Friday 4 November 2016

The  situation of environment is getting worse, what do you think about this situation? and which are, in your opinion, the solutions we can choose to make things evolve ?


  1. Land and maritime pollution are increasing: I teach you anything if I say that the melting of the ice is changing so rapidly that asssociations for the environment and the best scientists don't know how to stop this destructive process that causes pollution and global warming: over the past thirty years, 988,000 km2 of ice melted ... and what about this "mini continent" comprised of waste forming in the North Pacific...Between California and Hawaii, the waste produced by human activities and dumped in the oceans is transported by ocean currents to a new "continent" whose size reached nearly 3.5 million km²
    I find it's terrible to get there and even though I don't care much for the environment, these two phenomenon are scary!
    There are not many solutions, but as for me, the media must speak more to sensitize people because everybody uses technology to convey messages ... It would also reduce the price of electric cars to avoid extreme pollution and make it more available, encourage carpooling, but also permanently stop déforestation!

  2. The first primordial thing is to become aware of the current environment situation, that can't carry on in this way. That is the reason why, we should, to my mind, promote the environmental awareness.
    Furthermore, the problem seems to be taken in consideration since some countries are worried and gather together for the Cop 21 for instance in order to find solutions. However,remedies must come from all of us. Indeed, we should really adopt simple gestures daily such as switch the lights off when we leave a room or turn the tap off when we are brushing our teeth.
    Concerning the atmosphere pollution, abusive car utilization is one of the responsible factors. It had been proved that in more than 85 % of cases, people are alone in their car whereas they could arrange to share their car.Besides, electric cars have made their apparition for few years and I think that even if they are more expensive than regular cars, we should rather give priority to this kind of car which pollute considerably less.

    MORONI Marie 1S4

  3. Indeed it is true that the earth has never been such polluted and its natural ressources are getting fewer,plus the climate change is a very serious issue for future générations.The human beings had only made things worse,for example with the industrialization which is part of the extinction of fifty percent of the wild animals.
    People act like they were the leaders ofthe world but in fact we are just another specie which can extinguish at any moment.According to me,the most accesible solution is daily gesture like taking a shower instead of a bath,switching off electronic devices which are standby mode or buying local and biological goodswhich minimise pesticide use.We can also choose not to buy overpacked goods which are useless and product too much waste and recycle our products.
    For me,as a vegetarian I do think that not eating animals is a very effective way to fight against hunger in the world and lack of clean water because as an example producing one kilo of beef needs16000liters of water instead of 900 liters for a kilo of corn and 3000 liters for rice.

    Pauline di mascio

  4. To my mind, Earth is something we should all care about since without it, we wouldn't be anything. Nature is the only reason we all are alive at this moment, and that is why we should respect it more than anything. There is one solution that, I think could help the world get better: it's the new lobby of organic farming. Indeed this method involves using the less chemical products on cultures as possible, and respecting the ground as much as animals and all kind of livings. This technique is getting viral around the world when we see that new supermarkets selling only products from this organic farming are created. To me, this is the major solution that has to be taken seriously.
    An other solution could be to stop using fuel as much as nuclear power station that pollute more than just a bit. Instead of this, we should create more electric cars, install more solar panels, aeolians and all kind of natural sources of electricity.
    In my opinion, I think this situation is terrifying because there is still a lot of people who don't realize how much we all are in danger. We should all be involved in this to make our world better, and for now, there is still a long road to travel before everyone has a sudden awareness.

