it 10 years ago, although it wasn't usual since about 40 years.
    I think we should all be equal and free to choose the person we want to spend our life with. Indeed, nowadays, marriage isn't about economics or materials reasons ( weddings were fixed to enlarge a land ownership for instance) but are all about feelings and relationships.
    We can notice that it is mostly girls who are obliged to get married with a person they didn't choose and sometimes even know. Often, these girls are used as housekeepers, it means they clean and take care of their husband. And this is how we understand that genders equality isn't still settled and that the road will be long before a real equality between men and women could be established in each society.

    Inquimbert Irina TL1

  39. Hey,
    In my opinion, in global aspect, force a girl whatever she's age to having relation with men without consent is not human, moreover child marriage is abomination.The child marriage is not good for they because they are slaves on their husband. We must to get invold to fight that crualty.

    Enzo LLorens 1L1

  40. Hi everyone!

    In some countries girl are married under 15. Of course they are forced and they don't choose there husband. I think it's awful because all these girl have to spend their life with someone they didn't choose moreover they don't have childhood. Indeed the weeding is an important step of adult life and not of teenager life. I really feel concerned about it because I'm a girl and a teenager so if I was forced to marry someone now it would be very terrible for me. To conclude I think it's horrible that girls are married so young and it's a good thing that some people fight against that.
    Salomé Courtecuisse 1S4

  41. I feel concerned about it because, this is a rather outageous, for me married a child without consent retourn to describe a real dysfunction our current system comparable to the pedophilia. Many girls see married to men much older, she often rape, this kind marriage can lead to pregnancy not want, to depression or same for many girls getting them suicide.


  42. I don't agree on the bride of little girls, because I think girls are too young and their to choose whether they want to bride or not.
    Alves diana 1l

  43. Hello everybody.
    Personally, I do not feel concerned with child mariage, because I am not in this case.
    However, I am really affected, and I do not manage to understand how parents can oblige their daughters or son, who are innocent, to get married and even to have sexual relations with their partner at this age.
    I would like to conclude by saying that nobody has the right to force someone to get married and that it is immoral to get married at 15 years old.
    Fabian Zetu


    As Coline said, child marriage is always abusive: a little girl can not consent to marriage because most of the time she does not even understand what it actually means. There should not be any hesitation on the subject.

    unfortunaly, there is a lot family who believe very hard in his religion and most of the time, the marriage of young girls is happening in poor countries, who are in misery and where there are many inequalities. I think it's really too young to marry at age 18 or under 18. At this age there is not necessarily 'the love of our life'. We think about our studies, our future work, our friends, but not to marry. They have to live their life freely and marry later, whenever they want with whoever they want. This way, they will aquire enough knowledge to choose their jobs and acquire financial equality, which will lead to respect in an hypothetical household. Nevertheless, I am happy to know that there are associations like UNICEF in order to combat these marriages. These girls deserve to have the choice to marry at the age they want and choose the men in their lives.

    Last but not least, it is important to be aware of what happens in other parts of the earth, child marriage is still an issue for 15 millions of girls everyday. One should not forget that the world doesn't revolve around us and we should rather extend our thoughts beyond our own interest. It has to be taken very seriously !

