Wednesday 26 October 2016


Hi everyone,
I was looking for a subjet for the blog when I saw a video named "Pinksourcing With Kristen Bell". It is a fake publicity that offers people the cheapest workforce in America : Women !
After that, I made some research about women and work, and more generally the place of women in society. 
So my question is : how do you feel about inequalities between men and women ?  Do you think the video is exaggerated ? 

Here are some links:
the fake publicity
the article about it
girls' opportunity index

Those links are there to help you, for you to know what you are talking about. You don't have to focus on them (I mean it's gonna be difficult to talk about the video without seeing it but for the rest...). 
What I am interested in is what you think not what the article says, so please answer honestly

PS: And don't forget, it is a discussion, you can answer to each other.


  1. Well one thing we can easily find out is what the opinion of most of the people who saw the video is... I mean, have you seen that likes/dislikes ratio ? And the comments under the video are not any better -hum, I meant "different", "not any different", of course...

    I'd like to ask, what are the "MPs" (blue indicator) in the "Girls' Opportunity Index" ? I tried to research it but I only found that it could stand for "Members of the Parliament", which doesn't make much sense ...

    Also, yeah, I'm still around. I'd like to be participating in more discussions, but heh, Internet connexion problems. Whoever reads this first, please say hi to Ms. Ricketts for me !

    1. Hi Lucas!
      Just to say that the blue indicator means the number of membres of the Parliament who are women.

  2. Hello everybody !!!
    First of all, to my mind, unfortunately, inequalities between men and women had always existed and still continue nowadays. For instance, we can take the case of America. Scientifists made reaserches and statistics to show how women could be less considered than men. They found that, in work , some managers made differences between those both genders by taking more men, or only men, in their society. Indeed, male chauvinism is quite usual in societies.
    Besides, as it is said in the video, women can be less paid then men first, because of their gender, then, because they can be pregnant at all time, and at last, because they were, in all the history, used to take care of the children, the house, and their husband when he came back home. Indeed, until the XXth century, women were always at home and it was only in 1945, with the Second World War, that they were needed to work, by making weapons for example. Fortunately, we can see a progress concerning this type of discrimination that is nowadays, studied to be decreased.
    Next, about the video, as I see it, it is a little bit exaggerated because women are paid, for the main part, more than 77 cents, and they are really caricatured because they are seen like mums who make cakes, pregnant women who bring their kid at work so he or she could bring her coffee. So at this point it is a bit exaggerated for me but it represents the reallity because, for instance, pregnant women can’t find a work. However, on another hand, the women’s work’s condition is worse in some other countries all around the world so it is difficult to have an opinion on this question. So I think it is a good idea to show us this video because it makes us feel the women condition in work.
    To conclude, even if inequalities still continue, they are decreasing every year and this phenomenon is in progress.

    Claire Bouthiba 1S6

    1. Be careful, I think the video says "77 cents on the dollar" (not "77c per hour"), meaning that, on average, women earn only 77c for each dollar that a man would earn (for example, where a man would earn 2000$ a month, a woman of equal qualifications would only earn 1540$/month).
      They say this precise number because this is what was shown by most american studies on the wage gap(though apparently it is more aroud 79c recently), and most U.S. citizen are familiar with it because it is still a very controversial subject there, with a large part of the public opinion believing that it is only a myth.

    2. Just to say that the kid isn't here to bring her coffee, in fact the video says that he has a more important job than her.

  3. Hi,
    I saw this fake publicity and I think that is exaggerated but it's quite true. There is a big inequality between men and women all around the world. Women have a long time fought for their rights and now the battle is not over. Women earn 20 % less than men , therefore it is more profitable for a company to hire a woman as shown in video ! But women can be pregnant and be absent and this is a big problem ! Women also have jobs less than men and part-time because it is they who mostly take care of the house.In my opinion, it's very sad that these inequalities persist.
    With the girl's opportunity index we can see that the wage inequality are not the only inequality. There are also the child marriage in some countries that is very choking.As it was said on this blog "One girl under 15 married every seven seconds" is it still possible today ? I mean they should change this and protect the minor. To sum up I think it's more difficult for girls (education, job...).