    Inquimbert Irina TL1

  5. Indeed, the world is in danger. Man is the enemy of our world.
    First, the Man not take care of the planet. For example, many people throw their waste on the ground, on the beach or on the ocean. The cause is : the disappearance of some animals. For example a simple plastic bag. Throw in the sea, maybe a turtle can it eat. Because the turtle can believe il's a jellyfish. And this animal can die.
    Then the Man wants to enlarge its territory. So Man cut thousands of trees for win of the place. So the vegetation is less dense than before.
    Finally, if we take another example. Cars that rejects much CO2. This warm up the atmosphere and melting glaciers. And the protective layer of the Earth is destroyed.
    To conclude, Man must develop but they should be used : the recycling, carpooling, the means of electric transport and renewable energy. Because il's WE who destroying our world.
    Tran Loan TS1

  6. The theme on the evolution of the world is a major issue of the 20th century. We give all to say that the environnment is getting worst especially since overconsumption. They are many challenges and it is difficult to find concrete solutions.
    -For Example in France, a great idea was propose by the Minister for Ecology: paste stickers on cars, to allow rolling according to the day. The cars the more polluting will roll less into town. Yet this innovation is not mandatory and only few cities using this system. Obviously it is the developed countries that may try to reduce their pollution. Developing countries can't reduce their consumption because they are in expanding. Thus, China and India are the two most polluted countries in the world and can't handle this. Nonetheless, some developed countries have the means to avoid consuming but do nothing. As the US that despite their commitments continue to produce. In fact I think a lot of pollution, the consumption that we think we need come from another country. Greenland, Norway and Iceland, for example, are low polluters. They favor their products, what should do each Developed countries. Emerging countries would receive assistance from richer countries, but not in the other side.

    Goletto Camille TL1

  7. Hi everybody !
    To begin with , the environmental situation is getting worst everyday with the pollution , cars, and oil. It's been so many years that we , humans , pollute the world . The actual situation is awful for our planet and it makes me bad .

    However , it's maybe possible to change and find some solutions . We could all stop using our cars with oil but only electric cars from now . Furthermore , we should do lots of conference with lots of countries such as the COP21 in order to stop pollution in some very polluted , industrial countries like China . Besides , we could stop using lots of water , for example we should have a shower instead of having a bath .

    All in all , is it possible to change the world and make it better ? Or is it to late ? One should not forget that even if it's to late , we have to do something because it could be worst .
    Lena Szepetowski 1S4

  8. I think the biggest problem of pollution is cars; in fact, today, everyone has a car that gives out a lot of CO² and we have to focus particularly on cars to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. Banning cars completely is not a good idea, because nowadays we are dependant on them for everything. The idea is to reduce traffic on the roads, like in Paris, with the system of odd-even metriculation. Another idea is to make parking free for public transport users. Finally, we can use carpooling for long journeys since the cost of the journey comes down for each person and it's more ecological.

    Clothylde, Walid, Brian BTS1

  9. I think the biggest problem of pollution is cars; in fact, today, everyone has a car that gives out a lot of CO² and we have to focus particularly on cars to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. Banning cars completely is not a good idea, because nowadays we are dependant on them for everything. The idea is to reduce traffic on the roads, like in Paris, with the system of odd-even metriculation. Another idea is to make parking free for public transport users. Finally, we can use carpooling for long journeys since the cost of the journey comes down for each person and it's more ecological.

    Clothylde, Walid, Brian BTS1

  10. It is true that the world is less and less in terms of the environment.
    Indeed, the reason that why the world is not going is the fact that man do anything. Pollution is part of one of these reasons. I think if there was no or very little pollution, the Earth would be much better. Just look in the street to realize that the man is a polluter. Many people throw their cigarette or paper on the ground or in nature. Cars with petrol or diesel are also one of the reasons why pollution exists. There is also trash in the sea which is a scandal, because many marine animals are trapped because of the waste. There are many solutions to the planet's better. Firstly, it should develop more electric cars and lower prices, so they can be more accessible to more people. This would enable there to be less than diesel or petrol cars. One of the other feasible solutions is recycling. The making of recycling would be able to reuse objects to either reuse it or turn them into something else.
    I think the environmental situation should be further forward, to make people realize the situation and so they can act against it.

