Wednesday 19 October 2016

Nice - Iceland


  1. Hello everybody !
    First and foremost, this document is a colored picture that represents a place in Iceland. Indeed, it is the capital Reykjavik, very famous all around the world.
    We can see, in the forground, some green trees and just behind, roads that crossed all the city from North to South and from West to Est. Furthermore, we can also remark some buildings that look like big rectangles, at the bottom right of the picture. As they are white and with many windows, we can suppose they are hospitals or medical centres.
    Moreover, on the second plan, we can see all the city with flat and really high buidings, cars that are moving all around and a beautiful church in the middle. We can suppose it is the famous Hallgrímskirkja’s church. Then, you have all around, houses with roofs of lots of different colors such as orange, red or even green. It makes a funny and shinny aspect of the city.
    Then, in the background we can notice this awesome sea of a clear and black blue color. In addition, we can also see at the right top some mountains that are, by reflection of different blue, the same color as the sea. So, as we can notice the presence of some clouds in the blue sky we can suppose that the picture was taken during the day.
    So, to sum up, this picture shows the different aspect of the city : the architectural, with the church, the economical with the buildings and even the health sector, with the hospitals.

    Claire Bouthiba 1S6

  2. This picture is so nice! I think really interesting to see all these different architectures! We can assume that the roof with color are those of old houses. It remind me the old city in Nice. But you can really see the climate difference through the trees. It really gives us the desire to fly to visit this beautiful place! Your description is very complete! Congratulations!

  3. I love this picture , she is beautiful because i see the blue sky.I see on the first plan the trees , on second plan i see the monument and on the third plan i see the sky. It's the good picture because don't have contamination
    1ere l Alves Diana

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This picture was taken last summer from Perlan, a building on the hill of Öskjuhlíð close to the center of Reykjavík.

    Last Wednesday was a particular day in Reykjavík and all over Iceland : the "Icelandic Language Day" ("Dagur íslenskrar tungu"), which is described on the link :

    What do you think of this idea ?

  6. Iceland seems to be a wonderful country with many things to discover and to visit. The picture of the capital Reykjavik, taken by Mr Bourroul last summer, shows the different aspects of the city.
    Firstly, Hallgrímskirkja’s church overlook all the roof-colored houses around. However, what mostly catch my attention is the closeness of the sea and the mountains. In winter, it is just breathtaking to see the top of the mountains snow-covered whereas at the bottom, there is a huge stretch of water. Nevertheless, I guess that winters are extremely cold there and that's a reason why I would not like to live in Iceland, yet I would not refuse to visit this country !

    With regard to the "Icelandic Language Day", it's interesting to encourage children or teenagers to take pride to their native language, which seems to be hard to learn.
    I can admit that, just at the sight of the longest Icelandic word and the few expressions that follow the text...

    MORONI Marie 1S4

  7. Hi everybody,
    To start with, in my opinion, this is a beautiful picture of Reykjavík, Iceland capital city. This picture represents a really appealling place, in fact, we can see, first of all, in the foreground, greenspaces with many trees as well as modern buildings on the right hand side and roads. To continue, in the background we can point out a really large sea with mountains in the right hand side. Moreover, in the middle of the picture, we can see the town with many buildings and houses with colored roofs. We notice skyscrapers on the right and two cranes. We can imagine that the city is expanding.
    As far as I'm concerned, the most beautiful monument is the church which is huge and outstanding. It is particularly highlighted in front of the sea, its white colour contrats with the blue colour of the sea.

    According to me, I share Marie's point of view about the icelandic language day which seems a good mesure as It encourages tenenagers to celebrate their difficult language.

    Dossios Emilie 1°S4