    Olivia Jeanparis TS1

  4. Hello everyone !
    First of all, of course this video is exagerating but it makes us realise that all they say is true, women are less paid, less considerated, and totally understimate. But of course this is a generality, it's not like that in every work but it still existe.
    Sexist discrimination happens at work about salary and work condition but also every where in society. I think it's sad that it keeps happenning in 2016 !
    And the american election approaching and the domination of Donald TRUMP in the republican side make things worst some people are voting TRUMP for his sexist declaration and also because they don't want a woman to be president. Because men are afraid that women are stronger than them. In fact, a study showed that men are more in sick leave that women (counting maternity leave). And women are still paid 27 % less than men.
    To conclude, there is not sexism every where and men are respectfull to women in the majority of the case. But this inequality still exist because some people are very narrowminded.

  5. Coline reminded us to exchange our views, so I would like first to say that I see eye to eye on Claire.
    As a matter of fact, inequalities between men and women exist since a long while and, unfortunately, carry on nowadays.
    First of all, concerning employment of men rather than women in some factories, I find this phenomenon fully aberrant in the modern society that we live in. As Claire perfectly underlined, the reasons of this discrimination are essentially based on maternity leave (that can occur at anytime) and healthcare.
    On the other hand, wages differences are unquestionable and, it is shocking to see how much a man earn more than a woman for the same job with the same skills and certification(s). Moreover, we should not forget that women seldom dare to ask for pay rise and Kristen Bells doesn't hesitate to remind it in the video.
    By the way, I completely agree with Claire and Hana when they said that the video is exaggerated in order to raise awareness among society. To my mind, women function are still caricatured since we are full of prejudices, that come from our ignorance and the ideas commonly admitted.
    To put all in a nutshell, I do care about how it is going to evaluate and I wish that in few years, women will be considered as well as men.

    MORONI Marie 1S4

  6. I think that since men and women exist, there have been great advances. Indeed, women have still gained many rights over time, which allowed them to get closer to equality with men. Certainly, there are still many gender inequalities, especially in the world of work, but I think that if such advances have been born in the past, news advances will be exist in the future. Don’t get discouraged and look the positives of the rights that were granted to us, we were living by far !

    Louise Azinheirinha, 1ere L.

  7. First of all, this video was made by the Huffington post, which is a newspaper. It illustrate in a funny way how women and men are treated differently at work.
    The wage gap is actually unfair as well as discrimination on maternity leave or on employment.
    Of course it is ironic but you can not interpret this without realising these issues are all true.
    Moreover, some countries have even worse work conditions for women !!

    To conclude, I think that being a woman should not prevent us from being ambitious or have great reponsabilities. Too many people still consider women solely as housewives or as mother
    and it has to change as soon as possible.

    Coline Chataing 1S4

  8. So many stereotypes in one video!However I hardly believe that a large part of it is true even if it is a little bit exaggerated. I'm not a feminist but I've never understood why there are so much inequalities between men and women. This video gathers all the problems that affect women nowadays and what a shame to see that the women's situation didn't really change. As a women I am disappointed and I don't understand how people can still stand these inequalities! This video tries to denounce them in a funny way by doing a fake publicity. On the one hand it can be great because it draws the attention of people to women's salary problems and the other injustices which the women suffer from. But on the other hand it can be misconstrued by some people and deepen this discrimination against women. So the video has to be watched with a critical spirit.

  9. First of all, the video is very exaggerated, but it shows inequalities and marks the spirits.
    Then , I think that inequalities between men and women are very injust and horrible. Men aren't better than women, and don't deserve to earn much miney than women, or to be better handled than women.
    There are a lot of associations or movements to defend the woman's situation, as HeforShe, for example. I think that all these initiatives are really good and can change the situation.

    Elisa Etchegaray 1L1

  10. Hi everybody,
    As for me, my very first opinion after watching the video was that it wasn't true and that it was exagerated. Though, I thought about it and unfortunately came to the conclusion that inequalities between men and women do exist since a very long time.
    As a matter of fact, women are often less paid than men for the same job, having nevertheless the same qualifications.
    Moreover, some companies would rather employ men than women because they are more reliable : women may leave the company for a while if they are pregnant, also women are often more absent because they take day off to look after their ill children.
    To my mind, I find these differences of behaviours between men and women extremely choking because we are all equal and should be treated in the same way, no matter what your sex is.
    To conclude, I do think women have to keep on fighting for their rights because a lot of progress has already been made and we could go further.

    Dossios Emilie 1°S4