  11. Hello,

    Its dramatic, Earth suffers and dies but I think it is not too late to avoid the worst. For example, we can use the bus instead of our personal traditional transport, the ideal would be to move by bike or on foot. We must all make efforts. We must abandon our traditional energy sources to cleaner energies. The generations that will pass after we should not live in a dustbin.
    We must question our habits, but how much will not do it ...
    Finally, save the planet and the ecosystem it's save our lifes !

    LLorens Enzo 1L1

  12. Hello !

    First of all earth is home to millions of species and just one dominates, the Human. Indeed we made a profound impact on it with all our invention who have lots of bad consequences.

    To begin with, we must known that It was the industrial revolution that gave birth to environmental pollution as we know it today and many years later the environment is getting very worst. I heard that the city who is very polluted is New Delhi and I’m very angry that the India’s government does nothing. Moreover I know that the control of emissions into air, water or soil is very important but only in rich country and not in India for example. However like everybody said the Cop 21 can change lots of things in the future for our planet and I hope that all the country will respect the engagement. To continue as far as I am concerned I think that there are lots of solution to reduce pollution like taking a shower instead of a bath or use an electric car.

    To finish I hope that all government will take serious decision before a big disaster.

    Clara Latella 1S4

  13. Nowadays, world's environment is very affected by pollution.

    First, protecting our environment starts with protecting our food and water supplies because both come from nature.
    If nature is polluted, it increases the probabilities of diseases and malformations.
    Therefore we have to preserve air quality since people suffer a lot from allergens, toxins and radiations ... Indeed preserving our health is of great importance: Humanity's future depends on it!
    We also have to take care of the current climate or we will assist to a rise of sea water, droughts, repeated floods, violent storms ...
    Finally we have to preserve biodiversity by preventing natural areas' destruction and developing sustainability programmes (some wood industries try to implement FSC or PEFC policies which exploit forests respectfully).

    To my mind, the best solution would be that everybody be aware of environmental risks and understand the importance of the environment's protection. Indeed protecting environment equals protecting humanity and thus allowing its survival.
    Which additional solutions could be added ?
    ⁃ Recycling (although this measure has already been implemented for many years and is still in use)
    ⁃ Not throwing away reusable materials.
    ⁃ decontaminating and purifying polluted waters since water always returns to nature.
    ⁃ We should also find another way to deal with garbage dumps and chemical products which are burried and can pollute soils.
    ⁃ Adopting new behaviours and policies.

    Nature provides conditions for our development and growth but our behaviour can endanger it and damage it. Therefore we must improve environmental conditions affecting the well-being of people.

    Amaury Augier 1S4

  14. It's true that the World is changing. Nowadays lots of people are polluting the environment in a voluntary or involuntary way. Some of them just don't think of the consequences of their acts : they throw their waste in the nature or use their car for short distances travels. These people pollute the air and the ground consciousless.
    On the other hand, some other pollute but they don't know how to do to become environmentally-friendly. In fact some measures could be taken in the everyday life. For instance these people may use the public transport, separate their waste or buy local products. Gaz emissions will therefore be reduced and the air will become purer.
    In my opinion, governments should lead campaigns to make the population aware of pollution's problems and should also encourage everybody to be environmental conscience As I see it, environment's problems must be resolved in a collective way to make things evolve durably !

    Stella Lorenzi TS 1

  15. Humans always say that lions, sharks... are the most dangerous animals of the planet but when we think about it few second more, it's humans who are the more dangerous because we destroye all the planet. We pollute the blue planet all the time, when we use car everyday, when we extract some oil, when we make poaching...
    But by polluting the planet we pollute our food with pesticide or over chemicals products. By polluting ocean we pollute our fish and by polluting earth we pollute our world.

    Sometimes I find that nobody think about the futur generation. If we continu like that how our children will see the world?
    To my mind , we must do something now, to begin, like stella said lead campaigns to make the population aware of pollution's problems and should also encourage everybody to be environmental conscience. I know that this, not resolve all the environnement problem but it's can change some of one.

  16. I think that the environment is an important issue for our futur. Still, we should be more responsable. Even in the most rich and advanced countries , most of the people don't care enough about environment . Sometimes , it happens to me to let the light in my room even if I don't need it(for example when I am eating). According to me , one of the soultions would be a government which really makes of the environmental issues a priority. But government have others priority actually .An other soultion could be more measures for sustainable development and renewable energies. Because we will use them instead of polluating energies . Those have big inmpact on the global warming.

  17. Nowadays we all know that the temperature is aumenting. Even if it increases of only two degrees, it would be bad for the environnment. The global warming increases because of the greenhouse gas effect. Actually people use too much oil for cars, planes, boats and electricity. All these things reject gas, then this gas has an impact on sun's light therefore the temperature increases.
    I am going to say what are the consequences and what are the solutions.

    First, I think the worst problem is the melting ice. It reduces territory of northern wild animals and it increases the sea's level. Furthermore it has an impact in all the food chain because species need special environments to live therefore a lot of species are endangered or have already disappeared.
    For example, the white bear which lives in Arctic needs specific living condition as a big ice territory for hunting. But if it disappears, the white bear won't be able to eat and to live.

    Secondly, the situation is not desperated. As for me, the governements should make laws in order to reduce the rejects of greenhouses gases. They also should stop the deforestation because it is another factor of the global warming. By the way, the deforestation has also destroyed several species so we have to hurry and to stop it. People who whish to do something can use and develop new energies for example with wind turbines.

  18. To start with, we should not forget that earth is our home and taking care of it is essential for our own sake.

    On the one hand, we have to recognize that respecting the planet is becoming harder than ever in our society. Although big companies are producing a lot of toxic waste, each individual has to make efforts. We have to reduce our use of cars, to choose organic foods and to avoid destroying Nature.
    But on the other hand, I think politics still have work to do on this matter. The fact that the president elected of the united states considers climate change as a hoax is worrying...

    To put it all in a nutshell, we all have to make sacrifices for our planet. As far as I am concerned, I care deeply about future générations and I hope they will be able to enjoy our world as we all did.

    Coline Chataing 1S4

  19. Hi everybody,
    First of all, I must admit that the environment situation is in a very bad position and it's getting worse and worse : the pollution is at its maximum level, there are very few natural ressources left and the climate change worsen the situation.
    To my mind, to lower the earth pollution we should develop electric cars and reduce the use of oil ones by favouring mesures like carsharing and free public transports.
    Futhermore, according to me, to save natural ressources we should all feel concerned and adopt easy mesures such as turning off the tap when taking a shower, switching off the light when leaving a room, recovering water when it's raining or installing suncare panels.
    To conclude, In my opinion, it's not too late to save our planet, especially that several countries have created the cop 21 which organizes meetings in order to reduce pollution.

    Dossios Emilie 1S4

  20. First of all , Pollution is a real problem for our world. we live with pollution every day and we pollute our world without knowing it ! we are all actors of pollution but the main reason of pollution is is the technical and technological progress ( cars , industry , nuclear ...)
    Furthmore I think that we are not sensitized enough, few people know how to fight pollution and what it is.
    despite the measures that have been taken the pollution does not stop increasing.

  21. In the year 2000, the situation of the environment already started to worsen and 17 years later it is in a critical state. Indeed, every day we are hearing about global warming, massive CO2 emissions, species extinctions and so on…

    Fortunately there are some solutions to keep the earth in a liveable situation. Firstly, everybody should be careful about the consumption of water. Although water is not a particularly rare resource, it is precious in many parts of the world and therefore must be saved. Secondly, we should favour common transport over individual cars, as it helps reducing CO2 emissions. Those emissions are polluting the atmosphere, are bad for human health and are involved in the so-called greenhouse effect that leads to an overheating of our planet.

    If you really want to take your own car, it would be a good initiative to take along other people. Alternatively you can buy an electric car, which does not produce CO2 emissions. On the downside, electric cars are still very expensive and the range is still relative short, when compared to a normal car. In addition to these ‘big issues’, everybody can contribute to a better environment and the protection of the planet through little gestures on a daily basis. For example, household waste should be separated into recyclable waste, glass, paper and biomaterials. The production of food should employ biological treatments rather than pesticides, which are threatening wildlife and are also bad for human health. This would dramatically reduce the amount of rubbish produced. In addition, locally produced food should be given preference over products that come from far away and that often need to be imported by plane.

    If we all work together we can save the environment, but this must be a common effort and education of the entire population is key to success.

    SCHEDL, Naemi TS1

  22. Today the question of environment is in the center of moral concerns. Pollution, destruction of the nature, global warming are many problems caused by humans. But the situation gets worse and the politics of the whole word wounder about possible solutions for landing to this declin.
    For that reason, a lot of meeting like the cop 21 are orgenised but I have the impression that things not really change. Nobody really respect these rules. One of the main problem is, to my mind, that the gouvernement want to change the way of life of the population first (we can take the exemple of the cars in paris wich could'nt go everywhere; However it's really difficult not to use cars and people are not really enjoy concerning this resolution.)
    But the polution is mostly due to the factories and to the deforestation. The gouvernement has difficulties to rules this kind of factories because they provide a lot of income witch gives them power.
    Moreover even if some lands could do some things better, there are poor countries where people died because they have no water and food. In this kind of lands, the polution is also present but people have something else to think.
    To conclued I think that we could do things better but only if we help the poor lands and apply the rules for the biggest factories. In addition we can aslo do little things every day like to reduce waste and save energy and water.

  23. Our planet earth has a natural environment, known as 'Ecosystem' which includes all humans, plant life, mountains, atmosphere, oceans... It also includes natural resources such as water, fire, air ...

    We must know that we ( human beings ) degrade land and freshwater systems, we change the ecosystem by overfishing, emit greenhouse gases, release vast quantities of agricultural chemicals into the environment...The planet's natural ecosystems and regenerating bio-capacity are thereby being severely degraded and, as a result, this compromises the ability of the planet to sustain life. Water, land, and air are getting increasingly polluted, and species are dying out 1000 times faster than their natural rate of extinction.

    This is why it is high time for human beings to take the ''right'' action towards saving the earth from major environmental issues. If ignored today, these ill effects are sure to curb human existence in the near future.

    There are many ways to reduce us impact on the environment. We can think of the little ways in which we can save water, electricity and gas, invest in renewable energy based technology like electric/hybrid cars, solar panels for heating and lighting etc. It is also important to recycle, reduce and reuse. We can use recyclables like newspaper, plastic and glass for crafts, repurpose household items whenever we can, use reusable grocery bags...

    I will end with a quote from a great man “Live simply so that others may simply live”( Mahatma Gandhi ) because it encourages us to think about the future.

  24. The planete is going worse because of the pollution.
    Indeed, the reason that why the world is not going is the fact that man do anything.The first primordial thing is to become aware of the current environment situation, that can't carry on in this way. That is the reason why, we should, to my mind, promote the environmental awareness. Pollution is part of one of these reasons. I think if there was no or very little pollution, the Earth would be much better.
    Furthermore, the problem seems to be taken in consideration (but not taken very seriously sadly ) since some countries are worried and gather together for the Cop 21 for instance in order to find solutions.
    However,remedies must come from all of us. Many people throw their cigarette or paper on the ground or in nature. Cars with petrol or diesel are also one of the reasons why pollution exists. There is also trash in the sea which is a scandal, because many marine animals are trapped because of the waste.
    We should really adopt simple gestures daily such as switch the lights off when we leave a room or turn the tap off when we are brushing our teeth. 
    There are many solutions to the planet's better. Firstly, it should develop more electric cars and lower prices, so they can be more accessible to more people.
    One of the other feasible solutions is recycling. The making of recycling would be able to reuse objects to either reuse it or turn them into something else. 

    I think the environmental situation should be taken very seriously
